I just had a crazy adventure in Russia ! I had a delivery of fuel to Sano in Slauharad. Nothing looked out of the ordinary on the map , some smaller roads near the end of the journey by the looks , probably one of those old , patched up tarmac roads through a couple of villages. Nothing surprising for the Russia map.... I thought. I got way more than I bargained for ! A couple of minutes out of Mstsislaw and the GPS led me to this.
The GPS said 54kms to the delivery point. I figured this "track" would be a small part of that total distance. I was wrong.
I was low on fuel and way overdue for sleep. Nightfall wasn't far away either.
The track was getting more rough and I almost got bogged as the wheels hit some soft ground coming up a small rise. How much further could it be ?? The GPS dropped out . It showed 0kms to go.
I kept going (like I had no choice ! haha) and finally made it to the delivery point , Sano in Slauharad. I unhitched the trailer and parked at a rest point at the front of the yard , which incidentally was an overgrown patch of earth with old truck bodies dumped there.

Woke up the next morning to rain. Time to get out of this crazy place..... hopefully !
Past some derelict old buildings near a lake , more soft patches on the track , almost got bogged again. Was thinking to myself , is this ETS2 or Spintires ?!
Across an old wooden bridge , then past a log truck that wasn't as lucky as I had been .
Shortly after that , the track was relatively smooth gravel again ! I survived
I love it when map modders throw in these little surprises
The location , for Russian map v1.3.5 users.