The Funny Video Thread

  • Thread starter DRIFT4EVA
In all seriousness, what was he actually protesting against?

Perceived invasion of Islam, Sharia Law via the backdoor and all that nonsense.

His wonderful diction has given rise to the phrase "muslamic ray guns". Not quite what he said, but he doesn't sound the smartest anyway...
Haha, watched that on the BBC site before. Even though it was an autocue, he did better than I thought he would.

Glad he saw the funny side of namechecking all the royal residences.
^Yeah he actually did quite a good job, they need to get the Duke of Edinburgh to do this! Would probably be hilarious.
Worth watching all of it. If not, skip to the second half. Great way to blow your video budget! :D

Might be a language warning... it's difficult to tell through the stoner wailing!


"Watch out rangers goldar has unleashed a humongous buzz lightyear to spread disney disease all over your franchise!" :lol:!
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Gawd dangit! I know my rights!!

:lol: Sounds like Cartman at some points

Now that saw it again!! OMG !! :lol:

But look what i found :lol:! Its seems theres a bunch of videos of the guy being arrested :lol:.

and he gets tased LMAO :lol: Quote: " I think i ******* in my pants!"

I cant believe this guy is for real :lol:.

Cant stop laughing :lol:.
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