THE EMO THREAD: Epic Rage & Crying Thread

  • Thread starter eastley
^Above post is exactly what I'm warning against. Why would they do anything extra for someone who flings verbal abuse at them and can't type or capitalize?

(Yes, I do realize I wasn't very good at this myself a couple weeks ago. But compared to another delay, a missing Maserati is nothing...)
^Above post is exactly what I'm warning against. Why would they do anything extra for someone who flings verbal abuse at them and can't type or capitalize?

(Yes, I do realize I wasn't very good at this myself a couple weeks ago. But compared to another delay, a missing Maserati is nothing...)

Could you please stop acting as some sort of website nanny?
I happen to agree with alonsof1fan and I'm speechless by what he discovered.

I didnt look at the carlist before because I wanted to keep something as a surprise but I had to check this.

Maserati is one of of the coolest car manufacturers, maybe as cool as Lamborghini.

Why they called the game Gran Turismo is beyond me.
It goes beyond me why the whiners about track lists and car lists think PD have a licence to add those cars and tracks. Just because they have the licence for certain manufacturers doesnt mean the manufacturers gave them permission to add all of their cars to the game. Also maybe they dont have certain tracks because they dont have the licence to add those tracks , excluding the fictional tracks. They dont just get permission to do such things.

PD have to pay manufacturers for a licence and permission to add their cars and are told which cars they are allowed to add to the game. The same goes with real world tracks. They have to pay for a licence so that they can add the track to the game. Those licences are very expensive. For instance , to get the Nurbring Nordschliefe track the licence is 75,000 euro just to have that track in a game.

I kind of understand that you guys are disapointed that some cars you like are'nt premium and I understand why you are upset why some of the fictional tracks are missing. I dont understand why some people are complaining why a slow car is a premium car though. Its like telling people like me who enjoys the slow cars more than the fast cars that we shouldnt have any premium cars. I think thats a little selfish.

Could you please stop acting as some sort of website nanny?
I happen to agree with alonsof1fan and I'm speechless by what he discovered.

I didnt look at the carlist before because I wanted to keep something as a surprise but I had to check this.

Maserati is one of of the coolest car manufacturers, maybe as cool as Lamborghini.

Why they called the game Gran Turismo is beyond me.

Im sure you would rather a moderator come in and point that out then?
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Yeah but it's not the first time I see him trying to shut someone up. Two times on this page alone!
I agree with him. PD reads these forums and throwing insults wont help anything for GT6. There is only so much PD can do and throwing insults their way because you dont get what you want isnt the way to do things.
I see just as many insults flung at the people who dare to criticize, though. But, when I see something that roughly equates to:

"OMG Kaz you didn't include this and I hate you forever!!!111oneoneeleventyone"

I probably don't realize that I'm reading an insult, since I immediately try to forget reading the (almost always) borderline-illiterate comment and move on to ones with a semblance of coherence :lol:
I see just as many insults flung at the people who dare to criticize, though. But, when I see something that roughly equates to:

"OMG Kaz you didn't include this and I hate you forever!!!111oneoneeleventyone"

I probably don't realize that I'm reading an insult, since I immediately try to forget reading the (almost always) borderline-illiterate comment and move on to ones with a semblance of coherence :lol:

Actually this is what I am calling insulting posts.

Ok, now Im really angry. I just found out that there is only one Maserati (GT S).

Screw you PD!

I will buy your game and have a lot of fun, but you guys are no real petrolheads :)
If you count the duplicates, sure.

Even as someone who's disappointed with this Standards business... I think your old "Location" was a more fitting description of this post. You're not clever.

Actually this is what I am calling insulting posts.

That much we agree on 👍
I agree with him. PD reads these forums and throwing insults wont help anything for GT6. There is only so much PD can do and throwing insults their way because you dont get what you want isnt the way to do things.

Feel free to say so. But I wonder how you two know what helps and what doesnt. But, if I just speak for myself, I'm not trying to help them improve GT6. The way GT5 looks now I'm not interested in GT6. I also have hardly any trust in Sony and PD anymore. They made so many false promises like full hd, 1000 cars, damage, release dates, dynamic weather, the list goes on and on (not the tracklist). They made us believe all that stuff to get our money and what do we get? One disappointment after the other. I just hope they do have something that they didnt reveal yet that makes up for it but how would that even be possible? We wanted this game for the cars. First there were 1000, then 200, then we noticed many of them are crap. What's next? They will announce that the handling is as crap as it was in prologue? Then what do we have? They would just have made us look like huge fools and took our money.
The only hope I have (which I think sounds plausible or what else have they been doing in 6 years?) is that there's more content on the blu-ray and they want to make us pay for that but they will be forced by the EU for instance to give it for free.
Even as someone who's disappointed with this Standards business... I think your old "Location" was a more fitting description of this post. You're not clever.

I could be wrong, but aren't all those NASCAR cars counted as premiums independently? Like Lagano's car is premium #163 and Ernheart's (spelling) is premium #164.?

That's my understanding of it anyway.
I could be wrong, but aren't all those NASCAR cars counted as premiums independently? Like Lagano's car is premium #163 and Ernheart's (spelling) is premium #164.?

That's my understanding of it anyway.

I don't follow NASCAR. Are the cars exactly the same but with different liveries?
Feel free to say so. But I wonder how you two know what helps and what doesnt. But, if I just speak for myself, I'm not trying to help them improve GT6. The way GT5 looks now I'm not interested in GT6. I also have hardly any trust in Sony and PD anymore. They made so many false promises like full hd, 1000 cars, damage, release dates, dynamic weather, the list goes on and on (not the tracklist). They made us believe all that stuff to get our money and what do we get? One disappointment after the other. I just hope they do have something that they didnt reveal yet that makes up for it but how would that even be possible? We wanted this game for the cars. First there were 1000, then 200, then we noticed many of them are crap. What's next? They will announce that the handling is as crap as it was in prologue? Then what do we have? They would just have made us look like huge fools and took our money.
The only hope I have (which I think sounds plausible or what else have they been doing in 6 years?) is that there's more content on the blu-ray and they want to make us pay for that but they will be forced by the EU for instance to give it for free.

I know what helps because I am human and I have feelings just like the people who work at PD do too. If somebody was so insulting to me after I created such a great game I wouldnt be so inclined to improve anything for that person.

Im just curious but how do you know all this? Did you actually play the game or are you taking the word of the others that have played the game laready. We know about the cars and tracks , but we dont know about the dynamic weather (which we were told a month ago it wasnt on all tracks by KY) and the car modding or a lot of the other stuff.

1) The game is full HD
2) You havent played the game just watched a video of damage which shows minimal damage. You dont know if the damage is different in different races or modes.
3) They had to delay the game for unknown reasons. Im sure their reason was a very good one.
4) We dont know anything about Dynamic weather yet. Do you? Did you play the game? None of the guys that have the game mentioned anything about the weather so you cant judge it yet.

Some of you guys are making assumptions before you actually play the game :rolleyes:
I know what helps because I am human and I have feelings just like the people who work at PD do too. If somebody was so insulting to me after I created such a great game I wouldnt be so inclined to improve anything for that person.

It's not a gift! They made us pay for it (prologue, hd tv's, ps3's etc). We have every right to complain.

Im just curious but how do you know all this? Did you actually play the game or are you taking the word of the others that have played the game laready. We know about the cars and tracks , but we dont know about the dynamic weather (which we were told a month ago it wasnt on all tracks by KY) and the car modding or a lot of the other stuff.

I didnt know dynamic weather/local time wouldnt be on every track. I just read it in the tracklist. I dont read every piece of info about GT. I didnt want to see it on youtube or on websites, I wanted to play it and while searching for info about the release date you cant help reading things like Dynamic weather confirmed for GT5. So when it turns out to be for a few tracks only and that there isnt much else then it's disappointing.

1) The game is full HD

I guess you think it is because it says 1080p on the box. I thought that was thesame as full hd but I started looking for an explanation when I saw huge jaggies in prologue everywhere (On prologues box it says 1080p aswell). I found some websites where people measure those things and they found out that prologue is well below full hd.

2) You havent played the game just watched a video of damage which shows minimal damage. You dont know if the damage is different in different races or modes.

First I read that premium cars will have interior damage, then I read that it's just that the doors can come off, then I saw the ugly play dough pictures everyone has seen. If that's not disappointing to you then you must hate damage.

3) They had to delay the game for unknown reasons. Im sure their reason was a very good one.

Why would I care if they had a good reason? Sony made me believe that soon after I would buy the ps3 on release day I would be able to play GT5. That wasn't the case so it's perfectly normal if you're not pleased about that. But I guess that works different for you. They could delay it till the PS60 gets released and you'd still think they probably have a good reason for it.
Good luck with that.

4) We dont know anything about Dynamic weather yet. Do you? Did you play the game? None of the guys that have the game mentioned anything about the weather so you cant judge it yet.

Some of you guys are making assumptions before you actually play the game :rolleyes:
I judge and assume based on the tracklist where it says it will only be available on some tracks. So you can stop rolling your eyes because it's pretty obvious that that is true.
I judge and assume based on the tracklist where it says it will only be available on some tracks. So you can stop rolling your eyes because it's pretty obvious that that is true.
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:We were told a month ago or so that the weather effects werent going to be on all tracks and I never said it would be on all tracks:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:We were told a month ago or so that the weather effects werent going to be on all tracks and I never said it would be on all tracks:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yes I forgot how you think. To you of course it's logic that when they say GT5 will have dynamic weather that it will only be for a few tracks :banghead:
Now it makes sense to me what you said earlier about damage being different on every track. Well I hope that doesnt turn out to be the case :nervous: That would be totally stupid
Yes I forgot how you think. To you of course it's logic that when they say GT5 will have dynamic weather that it will only be for a few tracks :banghead:
At least I think logically. , because KY said that only some tracks will have dynamic weather. But of course you dont want to comprehend this. Honestly how hard is it to understand what I am syaing? In KY's words himself he said that not all tracks will have dynamic weather. 💡
Oh the crying and rage, at least you're in the right thread. :)

Here's how I see it - PD committed the mistake of trying to do too much: 1000 cars, weather, day & night cycle, damage, etc. It was a designer's wet dream, whatever whim they tried to include it.

They failed because they lacked the management to make some tough decisions and release the game on schedule - either have all Premiums (and around 400 cars) or all Standards (around 1,500 cars), but not an unfinished mash up of the two. Incorporate weather to all tracks, but not day & night cycle, etc.

Hopefully they'll learn something for GT6, and not commit the mistake of trying to incorporate too much into the next installment. Know when to say enough is enough, and have reasonable goals, please!
At least I think logically. , because KY said that only some tracks will have dynamic weather. But of course you dont want to comprehend this. Honestly how hard is it to understand what I am syaing? In KY's words himself he said that not all tracks will have dynamic weather. 💡

Yes I got it the first time allready!!! What I'm saying is that I've probably read an older article saying "Dynamic weather confirmed for GT5" and that I didnt read a newer article that quoted KY saying it will not be for every track.
Yes I got it the first time allready!!! What I'm saying is that I've probably read an older article saying "Dynamic weather confirmed for GT5" and that I didnt read a newer article that quoted KY saying it will not be for every track.
Keep looking and you will find it. Im not replying to you about this anymore.
Cry and cry... I will enjoy the game, and all of you will DO the same when all of us try the game in our home.
Let's take a break and wait for it! It'll go to be legen.. wam .. dary!