THE EMO THREAD: Epic Rage & Crying Thread

  • Thread starter eastley
Steve30x...chill with being the PD syncophant. Truth be told, none of you actually knows how PD really works on the inside, and which subtopics on the forums they look at, etc. I doubt the "epic raging emo thread" is the first place PD look for feedback. If fans are led to believe something about a product, and then have their hopes were dashed, then they have a right to voice their dissatisfaction on a public free forum such as this.
Steve30x...chill with being the PD syncophant. Truth be told, none of you actually knows how PD really works on the inside, and which subtopics on the forums they look at, etc. I doubt the "epic raging emo thread" is the first place PD look for feedback. If fans are led to believe something about a product, and then have their hopes were dashed, then they have a right to voice their dissatisfaction on a public free forum such as this.

I gave up on this thread before you even posted this. Theres no point in posting in a thread where a bunch of whiners are complaining about a game they havent played anyway. This is my last post in this thread.
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I know what helps because I am human and I have feelings just like the people who work at PD do too. If somebody was so insulting to me after I created such a great game I wouldnt be so inclined to improve anything for that person.

Sorry to break your little bubble but that's not how a business actually works.
If many customers (and even a hardcore fan is just another customer) aren't satisfied with a product and express it (even in less than polite or adult terms) they will have to listen to secure a future for the series (they know which side their bread is buttered).
Whether one individual insults PD for whatever reason, they won't therefore not work on the reason he's or she's not satisfied with because of those insults.

Only when the reason is not shared by many customers they won't improve it purely because he or she is the only one not satisfied, that reason simply will go unnoticed, not because of the language used.
Don't overestimate the impact of one individual, only as a collective we could perhaps make an impact, however the way we choose to express it.
In short, numbers speak, whatever the quality ( and they are not unfamiliar with this concept.......).

Oh and another thing, we shouldn't have to worry about being "ungrateful" in the first place for several reasons.
One is that PD aren't doing it for free (and that's an understatement, they earn bucketloads of money), another one is that they themselves raised the bar (and hyped it) and in my opinon have been very economical with the truth regarding a lot of aspects, these things combined have made that the expectations have sky-rocketed over a long period of time (and it's very easy to say in hindsight this is our own fault which ofcourse it is but in my opinion not exclusively).

Lastly, and not unimportant, I'll agree with you that GT5 isn't a just cold industrial commodity aimed to sell large numbers only but partly a creative product or an artistic vision.
But every artist can expect criticism when showing or selling his work, and that's part of the deal, whether they like it or not (and they expect and accept it as part of the job much more readily than a lot of so called fans seem to do).

And although I'm a huge fan of the GT-series since the very first one and have always supported and defended most things they did in the past, this time I seriously doubt the vision they applied to the last one.
Only looking at the whole Standard/Premium debacle or looking at the choices made which cars are Premium convince me something went horribly wrong during development whatever supposed insiders say that this is what they planned from the start.
Looking at past GT-games and reading several interviews with Kaz during the last 5 years I have a hard time accepting this is the true vision he aimed for.
I doubt this is due to what he really wanted but more to do with poor planning and being overconfident they could pull off the initial plans, if not I think I might have misjudged him all along.
G T Allegerita
No, the mods like it when white and nerdy helps censoring stuff

I know it's late, but the censorship argument works a lot better when you can type. Lacking typing skills makes you look underintelligent (whether you actually are or not), and when someone who looks underintelligent cries about censorship it only makes them look worse, as if they're a small child kicking and screaming "It's not fair! WAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Maturity, people. If we want to make a good impression on the people who have the authority to do what we want (i.e. PD execs & developers), we have to show them that we're capable of rational though, even when angry or disappointed.
I know what helps because I am human and I have feelings just like the people who work at PD do too. If somebody was so insulting to me after I created such a great game I wouldnt be so inclined to improve anything for that person.

And if you are mean enough KY will lock himself in his room and hold his breath until you apologize. Then he will refuse to eat hs dinner.

Get real...

Like a business that sells products is ever going go to "screw that guy! stop production/improvement on the product until that one guy apologizes! We are going to screw all our customers and potentially our own product because I feel disrespected by that one angry guy on the forums".

It's a business... not magical fairyland... at worst they just ignore stuff like that and most businesses take strongly critical responses and try to figure out how to turn the into happy, paying, repeat customers rather than alienating them.

The difference between a person and a business is a persons ultimate goal is to feel good and enjoy their life which may entail ignoring or snubbing people who are rude to you.

A businesses ultimate goal is to sell product which means making people who aren't happy with your product, happy with your product.
i'm really going to love this game, and im going to play it like nothing else!


since this is the emo thread, i will share some of my disappointments regarding the information we've been given.

no FXX, 599XX, 250GTO, aston V12 vantage, gallardo superleggera, Diablo (road version), Audi RS5, new CL63AMG, SLR 722, CLS AMG, SLS AMG GT3, Bugatti EB110, Koenigseggs's, aerial atom, gumpert apollo, maserati MC12, RUF CTR3, RUF RT12.... im sure there's more i wanted to see and wont but that's just the ones i can think of now.

no midfield, no spa, no infineon, no road america, no silverstone, no hockenheimring, no SS route 11, no el capitan, no seattle, and again im sure there's more.

no day/night transition on all tracks, no dynamic weather on all tracks, no changing rims on standard cars (from what i can see in that vid that was posted of the auto shop).

that's the gist of my complaints so far.

anyway, roll on november 24th! still unbelievably excited. absolutely cant come quick enough! :)
Sorry to bump if so, but now there are some thoughts I have that will make me throw a fit.

I never liked the penalty system since GT4 and I still loathe the whole thing. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it got even worst going into GT5. A driver doesn't touch a wall and still gets penalized. GT5 even invalidates a lap in a time trial that a player never even took!

If there is a GameShark for PS3, I would only go as far as hacking codes which will nullify all penalties and make GT5 look like a classic GT1. When I am online, though, I make sure GameShark does NOT ride shotgun.
Sorry to break your little bubble but that's not how a business actually works.
If many customers (and even a hardcore fan is just another customer) aren't satisfied with a product and express it (even in less than polite or adult terms) they will have to listen to secure a future for the series (they know which side their bread is buttered).
Whether one individual insults PD for whatever reason, they won't therefore not work on the reason he's or she's not satisfied with because of those insults.

Only when the reason is not shared by many customers they won't improve it purely because he or she is the only one not satisfied, that reason simply will go unnoticed, not because of the language used.
Don't overestimate the impact of one individual, only as a collective we could perhaps make an impact, however the way we choose to express it.
In short, numbers speak, whatever the quality ( and they are not unfamiliar with this concept.......).

Oh and another thing, we shouldn't have to worry about being "ungrateful" in the first place for several reasons.
One is that PD aren't doing it for free (and that's an understatement, they earn bucketloads of money), another one is that they themselves raised the bar (and hyped it) and in my opinon have been very economical with the truth regarding a lot of aspects, these things combined have made that the expectations have sky-rocketed over a long period of time (and it's very easy to say in hindsight this is our own fault which ofcourse it is but in my opinion not exclusively).

Lastly, and not unimportant, I'll agree with you that GT5 isn't a just cold industrial commodity aimed to sell large numbers only but partly a creative product or an artistic vision.
But every artist can expect criticism when showing or selling his work, and that's part of the deal, whether they like it or not (and they expect and accept it as part of the job much more readily than a lot of so called fans seem to do).

And although I'm a huge fan of the GT-series since the very first one and have always supported and defended most things they did in the past, this time I seriously doubt the vision they applied to the last one.
Only looking at the whole Standard/Premium debacle or looking at the choices made which cars are Premium convince me something went horribly wrong during development whatever supposed insiders say that this is what they planned from the start.
Looking at past GT-games and reading several interviews with Kaz during the last 5 years I have a hard time accepting this is the true vision he aimed for.
I doubt this is due to what he really wanted but more to do with poor planning and being overconfident they could pull off the initial plans, if not I think I might have misjudged him all along.
Couldn't agree more. 👍 I've probably said it before, but if it was up to some of the "fans" here, this series would have never evolved beyond GT1. :lol:
Nice to see the emo thread's doing it's job :)
That job seems to be keeping all the numpties in one thread so it's easier to hand out infractions, so it's all good. 👍

PS Not you.


Considering there are only just over 200 premium cars, the other 800 cars you can only change the color and ad some stupid looking back wing 👎


Be careful, I just got an official warning for using the word "fail".
No premium BMW Fina McLaren F1 race car, it's a standard. other than that, im still excited for GT5
That is actually pretty pathetic, not even comical. I want washing, tuning, and maintaining cars to be epically serious.

First we have to deal with MCR, and now Joplin.

Don't go dissin ragtime!

But I agree... not really the right place for it... I wonder if that's a localization thing and the japanese version has the tradional elevator jazz?
Things i am disappointed by:

Premium car list is small but expected so im not upset because of this.

many cars i would have liked are missing but they cant please everyone...

Kia Cee'd is missing

ROLL OVER PHYSICS, What the hell was that last video.. VERY disappointing

The damage has been toned down, why? it looked ridiculous but i think it would have kept their game ratings higher if they had it in. Currently it is insufficient.

sparks have been toned down, cars dont spark when they hit eachother

Veyron is a standard car, I hate it anyways though.

you have to collect paint....

Track details (non city tracks) dont look good.

can barely see rain in the exterior view...

The weather reflections dont look good on some tracks.

no livery editor, i expected this..

some really retarded premium car choices.

The intro.

No accumulation of snow on the car when it's racing like it does with dirt.

Things everyone is complaining about that i dont care:

Standard car customization, I expected it was going to be limited

Tracks list is fine by me

Things that blew me away:

Really great custom track maker for the time they were given

Some track reflections look really nice

The rain looks nice

the incredible detail that has gone into premium cars

Top Gear, Rally racing etc.

great photomode!

and customization on premium cars, i was not expecting any.
New disappointment of the day: You are limited to painting your car from a pre-determined manufacturer colour chart. No smurf blue Lamborghinis or matt black ferraris... :(
so we have been playing most these cars for a couple of years now..................(referring to the GT5 carlist) wtf is the point of getting GT5 now?
New disappointment of the day: You are limited to painting your car from a pre-determined manufacturer colour chart. No smurf blue Lamborghinis or matt black ferraris... :(

Personally I like the idea of that. Custom resprays just isn't the Gran Turismo way in my opinion.
wow 👎 I understand people are entitled to their opinion but what is offensive about fail?


fail is in the title of this image.. :ouch:

This image needs to get to PD everyone email this image to them this is just pathetic 6 years and you cant change the rims/wheels
so we have been playing most these cars for a couple of years now..................(referring to the GT5 carlist) wtf is the point of getting GT5 now?

A racing game is not just about the car selection. 👎
This is unbelievable.
This image needs to get to PD everyone email this image to them this is just pathetic 6 years and you cant change the rims/wheels

This is one of my biggest let downs so far, i mean seriously. Why can't we? Is it a licenseing issue? They really need to give us a reason why we can't do this. Tho i will still love the game..I think some of these things deserve a petition for a change.