THE EMO THREAD: Epic Rage & Crying Thread

  • Thread starter eastley
All this whining reminds me of what Steven Spielberg once said about making Indiana Jones 4.

To him, the last thing he cared about were people claiming they are the real fans. He said that, whatever movie he would make out of it, it would never be good enough for them because when they hear Indiana 4, they start making their own movies in their mind. To them, it would've always sucked anyway, because he could never make THEIR exact vision of this movie.

This exactly the same as you, the so called 'fans' of GT do. You make your own image of a game and if it isn't that exact game, it sucks. I agree with Goudvis, we have gotten so much, I can forgive the mistake made with the 20/80 car ratio. I don't care. I there's one thing I want with GT is to drive, drive as many cars as I possibly can, and hey, that's exactly what it always did, and still does!
Okay so I had to come back and change my comment. I thought that it was just paint that you couldn't use, but in the video, it clearly said you can't change wheels on standard cars. Oh well. I'm not complain, but GT5 is seriously not really GT5, it is an unfinished project.

Who cares if it wasnt possible, GT5 has a massive amount of content so it is very finished product.
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I'm upset that you can't change the wheels too, but just because you can't change the wheels (in which you won't really see when driving) is now stopping you from driving them? (which should drive the same as premiums)

*sigh* Can you please point out where I said I wouldn't drive standard cars? You made up your own conclusion about me. I simply said I would have as many premium cars as possible.
While it does seem like its unfinished in some ways, always remember DLC. Things can be added, changed, improved through patches and add on content.
Playstation is just awesome at its customer relations. We wait for 6 years for a game that is ~75% upscaled GT4 content, and where is it? Who knows.

Sony, there are a few easy ways to keep everybody happy--maybe just pick one from the short list below:

  • Give us some info. A release date, a status update, or some official vids directly answering community questions about the game. Make the localization teams do it, they know everything we need. Then maybe throw the vids in a Home theater to make that system useful for once.
  • Stop busting early vids! Yes you're within your rights to pull them down, but since there is no official info, these robin hood pirates are keeping legitimate customers from eating eachother.
  • Send GT5 copies to the press and lift any kind of gag order. I promise we care more what a high-res video review says than some pirates.
  • Release a demo. There are quite a few demo builds around--pick one. That'd shut us up good.
  • Let the game be sold as it arrives. Nobody is getting it any sooner by waiting for every retail area worldwide to get their copies, and the release date is over a week passed. It might not be a pretty launch, but it will be as rapid as possible.

GT5 is going to be something, but I'm not having fun with the way any of this is going. Thanks for letting me vent the rage & crying, I'll go back to my cage now.

I agree with everything here, except for a demo, only the games that aren't so great have demos, I'd rather have the real game.
Playstation is just awesome at its customer relations. We wait for 6 years for a game that is ~75% upscaled GT4 content, and where is it? Who knows.

So you think writing a new game engine by itself -- forget all the other new stuff -- accounts for less than 25% of the work involved in making the game, huh?
All this whining reminds me of what Steven Spielberg once said about making Indiana Jones 4.

To him, the last thing he cared about were people claiming they are the real fans. He said that, whatever movie he would make out of it, it would never be good enough for them because when they hear Indiana 4, they start making their own movies in their mind. To them, it would've always sucked anyway, because he could never make THEIR exact vision of this movie.

This exactly the same as you, the so called 'fans' of GT do. You make your own image of a game and if it isn't that exact game, it sucks. I agree with Goudvis, we have gotten so much, I can forgive the mistake made with the 20/80 car ratio. I don't care. I there's one thing I want with GT is to drive, drive as many cars as I possibly can, and hey, that's exactly what it always did, and still does!

Very well said.👍
I was hoping at least 50% of the 1.000 cars could be acquired as new cars ( 0 km ). It appears it will not be like that. That's a disappointment for me. It does not make any sense having only the premium cars to be sold as new cars, and 830 cars being sold only as "used". GT kinda loses it's touch this way. I was hoping for the opposite of this, 200 or less being sold on the "used" dealerships, and the rest of the fleet on the main dealers.
Still, even if this is confirmed, I'll not worry anymore about what GT5 has or hasn't got, so I'm only waiting for a release date, which should have come already, and then I'll take a very long "vacation" from GTP and official GT sites. Other than that, GT5 will still be a good sim, but I'm kinda disappointed about some stuff. Still, the even versions are always better than the odd numbered ones, so GT6 has to deliver. For GT5, my expectations are gone, specially (if confirmed) because of the lack of quantity on the main dealerships' showrooms (compared with "used") and... 20 tracks (confirmed for a long time). Variations and reverses are just an excuse to say you have more tracks than you actually have.
So you think writing a new game engine by itself -- forget all the other new stuff -- accounts for less than 25% of the work involved in making the game, huh?

There's some new physics tweaks, new UI, new models (and effort upscaling old ones), etc, but to me it looks a lot like GT5=GT4+GT5p. "75%," being a number fresh from my butt, could very well be a bit of an exaggeration, but it still feels like it's a fair number to me.

I'm a pretty big GT fan, and certainly a first-day purchaser, but I do wonder where all the time went.
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20 tracks (confirmed for a long time). Variations and reverses are just an excuse to say you have more tracks than you actually have.

LOL really? I thought we'd confirmed a lot more than that, and the official figure has increased several times since then anyway,
LOL really? I thought we'd confirmed a lot more than that, and the official figure has increased several times since then anyway,

Really. Everyone says "only an official announcement from Sony or PD will be a release date" and that no rumors are believable, right ?? So, taking this at heart, if you go to the official GT website, the PS blog, the Sony store and also by reading the leaked box cover, all of them say "20 tracks - 70 variations". So any outside confirmation like you're suggesting is...well, "outsiders" thoughts. I'm more annoyed at the other issue, though. The cars available on the main dealers being the minority portion of the whole fleet, but I still don't know if this is the case as it has not been confirmed.
Wow, I seem to remember that the official count had gone up several times since then. If there's only 20 course environments then that's really sad. I'm thinking we'll lose Infineon, Seattle, and New York. Laguna Seca and El Capitan will be the sole American courses in the game.

Also, haven't more than 20 been confirmed anyway?
Im Angry again! Its 6am. I write an exam at 8:30am. I check for news. Its still the GT5 lounge stuff on front. I mean, that sucks! Im angry, but I need to focus on the exam. The second Im done and I leave the exam venue.. I'll be tempted again to check! What a vicious cycle !
This whole GT5 fiasco just gets more ridiculous after each day and I'm starting to get sick of rumored release dates. I'm even getting annoyed about posting something i'm annoyed about because it's just so frustrating! I'm all for making the game perfect and honestly, if it's going to make the game better then YES, please delay the game and fix it. The thing is now, we all know the game is done and we are already seeing leaked copies of the game. I would just like to know what they're doing thats all.
If they are delaying giving us a date, it also means they're delaying their marketing campaign. Clearly their marketing campaign is going to be considerably large, as they can't rely solely on word of mouth.

So they have to give themselves ample time for marketing; I'd say two weeks. So every day without a release date is another day past two weeks. If they wait until the end of November to get the date out, it means there's still two weeks of marketing ahead of it, meaning mid December. THey wait until mid December for a date, we're looking at Christmas, or early January.

They need to get on this release date thing NAO. We were given the idea we'd get a new one by Halloween, and it's two weeks past that already. I just hate Sony so much right now.

Not to mention Jordan keeps locking the article's not just him that runs the site, is it?
Oh no, Kazunori San suddenly changed his mind!

*image from latest unannounced press conference*

I knew that at least half of you are in a rage. I mean, even some of you were not happy at all about a recent action, where Polyphony created a solid release date like 11/2, put it into a game trailer, then at the last minute turn around and bump and/or lie about it.

I am not really going to rant a lot about this recent action. I'll just put it into a video and let that take care of the ranting for me. The link below is a game trailer of GT5 where the picture is flipped and playback is entirely reversed. If you know that actions speak louder than words, then you get my drift!
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Them tricksty GTPlanetesses, they taketh OUR PRECIOUS GT5 FROM US!
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Oh yeah. My turn. The story goes like this.

In 2008 I bought a PS3 to play GT5. I knew GT5P was coming and figured that GT5 will follow shortly. As you already know, that didn't happen.

Now, when GT5 release is at our doorsteps, my goddamn console broke. Laser is dead. Oh well. Opened ebay and searched for replacement laser. Found it easily and had it shipped. In 10 days, it was here and got it installed. CD's and DVD's started playing again, but not BluRay discs. Probably will get a refund, but I don't know where should I buy the replacement laser now. It's pointless to try out every ebay seller.

How ironic is that...