Coooool - a rage thread...
At last, something useful at GTP...
Hmmmm, where does one begin..
(this is my first general GT5 rant - I've been saving it up)..
1) Polyphoy and Kaz - I hate you, period - thanks for killing Gran Turismo, nice one 👍
2) Online racing - where is it?? All I see is 1 lap of Nurburgring with Racing Softs on everything (even cars with 300bhp - and less) rooms, glitch rooms, trade rooms, lets all p*ss about and do anything but race - but we'll call it a 'track day' room, rammers who 'think' they can 'race' but can't overtake cleanly if the track was an aircraft runway room, first corner of every track (no matter which one) becoming a demolition derby room, GT500 and DTM cars rooms, drag racing rooms and drift rooms.
3) So, my friends and I started a race series for ourselves (currently running at 36 members), what happens - we put an INVITE ONLY - NO ENTRY room title up, and the whole night we get gatecrashed, constantly, funnily enough half of the gaterashers are English who are supposed to be able to speak (and I presume, read, English - but they don't).
Then to make matters worse, they whine and moan that there's no decent racing online, we give them a chance in our series, take ages sending them the details and explaining it to them - then they never turn up for even one race, ever.
OR - the guys who didn't want to be part of our race series originally, now decide that because there's no decent racing in random online lobbies - they'll gatecrash ours. We then take ages (again) to explain the series, they race once, get mullered because their setups and tyre wear are terrible, then leave without saying anything. Once again, totally wasting our time.
4) Oh yeh, forgot to mention - all the above is actually when you can connect to a race / room and actually race without lag with all your friends. Which is extremely rare, as pretty much everytime we hold a race meeting at least one person (or up to 5) can't connect, then at least one person or more is jumping around the track, causing carnage - or in my fiend's Napa's case - he's invisible and no one can see him, and he can't see anyone else but is on the track and in race.
Oooh, yeah, the wonderful black screen that welcomes you before a race, denoting someone will be stationary on the grid at the start of the race, again, causing carnage.
Polyphony / Kaz - I'll send you a copy of Battlefield BC2 - my friends and I from all round the world have been playing this since release - 99.9% of the time we can all join TOGETHER, play TOGETHER and have fun TOGETHER on a DAILY basis, since it's release.
Completely the opposite of GT5.
There's soooo much more, course maker, no in game saves blah blah blah......
But - who cares, Polyphony don't, the amount of people who were die hard GT fans who raced Prologue on a daily basis for years, who are now walking away from GT5 is shocking - yet all Polyphony do is give us updates that stop the supposed 'cheats' and glitchers???
Yet the ballast, power limiter and PP system are all flawed and they do nothing about them???
There you go, first and final rant I'll ever make - and yes, I do feel alot better now, and no, I don't care who or what reads or replies - I'm way past the point of caring anymore, all thanks to Polyphony. 👎