The Funny Video Thread

  • Thread starter DRIFT4EVA
Hope it's not a repost, don't visit this thread too often..

If I didn't hear the sound I would of swore that was an irish rallying video.

Reminded Me of this.. Language Warning.
Don't mind the weird accent,its a counrty accent.

edited by Moderator - too much language
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Removed by moderator - WHY did you think a video where every 4th word was the f-bomb would be appropriate?
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I love that video. Seen it a long time ago. It always reminds of me of the idiot who tried to break into my business way back when I had one.

The idiot left his wallet behind when he had to make a fast get-away. Not only that, but the chainsaw that was also left behind had been registered to him, also. But when interviewed by the police about the chainsaw, he said 'It's not mine, but my brother's' and so the police went to his brother's house and found the meth lab they were running.
You would think that is very weird because water is not healthy for a cat's furr/hair/skin or whatever it is in english. But anyway, it seems to do it because it likes drinking the water dripping off of its nose. Cats can have some really weird habits...
Probably want to use headphones for this.

Edit: Well, just search "carolla hot chicks" on youtube. It's Adam Carolla ripping on "hot chicks". It's funny, but he has a little foul language.
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