The Funny Screenshot Thread

Just thinking... How in the hell is it "in park"? How does she think that works? Does she mean neutral? Seriously!?
I'm guessing that she does think that Neutral in manual shifting is Park... Oh well, it's so dumb, I don't really know.
It all starts on the wrong foot when she calls it the Emergency Brake - something that it's not uncommon (but incorrect) to call to the Parking Brake. And maybe that's exactly the cause of the whole problem in her little head.
In an automatic it's called the emergency brake, depending on the vehicle.
I hear both frequently so it depends really. Its like "rim and wheel".
I kind of interchangeably call it the "E brake" or "hand brake", personally.
I like his how-to videos because he's informative but other than that, it's all shenanigans. Still subbed though. Aren't Baron von Grumble and RoyalJordanian ahead?
I like his how-to videos because he's informative but other than that, it's all shenanigans. Still subbed though. Aren't Baron von Grumble and RoyalJordanian ahead?

That's exactly what his videos are - shenanigans! :lol: I'm not sure why one wouldn't like shenanigans. He does a lot of funny stuff in my opinion.

And he has them both by like 60-80k subs. [Edit:] (has Baron by 85k, has Royal by about 70k)

I think C2W is the closest to Jake, but he's behind like 40-50k subs.
Meh.... I don't judge a motovlogger by their subs. I've watched TankGrrrl ever since she started. Hilarious chick from New Zealand. Also I find the shenanigans of Rocko and Protea a lot funnier than Jake's. Jake rides in the same way as SuperRetards (Supermoto gang in Germany) with the '🤬 da police!' mentality. Kinda throws me off.
It says that they are twin brothers, most likely they look the same but they blurred the face of only one of them.

Right, because one of them is a boy who was accidentally shot. Lol!!!!! Oh, I still don't get it? Did you mistakenly read the word "identical"? :\
The background to the photo isn't funny, but the absurdity in the photo alone from blurring the face of one of a pair of identical twins could be interpreted that way.
Right, because one of them is a boy who was accidentally shot. Lol!!!!! Oh, I still don't get it? Did you mistakenly read the word "identical"? :\
I removed it.
I never said that it was funny cause the boy was shot. It doesn't say if they are identical or not, but if you lookup the story other news sources posted the same pic unblurred and they look identical.
And again I never said it was funny cause the boy was shot.
I removed it.
I never said that it was funny cause the boy was shot. It doesn't say if they are identical or not, but if you lookup the story other news sources posted the same pic unblurred and they look identical.
And again I never said it was funny cause the boy was shot.

Fair enough, maybe you should have commented that pretty important part :D not up to anyone else to look up your sources dude ;)