I give up. What do we have there?*pic*
Well, well, well.I give up. What do we have there?
Wrong thread.
I'm not one to bash search engines, especially those I've put to good use for projects at work, but an error like that is unacceptable. FYI - google gets it right, showing a 17+ hour flight.And kids, that's why you don't use Bing.
I'd be scared to death to be in a car capable of over 6000mph. Over land and water, no less.I'm more interested in the car that can go from the USA to Japan in an hour.
I'm pretty sure @RocZX took a screenshot of that screenshot on his own phone.Has smartphone with the ability to take a screenshot, takes a picture of the screen using a second device.... *facepalm*
I'm pretty sure @RocZX took a screenshot of that screenshot on his own phone.