THE EMO THREAD: Epic Rage & Crying Thread

  • Thread starter eastley
now drivers will be able to find their course based on the astronomical position on the earth, I don't think so,but I personally will like an stargaze night,no offence but you will not find Italian streets that clean as the races shows,the same goes for the nascar ovals.
-> So far here are my list:

RAGE -> Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!! Total exact car count is still a a mystery! I kinda want to know least which auto brands are involved in GT5!!! Why oh why KY didn't show face on Sony's E3 presentation? Maybe to avoid tomatoes (other things) flying towards him. 🤬

CRY -> Nnnnnnooooooo!!!!!!! A completely new Rome track called (Nuevo) Rome Circuit!!!! This course is more of a Power Track (Clarkson's accent) than a Technical Circuit of the old '90s/Millenium/'00. :(
CRY -> Nnnnnnooooooo!!!!!!! A completely new Rome track called (Nuevo) Rome Circuit!!!! This course is more of a Power Track (Clarkson's accent) than a Technical Circuit of the old '90s/Millenium/'00. :(

The new tracks layout looks a bit more simple, but the actual track looks quite fun, fast chicanes with interesting elevation changes.

What's a shame to me, is that all the new city tracks seem so short, now we've heard that there may be a longer London track, I hope this is the case with Rome too.
This may become a very busy thread shortly with the latest apparent revelation of "no cockpit" view in the standard cars.

Brace yourselves!
This may become a very busy thread shortly with the latest apparent revelation of "no cockpit" view in the standard cars.

Brace yourselves!


How right you are!

Why did we need damage. Just good looking interiors is what was needed.
Do you think they have faithfully recreated the engine sounds for the 1000 cars?

I think they ran out of time.

Now that that's out of the way;
I'm a little dissapointed I won't be able to drive the team Oreca Viper GTS in cockpit view.... bummer.

The outside of the standard cars looks good enough for me though, just... bummer :)
Do you think they have faithfully recreated the engine sounds for the 1000 cars?

I think they ran out of time.

I think they used their box of awesome up on the first 200 car models, then realised they had none left for anything else.
3D and damage, that what we do not need.
Just looked again at that standard cars movie and it just like GT PSP.

I have to get up on my soap box again:

I think some of the reactions from people to the premium cars issue is utterly disgusting.

Now, I'm not dvocating blind praise of Polyphony here. If they dropped the ball, I'd be up there criticising them. But from what I can see, they haven't. GT5 is a beautiful-looking game, ones that makes the likes of Forza look like a cartoon. Polyphony are giving us more cars than we've seen before. We get damage for the first time, rollovers and seamless day/night transitions. We're getting more licenced racing series, and more licenced racing cars. The level of detail on cars and circuits is incredible. It really is a labour of love.

But because there are only 200 cars with cockpit views, some people are being very childish about it, claiming that "the dream is dead" and the like. I'm sorry, but that's the heght of rudeness. Polyphony offer you bread and you demand cake. The 800 cars without an interior does not make or break the game. Being someone is has been involved in the creative process, in developing a work from scratch - true, it wasn't no the level of this game - I know how deeply committed you have to be from your work. And Kazunori Yamauchi stands out as an example of someone who is never happy with something until he thinks it is perfect. Everything he included in GT5 has been included for our benefit, and yet for some people, this still isn't good enough. They somehow think it's okay to whine and complain and bitch and generally come across as selfish, childish and insolent. If I were Yamauchi-san and reading some of these comments, I'd be inclined to clock you one, or at least somehow find out who you were and block you from buying the game.

If you can't appreciate the work somone puts into something like this, then you don't deerve to experience it at all.
I bet 20-30 premium cars will be taken up by crappy NASCARS ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG

I'm worried about that too! Personally, i will only touch NASCAR if get bored and feel like trying to cause i massive pileup or if i am forced to do it on the career mode. Just driving in circles doesnt really appeal to me...
I'm worried about that too! Personally, i will only touch NASCAR if get bored and feel like trying to cause i massive pileup or if i am forced to do it on the career mode. Just driving in circles doesnt really appeal to me...

I think they said 9 cars were NASCARs?
Polyphony let us think for many years that cake is coming when they knew it wasn't. I understand bread tastes bad for a while after that.

The fanboys tale of a GT game production:

Announcement: It's gonna be UBER AWESOME!


Delay: It's ok, a few more months for the uber awesome is worth it!

More delay: Hey shut it whiners! GT is gonna be bad ass and have everything we ever said and more, this is a FACT!

More delay: It's ok, a few more months for the uber awesome is worth it!

Some details released: Everything that was mentioned is garuanteed to be as great as I interperate it to be! Everything that wasn't mentioned will be included and awesome, just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it won't be in! Everything that's questionable will actually be as awesome as it can be within the longest stretch of interperatation of the questioanble statement.

More delay: It's ok I waited this long, what's 6 more months.

Release and details: NICE ONLY 5 MORE MONTHS!!! Oh and all that stuff that was a fact that was gonna be uber awesome that I told you other guys to shut up and quit whining about but it turns out it's not all there, maybe not all uber awesome and maybe missing entirely, stop being so ungrateful! You got SOMETHING RIGHT!? PD doesn't owe you anything, you don't have a right to anything, this is a game!

BTW you owe PD your gratitude and thanks and you should bow down before them, this is a work of love and a creation beyond all creations! You are a bunch of whining heathens!

2 days after release: GT6 speculations thread started.
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Polyphony let us think for many years that cake is coming when they knew it wasn't. I understand bread tastes bad for a while after that.
Like I said: the lack of interiors is hardly a game-breaker. Nor was it ever promised that they would include high-res car interiors for every car in the game from the outset. If they did and they had to cut it, it was for practical purposes and with great breluctance given Kaz's perfectionist attitude: to include all 1000 cockpits would take years and all the other features would have to be put on hold - assuming that they could include them all to begin with; Kaz claims he's pushed the PS3 to its limits (and if they did somehow include all 1000 interiors, you'd be bitching about the lack fo other features that would have otherwise gone in). I could understand your sentiments if GT5 was just GT4 with more cars, but only 200 had interiors, but it's not. There's a major graphicl overhaul, hundred more cars, brand-new circuits, headtracking and 3D, real-time day/night transitions, dynamic crowds, WRC and NASCAR licences and licenced cars, damage, licences for Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini for the first time, the wide range of online capabilities, the possibility of dynamic weather conditions and more Formula 1 cars expected. 1000 cockpits would be nice, but you're hardly getting shafted here. To claim that Polyphony are wasting your time because of a lack of cockpits is reall quite insulting given that they've pulled out all the stops to deliver the other features I just listed. As far as ground goes, you have none to stand on, and to be perfectly honest, it's people like you and your reactions that make me embarrassed to call myself a Gran Turismo fan. You are being rude and insulting and you really don't deserve anything Polyphony have sweated to include in GT5 because of your attitude.
This Standard stuff is all because the damage... this damage thing is useless, just a visual ********, from other stupid games like Forza and shift.

They focused on damage more!
Kaz says:

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I don't think damage had any influence on the absence of cockpit-view/high quality models of exisinting GT cars.

Sure, it may be responsible for a part of the delay, but damage is not a really a big modeling issue if it's done generic, more a programming dilemma.

PD decided to model individual body parts at the start, keeping in mind possibilities like easily replaceable body kits, and maybe damage.
Like I said: the lack of interiors is hardly a game-breaker. Nor was it ever promised that they would include high-res car interiors for every car in the game from the outset. If they did and they had to cut it, it was for practical purposes and with great breluctance given Kaz's perfectionist attitude: to include all 1000 cockpits would take years and all the other features would have to be put on hold - assuming that they could include them all to begin with; Kaz claims he's pushed the PS3 to its limits (and if they did somehow include all 1000 interiors, you'd be bitching about the lack fo other features that would have otherwise gone in). I could understand your sentiments if GT5 was just GT4 with more cars, but only 200 had interiors, but it's not. There's a major graphicl overhaul, hundred more cars, brand-new circuits, headtracking and 3D, real-time day/night transitions, dynamic crowds, WRC and NASCAR licences and licenced cars, damage, licences for Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini for the first time, the wide range of online capabilities, the possibility of dynamic weather conditions and more Formula 1 cars expected. 1000 cockpits would be nice, but you're hardly getting shafted here. To claim that Polyphony are wasting your time because of a lack of cockpits is reall quite insulting given that they've pulled out all the stops to deliver the other features I just listed. As far as ground goes, you have none to stand on, and to be perfectly honest, it's people like you and your reactions that make me embarrassed to call myself a Gran Turismo fan. You are being rude and insulting and you really don't deserve anything Polyphony have sweated to include in GT5 because of your attitude.

Unfortunately, when a game such as GT5 takes this long to come out, with mostly innuendo to feed the possibilities, expectations begin to soar into the stratosphere, often without a parachute.
Unfortunately, when a game such as GT5 takes this long to come out, with mostly innuendo to feed the possibilities, expectations begin to soar into the stratosphere, often without a parachute.

And to boot, it's a false dichotomy to basically say that a problem is either a game breaker or not worth complaining about...

It takes a lot to be a gamebreaker (especially when you are building on 5 iterations of GT already) but honestly... what have they been doing this whole time?
Unfortunately, when a game such as GT5 takes this long to come out, with mostly innuendo to feed the possibilities, expectations begin to soar into the stratosphere, often without a parachute.
Oh, there's a parachute. Just not the one people were expecting.

And not having your expectationsmet is no excuse for blind rudeness.
And to boot, it's a false dichotomy to basically say that a problem is either a game breaker or not worth complaining about...

It takes a lot to be a gamebreaker (especially when you are building on 5 iterations of GT already) but honestly... what have they been doing this whole time?

Quite frankly, I don't know. they certainly havn't been working on Standard car interiors.

While cockpit view on the standard cars is not a serious disappointment for me personally, nonetheless I'm still shocked it apparently will not be included.

Oh, there's a parachute. Just not the one people were expecting.

And not having your expectationsmet is no excuse for blind rudeness.

Quite true, but the rudeness scale can become a sliding one, particularly under the influence of disappointment even if brought on by ones own assumptions.
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