The Electronic Three Cometh! - Starts Today

  • Thread starter Robin

Well after watching the Nintendo Press conference, I found nothing interesting because it was exactly like I thought it would be (though Reggie did manage to catch my ear several times and is the only reason I was still awake). Only part I was trying to at least pay attention to was the Wii U gamepad and I'm not sure having the sticks at the top are the best design choice. As far as I can work out, Sticks on the bottom usually work best.
Nintendos E3 was LAUGHABLE, horrible, attrocious, horrendous, stupid, boring, pure and total 🤬! I can't believe them, Microsoft and partially Sony also handed E3 over them, and they didn't take the chance AT ALL! Zombie WII U looked pre-rendered, Pikmin was underwhelming, stupid/boring mini games, underwhelming third party games like AC, no Zelda, no Metroid. I-can-not-believe-them. I hate them more than ever. Please Nintendo, FAIL HARD, you so deserve it...
Way to overreact there, Alex.

If they don't have something of interest, just wait until next E3.
Wii U - EA - Mass Effect 3 Take Earth Back Trailer

Wii U - Warner Bros - Batman Arkham City Armored Edition E3 Trailer

Wii U - New Super Mario Bros. U E3 Trailer

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power Of Two - E3 Trailer
No overreaction at all. They promised 25 games, showed 8 or so. 5 or so of those were real games, 3 of those already existing third parties with not improved graphics, Mario and Pikmin was underwhelming, is this how you present your NEXT-GEN CONSOLE A FEW MONTHS PRIOR TO RELEASE?! I don't think so.
No overreaction at all. They promised 25 games, showed 8 or so. 5 or so of those were real games, 3 of those already existing third parties with not improved graphics, Mario and Pikmin was underwhelming, is this how you present your NEXT-GEN CONSOLE A FEW MONTHS PRIOR TO RELEASE?! I don't think so.

lol, some people take this stuff way to seriously.
The Nitendo press conference was a fail. The Sony and the Microsoft too.
I guess the expectations were high. No new console was announced.
For me the best games shown in each conference was:
-Nitendo:New Super Mario Bros. U
-Sony: The last of Us.
-Microsoft: Forza Horizon and the Tomb raider.
-EA: Crysis 3.
-Ubisoft: Watch Dogs and Far Cry 3.
No overreaction at all. They promised 25 games, showed 8 or so. 5 or so of those were real games, 3 of those already existing third parties with not improved graphics, Mario and Pikmin was underwhelming, is this how you present your NEXT-GEN CONSOLE A FEW MONTHS PRIOR TO RELEASE?! I don't think so.

Jeez settle down, enough of the caps too. Do you have shares in Nintendo or something? OK so they didn't show anything all that impressive but does that really necessitate saying they deserve to fail hard? The public will choose I guess, but you know, it's good that we have three major console manufacturers. Competition and variety is healthy, and makes the other manufacturers up their game. I don't really get this "my console is better than yours" attitude and the feeling some people seem to have that only their console should exist. Chill the heck out.
I'm no fanboy. I'm just stating the obvious, Nintendo could not have done much more worse than they did. Deal with it.
lol, some people take this stuff way to seriously.

To be fair, this press conference of Nintendo was an alltime low. It's for the casual market, and core gamers don't like that. The E3 is for the core audience and that's why the fan feedback is so negative.

I mean, I knew that Nintendo doesn't intend to place the Wii U on a Xbox720/PS3 level regarding hardware performance, but a few words on the specs would have been nice. My impression is, that the WiiU might just beat 360 and PS3 by an inch - at best. Maybe that screenhandheld even results in a weaker overall performance.

This presentation didn't show anything regarding the hardwarepower - for a reason if you ask me. They know it can't beat the 360 and PS3, that's why they didn't mention anything. If the WiiU was twice as powerful they would have said so, any PR guy would.

And games? Casual casual casual mixed with some already released games and some kiddie stuff which makes me want to vomit.

I tell you how I would have liked the presentation:

Wii U would be twice as powerful as the current consoles ( I'm not asking for miracles here, we knew it wouldn't compete with Sony/MS consoles of 2012 ), have a harddrive, a proper PSN/XBL equivalent and a software lineup with a new F-Zero, Wave Race, Mario Galaxy successor, Zelda, Mario Kart, Starfox and Zelda. In FullHD, looking better than it could on 360 and PS3.
And they could keep the tablet and throw in the pro controller instead.

THAT would have been a press conference, not this pathetic attempt.

Nintendo: Two Wii U Gamepads will work on one system (update 2: but at a cost

Nintendo broke a few hearts when it initially said the Wii U would only support one of its unique Gamepads. Much to our delight, the company just said in its live keynote that the final console will support two. As such, it'll be possible to have truly equal two-player games instead of relegating a friend to the old-fashioned Wii remote and Nunchuk. Of course, how much that extra Gamepad will cost we have yet to know -- along with whether or not it'll be possible to have strictly Gamepad-to-Gamepad titles that skip the TV entirely. We expect to find out soon.

Update: In a follow-up, Nintendo Japan has posted on Twitter that there's a price to pay if two Gamepads are active. Frame rates drop to about 30 fps if two are active; any games that really want that extra controller won't be quite as glass-smooth. On the upside, it's possible to switch one off with a smooth transition; there won't be a need for theatrics just to switch to a solo game. Credit: Jon Fingas

Wii U GamePad Virtual Tour
Alex p.
I'm no fanboy. I'm just stating the obvious, Nintendo could not have done much more worse than they did. Deal with it.

I think the only person here who needs to "deal with it" is you.

It's a video game conference between competing companies. If you don't like something you see vote with your wallet; not by having a nerd tantrum all over the Internet.
This is not aimed at anyone in particular so I don't want anyone to take personal offence. We have it pretty good as gamers at the moment and have had for the past decade or so but the sneering, self important, entitled, pathetic attitude that has grown in the gaming community in that time is almost an epidemic. Not sure if it's just a reflection of modern society but it's a pretty depressing state of affairs.
This is not aimed at anyone in particular so I don't want anyone to take personal offence. We have it pretty good as gamers at the moment and have had for the past decade or so but the sneering, self important, entitled, pathetic attitude that has grown in the gaming community in that time is almost an epidemic. Not sure if it's just a reflection of modern society but it's a pretty depressing state of affairs.

Agreed 100%!
Nintendos E3 was LAUGHABLE, horrible, attrocious, horrendous, stupid, boring, pure and total 🤬! I can't believe them, Microsoft and partially Sony also handed E3 over them, and they didn't take the chance AT ALL! Zombie WII U looked pre-rendered, Pikmin was underwhelming, stupid/boring mini games, underwhelming third party games like AC, no Zelda, no Metroid. I-can-not-believe-them. I hate them more than ever. Please Nintendo, FAIL HARD, you so deserve it...

Did you miss Battle Quest? And to be honest with you, if you were expecting a new console-centric Zelda so soon after Skyward Sword, which if you'll remember only released last year, you've no one but yourself to blame. Same for Metroid - Other M, as horrible as it is, only released two years ago, and I highly doubt Nintendo is eager to put themselves in a similar situation twice where a franchise leader is massively underwhelming to the point where the only thing actually good about it is it's homage to classic gameplay elements.

I'd agree with the situation at hand: yes, the conference was a hit and a miss but not because of anything you're blindly swiping at.
This is not aimed at anyone in particular so I don't want anyone to take personal offence. We have it pretty good as gamers at the moment and have had for the past decade or so but the sneering, self important, entitled, pathetic attitude that has grown in the gaming community in that time is almost an epidemic. Not sure if it's just a reflection of modern society but it's a pretty depressing state of affairs.

I'm In absolute agreement 👍
It's modern society in my opinion.

Gamers demand more and more but don't want to pay the price. They ridicule anything that isn't of interest to them and act as if they know more about game/hardware development than companies who have been doing it for decades.

What I have noticed is that this trend mainly reflects console gamers. What they expect with hardware approaching a 10 year lifetime and new consoles designed to be equal in performance and cost to an extremely low end sub-$300 budget gaming PC is beyond me.

Obviously the WiiU has a market and it would not have been invested in so heavily by Nintendo if they didn't believe this. If it doesn't concern you then don't ridicule it. Nintendo will most likely bring in more revenue with this console than any of their previous hardware. It was not made for kids setting in front of their tv for 8 hours a day. It has the hardware to accommodate the tasks it was designed to perform and I have no doubt Nintendo will be successful with it.

I believe it was the CEO of Valve (correct me if I am wrong) that was quoted saying that gaming is shifting from the hardcore to casual. With more players picking up $2 games off their tablets, smart phones, and flash PC games playing them for 15-20 min a day; straying away from the hard core 2+ hours a day AAA titles.
In fairness to Nintendo, although there was nothing to blow us away (going on what others are saying, I didn't see their part of the conference) there were still as many if not more exclusive titles than Xbox or PS3, which only seemed to boast 3 or 4 each tops.
This is not aimed at anyone in particular so I don't want anyone to take personal offence. We have it pretty good as gamers at the moment and have had for the past decade or so but the sneering, self important, entitled, pathetic attitude that has grown in the gaming community in that time is almost an epidemic. Not sure if it's just a reflection of modern society but it's a pretty depressing state of affairs.

Well that doesn't change the fact that the Nintendo press conference was a massive fail. Games are a mass product today, by the standards of the 80s and 90s we have tons of high quality games in many genres. But what does Nintendo contribute 2012? In the core market that is? And what is - after this conference - to expect from them in the next years?

Hard to predict, but I see a yesterday's hardware with a ton of casual games and some ports that I get on Xbox360/PS3 with a similiar performance, but with an established online community. And while the hardware performance is "meh" now, it will be downright pathetic as soon as Xbox720 and PS4 arrive next year.

So, I don't know about you guys, but I am playing videogames since 1990 and I remember the glory days o Nintendo as they were leading the industry. If you ask me, the last great console was the Nintendo 64, the Game Cube was ok and the Wii is collecting dust under my TV. That thing was fun for 10 minutes and only if casual gamer friends were around.

So, those people who are dissapointed with Nintendo now are not necessarily spoiled kids who don't acknowledge the gaming possibilities of today, but core games who expected Nintendo to return to their former glory.
Instead we got a casual gamer presentation without a single true highlight.

You can argue that Sony and Microsoft didn't have their best conferences as well, but hey, they are at the end of the longest console cylce ever with 2005/07 hardware. Nintendo had to deliver, you have to prior to the launch of a new console.

And they didn't. Worst prelaunch E3 presentation ever.

Bad for Nintendo, since I own a PS3 and a Xbox360 I can easily wait for fall 2013, but I'm asking - how can't you be disappointed with this press conference? A true gamer should be. That's my opinion.
Well that doesn't change the fact that the Nintendo press conference was a massive fail. Games are a mass product today, by the standards of the 80s and 90s we have tons of high quality games in many genres. But what does Nintendo contribute 2012? In the core market that is? And what is - after this conference - to expect from them in the next years?

Hard to predict, but I see a yesterday's hardware with a ton of casual games and some ports that I get on Xbox360/PS3 with a similiar performance, but with an established online community. And while the hardware performance is "meh" now, it will be downright pathetic as soon as Xbox720 and PS4 arrive next year.

So, I don't know about you guys, but I am playing videogames since 1990 and I remember the glory days o Nintendo as they were leading the industry. If you ask me, the last great console was the Nintendo 64, the Game Cube was ok and the Wii is collecting dust under my TV. That thing was fun for 10 minutes and only if casual gamer friends were around.

So, those people who are dissapointed with Nintendo now are not necessarily spoiled kids who don't acknowledge the gaming possibilities of today, but core games who expected Nintendo to return to their former glory.
Instead we got a casual gamer presentation without a single true highlight.

You can argue that Sony and Microsoft didn't have their best conferences as well, but hey, they are at the end of the longest console cylce ever with 2005/07 hardware. Nintendo had to deliver, you have to prior to the launch of a new console.

And they didn't. Worst prelaunch E3 presentation ever.

Bad for Nintendo, since I own a PS3 and a Xbox360 I can easily wait for fall 2013, but I'm asking - how can't you be disappointed with this press conference? A true gamer should be. That's my opinion.

As I said, sense of entitlement.
Zombie U – “You Only Get 1 Life”, No Checkpoints

It appears that Zombie gameplay is being taken to a new level with Zombie U.

When you die in Zombie U, you actually die, you don’t respawn, instead you re-appear as a new survivor in a the same horrible situation you were in, then you must go and find your previous character to get your supplies back. Secondly there are no checkpoints or replays which makes this game even more eerie.

An example is, if you played the game for a couple hours and became very powerful against zombies, if you died you would not get anything back and you would have to start again, slightly like Minecraft Hardcore where if you die you must start a new map.

Credit: Xtremexx
Well that doesn't change the fact that the Nintendo press conference was a massive fail. Games are a mass product today, by the standards of the 80s and 90s we have tons of high quality games in many genres. But what does Nintendo contribute 2012? In the core market that is? And what is - after this conference - to expect from them in the next years?

Hard to predict, but I see a yesterday's hardware with a ton of casual games and some ports that I get on Xbox360/PS3 with a similiar performance, but with an established online community. And while the hardware performance is "meh" now, it will be downright pathetic as soon as Xbox720 and PS4 arrive next year.

So, I don't know about you guys, but I am playing videogames since 1990 and I remember the glory days o Nintendo as they were leading the industry. If you ask me, the last great console was the Nintendo 64, the Game Cube was ok and the Wii is collecting dust under my TV. That thing was fun for 10 minutes and only if casual gamer friends were around.

So, those people who are dissapointed with Nintendo now are not necessarily spoiled kids who don't acknowledge the gaming possibilities of today, but core games who expected Nintendo to return to their former glory.
Instead we got a casual gamer presentation without a single true highlight.

You can argue that Sony and Microsoft didn't have their best conferences as well, but hey, they are at the end of the longest console cylce ever with 2005/07 hardware. Nintendo had to deliver, you have to prior to the launch of a new console.

And they didn't. Worst prelaunch E3 presentation ever.

Bad for Nintendo, since I own a PS3 and a Xbox360 I can easily wait for fall 2013, but I'm asking - how can't you be disappointed with this press conference? A true gamer should be. That's my opinion.

And here we go with this "true gamer" crap again.

I was slightly disappointed in the conference because they didn't focus enough energy on actually making it about the Wii U - all they did was focus primarily on the games, and that's a welcomed thing but I wanted a bit more focus on the perks, the "gimmicks" if you will. What kind of media does it use? How dense is the media? i wanted specs, or at least an outright hint of how powerful it is at this juncture. I wasn't expecting a new Zelda or Metroid because those take time (especially in the case of the latter with the Other M foolishness). ZombiU does look interesting; it wasn't until that scene with the pick axe and the code input where I was genuinely interested.

Ninja Gaiden 3 - sold.
Assassin's Creed 3 - even though I've yet to play 1 and 2; sold
Batman AS: Armored Edition - sold.
F1 All-stars - sold?

There are others as well. I love Nintendo, not only because I grew up with them, but mainly because they simply aren't afraid to try something new.
And here we go with this "true gamer" crap again.

I was slightly disappointed in the conference because they didn't focus enough energy on actually making it about the Wii U - all they did was focus primarily on the games, and that's a welcomed thing but I wanted a bit more focus on the perks, the "gimmicks" if you will. What kind of media does it use? How dense is the media? i wanted specs, or at least an outright hint of how powerful it is at this juncture. I wasn't expecting a new Zelda or Metroid because those take time (especially in the case of the latter with the Other M foolishness). ZombiU does look interesting; it wasn't until that scene with the pick axe and the code input where I was genuinely interested.

Ninja Gaiden 3 - sold.
Assassin's Creed 3 - even though I've yet to play 1 and 2; sold
Batman AS: Armored Edition - sold.
F1 All-stars - sold?

There are others as well. I love Nintendo, not only because I grew up with them, but mainly because they simply aren't afraid to try something new.

Did you visit the website to learn more about the Wii U?
Bad for Nintendo, since I own a PS3 and a Xbox360 I can easily wait for fall 2013, but I'm asking - how can't you be disappointed with this press conference? A true gamer should be. That's my opinion.

No offense to you, but I kind of don't like this mindset. Just seems eerily elistist and non-inclusive to me. I too have played games since the early 1990s, hell I was basically born in a gaming family (Thank my dad for that). I however don't look at games the same way and have actually narrowed down my preferred games and in the process, lowered my expectations. I'm not dissapointed because I didn't expect Nintendo to have much for the core gamer. Shouldn't mean I'm not a real gamer, just that I'm not that type of gamer.
Bad for Nintendo, since I own a PS3 and a Xbox360 I can easily wait for fall 2013, but I'm asking - how can't you be disappointed with this press conference? A true gamer should be. That's my opinion.
I'd find far more fault in Nintendo's from a "true gamer" point of view if Microsoft didn't spend 10 minutes of theirs talking up Internet Explorer of all things, and 20 minutes before that talking about crap that had absolutely no reason whatsoever to be at E3 instead of CES. Nintendo didn't do that great based on what they needed to do (then again, Sony needed to give a good reason to buy a Vita and they almost completely ignored it), but they still did far more than MS did and came pretty close to what Sony showed.
Nintendo will always be primarily a family console.

So expecting only or mostly core audience games from them, is simply never going to happen, or always going to diappoint you.

ZombiU seems to be a core game rated M. that was unexpected for Nin.

And there are two more shows to go.
Plus after the hillarious year of 2011, and the several delayements of games into 2013 should have been an indicator for a "slow" 2012.
At least my purse is happy this year. I bet next year will be huge.
And I expect some big from Sony at TGS

The move from MS to go into the entertainement direction crystalized months ago withthe big update.
The non annoucement of console was stated by both before (they did never say TGS :D)
Sony had a okayish show, Beyond looks amazing. Love it and day one purchase after the perfect heavy rain.
Nin, I can't really discuss as I was never a big Nin fan since the ps1, but the wii U looks ok and the few games i saw look good.

For the big ones it's a tie between sony and Nin.
But Ubisoft (even though I really don't like them with how they treat the Pc folk, so I boycott their games (all 3 year 1 game from them)) won the show, they had a good series of games to show
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I missed the talk but from what I am seeing here Nintendo are going for the casual audience like with the Wii right?

If so it will likely be a miss from me as I am not really a fan of casual games.

I know a few people who will like it though.
Last Nintendo console I owned was the SNES. Probably the only thing that would make me buy the U is if they create a proper, modern 100% 2D Metroid game, just like the old games which are some of my favourites of all time. I didn't like the idea of the 3D games at all.