The Funny Screenshot Thread

That'll stop when a porcupine steps out in front of you. OH!

Edit: Whoa, I got tree'd bad here. This was supposed to go with the raping everything in sight guy up there. Sorry guys. Bogus timing.
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Hmmm, I wanna go at that. Rather than running on a car battery, why not use a 12v 50A mains adaptor? That way you could use a car stereo as well.
Uh... right. Now we must act natural as if that is perfectly normal.

And why did I read my post in Jeremy Clarkson's voice? :boggled:
It all starts on the wrong foot when she calls it the Emergency Brake - something that it's not uncommon (but incorrect) to call to the Parking Brake. And maybe that's exactly the cause of the whole problem in her little head.