The Eliminati

I had an amazing night last night. I won three times in five races. The most memorable was the second one. I was in a level 5 Porsche Macan. I was on the north end of Astmoor looking for a place to hide in the trees when I stumbled on a level 10 Lamborghini also hiding out. I saw him, he saw me, neither did anything. I found a different place to hide. For the final showdown, I guessed Edinburgh and I was right. I could see one other person was also going that way, it turned out to be that Lambo. I stuck to the streets through town while he tried to go around Arthur's Seat. We both met up at the same place. He hit a wall which stopped him. I got around him. The finish line was around a sharp left corner. He hit me trying to make the turn, but it wasn't enough to throw me off and I got the win with him right on my back bumper. If he has challenged me when he first saw me back in Astmoor, there's a good chance he could have knocked me out. Instead, I got the win.

I now have 17 wins out of 117 races, or almost exactly one win for every seven starts.
Just won my Second Eliminator!

Spawned by the quarry, got a TRX drop. Beat a poor Mini, upgraded to Bentayga. Beat another poor Mini, upgraded to Urus. Mad dash to the finish, won by a bumper (not even kidding).

That makes 2/26 Eliminators won for me. Now only one level away from the Porsche.

Make that 3 Eliminators now :) Even won with the '99 Evo!
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Not enough time to play Forza lately so it's a big surprise I won 2 games in a row. And my first winter win too.
Win #11

Win #12

Wasn't lucky with the car drops so I had to work my way up with H2H races. By the way... winter is amazing.
I had my closest win last night. Final arena was around the quarry. I was up in the forest to the west of the pit in a level five Ram Rebel. We were down to 12 cars but the arena hadn't shrunk down to it's final size, so there was still time to be eliminated. Someone latched on to me and kept chasing me around the forest trying to get a head to head started, but I managed to fend him off until the arena was done shrinking and all head to head challenges were called off. Since I was on the west part of the arena, I took a chance that the final showdown finish would be near Derwent Water. I was lucky. The forest opened up and I flew down the hill to the frozen lake ahead of everyone else. The big diesel was roaring and I thought I had a comfortable lead, but then I could see one car coming up quick across the lake. I made it to the other side first, but I could now see the car, an Audi RS6, in my mirrors. The finish was on the road on the far west edge of the map. As I got close, I could see there was a rock wall in front of it so I had to go around it. The Audi was on my right, banging away trying to throw me off line but that big Dodge (Ram trucks will always be Dodge to me) wouldn't be swayed. I went to the right of the wall, putting myself between the Audi and the finish line. I managed to get the win by the length of my truck's hood. I've had some close ones, but never like that.
I got really lucky yesterday. I still can't believe I won in a 6x6. Found a lv3 drop and than nothing. No drops and no players to race. Finally saw a guy in a 6x6 so I was pretty confident in my Touareg. Won just before the last zone closed up... and had to choose between two 6x6! So I got in the 6x6 and just rushed towards the possible finish. I even went out of the zone for 2 seconds just to get a few yards of advantage. But than I realized how slow my car was and half a mile before the finish a guy in a lv9 S1 passed me. I laughed when I saw him smashing into a house just before the finish line. Lucky win.

Way more satisfying than a win in a lv10 car.
I had a lousy night last night. I lost every H2H race. I kept getting eliminated in the first round. Finally, after a couple hours trying, I got an unexpected win. I was in a level 3 Volvo V60. It was only about 30 seconds into the game, and someone already in a level 10 RJ Anderson trophy truck challenged me. We were up in the hills northeast of Derwent Reservoir. The finish was on the west side of Lakehurst Forest. I went north and then east sticking to the roads, while the other guy went straight through the forest. He must have found all the trees, because even taking the long way around, I ended up beating him to the finish by a long margin. I finally got a level 10 car and got that achievement. I ended up finishing fifth overall, but I really didn't mind. Now I've just got to find a way to get the game to give me the Pacifist achievement.

One thing I did notice is more and more drivers are ramming people who are already in races with other drivers. I don't get the need to be that dickish. I mean, what do you get out of it?
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I think that the best solution to that behavior would be ghosting anyone engaged in a H2H, until the last round, when a free for all is expected.
No, what I meant is that the developers should make the Any cars engaged in a H2H untouchable to other players, hence ‘ghosts’. I was thinking of how it is when you are freeroaming, you can’t hit other players.
When I was looking for tips on this, I read if you don't move, you don't show up on anyone's radar? Obviously if someone gets close, I'm sure that changes. Haven't tried it myself as I am always on the move.
It's true. Watch the arrow that represents you on the mini map. If you stop, it will go from white to gray, and you will disappear from other people's maps. It's a good way to hide out, like deep in forests or tucked away in driveways in towns. In fact you can move slowly, like under 10 mph, and you will remain ghosted on the map.
Haven't played Forza in a week. So I got on last night to try out the eliminator in winter for the first time, before it was too late. Only had time to play 2 rounds and it went well. In the first one, I beat a mini to get the R32. Then I found a Supra car drop and beat someone with it to get a Ranger T6. A level 9 Audi S1 challenged me but hit a tree right before the finish and lost. Took that and ended up getting 3rd.

In the second round, I beat a mini to get an RS2. Then I found a Macan car drop. However, not long after that I found a level 10 Hoonigan car drop :eek: which helped me win the game. That was my 18th win after playing 127 games and eliminating 127 players. Spent over 25 hours, and it was well spent. My college break ends soon so I'm glad this game mode came out right when it started so I could have fun playing it as much as I can. Can't wait to see the updates later on. As for the pacifist achievement, I never got it despite even winning in the mini (and at night :scared:). But I decided not to really care much about achievements anymore since I've had this problem before, I'm just trying to get that Horizon superstar badge.
Almost 200 games? I only just finished my 100th.
I do noticed a lot of players are trying to ruin your H2H race lately. Such a shame because I love this mode. Well I will still play it regardless.
With a new cycle of cars coming in the next update, I'm curious who will win in what this time (I'm waiting for someone to win in the Track-Tor)
Got another lucky win yesterday in the Focus. The guy in the Urus passed me right before the finish and then just missed the check point. Lucky me.

Win #25

The Nissan GTR is my favorite car for the Eliminator despite being just a lv8.
With a new cycle of cars coming in the next update, I'm curious who will win in what this time (I'm waiting for someone to win in the Track-Tor)
Whoever wins in the Track-Tor is a Forza God. It's the new worst car, closely followed by the Unimog. Terible acceleration, top speed an stability. Just stay away from those two. On the other hand the Regalia has a V12 swap with 1000+ hp. It's an S1(825) level 6 car!
Edit: just won in a S1 850 Warthog. It's just a lv.7 car but it is a beast. Don't underestimate this monster.
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Whoever wins in the Track-Tor is a Forza God. It's the new worst car, closely followed by the Unimog. Terible acceleration, top speed an stability. Just stay away from those two. On the other hand the Regalia has a V12 swap with 1000+ hp. It's an S1(825) level 6 car!
Edit: just won in a S850 Warthog. It's just a lv.7 car but it is a beast. Don't underestimate this monster.
View attachment 881822
The Warthog is known for an OP offroader, so much so that people were using the Blueprints in Horizon 3 just to keep it from showing up in races. I think the only real hinderance it has in Eliminator is that it's so darn huge that you can't really hide with it. The Track-Tor and Unimog are definitely meant to be the equivalent of a joke weapon, though since you can see what the car drops are when you come up to them I guess they're only a joke you play on yourself.

And honestly I've found that ignoring the car levels and knowing which ones are capable of any kind of offroading is the best strategy. Cars that are great on tarmac but hopeless once you get away from it almost always end up losing in a head to head, unless you're very, very careful about who and where you initiate a challenge with.

I got a win last night in the Regalia. From the forest on the northwest edge of Astmoor to downtown Edinburgh, I led the entire way. With these new cars, are they additions to the car roster, or do they take the place of other cars?

I've had a few bad losing streaks lately, but I'm starting to improve my stats again.
With these new cars, are they additions to the car roster, or do they take the place of other cars?
I think they mentioned they are additions. And from what I saw all the older ones are still available.
Tried the Mini Raid and is another useless car. The new Hummer is ok, but be careful since it likes to roll over even on a flat surface.:lol:
I think they mentioned they are additions. And from what I saw all the older ones are still available.
Tried the Mini Raid and is another useless car. The new Hummer is ok, but be careful since it likes to roll over even on a flat surface.:lol:
Of the new cars, I tried (and won) in the Regalia D, lost in the Mini Raid and open-top Hummer, and got out of the Track-tor almost as soon as I got in it. Absolutely useless.
I am now 2-for-2 in the Regalia-D. I've managed to get the car twice, and I've won the Eliminator both times.
Tried the Mini Raid and is another useless car. The new Hummer is ok, but be careful since it likes to roll over even on a flat surface.:lol:
The Mini Raid has one significant advantage in that it doesn't really lose any speed when plowing through obstacles. I've won more than a few head to head races with it for that reason since my opponent would get slowed down quite a bit more trying to blast through rock walls and fences.

I wouldn't keep it any longer than you have to, but in the early stages it's got its uses. It's notably better than the 6x6 at least.
The Mini Raid has one significant advantage in that it doesn't really lose any speed when plowing through obstacles. I've won more than a few head to head races with it for that reason since my opponent would get slowed down quite a bit more trying to blast through rock walls and fences.

I wouldn't keep it any longer than you have to, but in the early stages it's got its uses. It's notably better than the 6x6 at least.
It is not as bad as the Track-Tor but it's far away from other lv4 cars. A guy in lv2 Raptor was able to outrun my Mini without much problems and the Raptor is not that good too. It's a shame because if they made a B-class Track-Tor and A-class Unimog and Mini they could be quite competitive.
My first Regalia win.

It was definitely a win. Don't know what happened to my capture.
And I got my win #30 out of 144 games.

Curiosity: After 30h of Eliminator I still get scared when someone approach me and usually I try to escape. :embarrassed:

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