The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
And how many members in this thread love them? :rolleyes:

A small, crazy handful. :P

But regarding why Madoka isn't mandatory, pretty much what Jeff said. Madoka doesn't have the staying power of things like NGE and GitS. We barely talk about it anymore, except occasionally someone might post images of a Madoka figure or something.
Lots of 'team talk' overnight.

...It's my fault, isn't it? :guilty:

In Other News, I will be most likely starting Denpa Onna soon. Yes, I know I haven't watched Disappearance yet but I haven't found a whole 2 hours and 30 minutes in my working diary :lol: Seriously that is an epic length, but really I've sort of gone off Haruhi now. Captured me the least of the three animes I have watched since visiting you guys, not that it was bad or anything.

Also, is it just me or is Denpa Onna also based around baseball (no pun intended) somewhat? Knowing how I always watched Captain Tsubasa, I might as well be familiar with the concept :lol: But before it seems like proper interesting stuff. :)
But regarding why Madoka isn't mandatory, pretty much what Jeff said. Madoka doesn't have the staying power of things like NGE and GitS. We barely talk about it anymore, except occasionally someone might post images of a Madoka figure or something.

Fair enough, I still feel like it's an excellent watch though.
If you've watched the Haruhi series, you'll be doing yourself a favor to watch the Disappearance movie.

And if you like beisbol, check out Cross Game.
I've seen a couple Monster episodes. It was fact the only one there I haven't seen SEL. Haven't seen Akira or Madoka, either. But, sounds like Madoka's being voted out and I'm not THAT hardcore for Akira.

I would definitely include Grave of the Fireflies as a requirement. Good movie...and the story behind it is pretty harsh. (It's one movie that's HARD not to cry while watching. I think any animation that can do that, needs to be watched)

EoE...I probably won't see 'cause I didn't really like NGE.
I've seen a couple Monster episodes. It was fact the only one there I haven't seen SEL. Haven't seen Akira or Madoka, either. But, sounds like Madoka's being voted out and I'm not THAT hardcore for Akira.
Watch Madoka anyway, form your own opinion.
Although personally, if I had my way, everyone would watch Bokurano before they watch Madoka. :P
Btw, if you reminded me an hour or two ago, I would have watched more. But I didn't because Nichijou on the stream :lol:
I've seen a couple Monster episodes. It was meh....

Yeah, catching just a few eps of Monster it can seem rather meh. I decided to stick it out and was rewarded repeatedly. It's a long series, and the ending is not climactic like some would want. It's a drama, a story about characters, and it's pretty real. As you said, any anime that makes you cry is a must see, and if you give Monster time, it will, guaranteed, make you shed tears. Great characters and motivational tension developed throughout this story. Not for everybody (moe otaku's especially) but for fans of serious storytelling, definitely a hells yeah.
Yeah... the thing about Monster is that it's got a deliberate pace. It doesn't try to wow anybody in just a couple episodes. If you're patient with the slow unfolding of the story though, you'll be greatly rewarded.
It's something of a taste question, you may not like it, but you may love it.

I'd have to say another must watch is something Gundam.

And also, looks like Bokurano is next on my to watch list. I still have yay's jpeg schedule on my desktop and intend to work through most of what I haven't already seen on it since his tastes seems to be pretty close to mine.:)
It's kinda crazy to think that Ghibli tried to release Grave of the Fireflies and My Neighbor Totoro together as a double feature. Ugh. "Here's a happy cheery movie about two sisters meeting some interesting new friends....and here's a super depressing movie about two siblings that both die during the end of WWII." Whoever thought those two movies together would be a good idea is an idiot. I'm not sure is Totoro is quite cheery enough to erase the heartbreak of Fireflies.

As for's on Netflix, so I might catch it after Guin.
And also, looks like Bokurano is next on my to watch list. I still have yay's jpeg schedule on my desktop and intend to work through most of what I haven't already seen on it since his tastes seems to be pretty close to mine.:)
I approve. Our tastes are pretty similar. 👍

Although... I can't vouch for the quality of the shows on my schedule, as I haven't seen 'em yet. :P

It's kinda crazy to think that Ghibli tried to release Grave of the Fireflies and My Neighbor Totoro together as a double feature. Ugh. "Here's a happy cheery movie about two sisters meeting some interesting new friends....and here's a super depressing movie about two siblings that both die during the end of WWII." Whoever thought those two movies together would be a good idea is an idiot. I'm not sure is Totoro is quite cheery enough to erase the heartbreak of Fireflies.

As for's on Netflix, so I might catch it after Guin.
I think My Neighbor Totoro played after Fireflies, which actually makes a lot of sense. "Here's a happy cheery movie since we know you guys are crying like babies after that last movie..."

You disgust me.

:lol::lol::lol: Happy to be of service!

But as T-12 and Mr Impala will agree, some Gundam is fundamental to anime. The original series, 00, or something. Haven't seen unicorn yet myself so can't say if that's the one which will meet modern expectations. If I had to pick one, 00.
For this thread, right now, with the folks that are here, and for the purpose of being educated in the discussion and posting that ensues, yes, Madoka is a must watch. But two years from now, we'll see. I'm also not 100% sure Champloo will stand the test of time, and I might've added NHK except I'm not sure everybody will see it and still be talking about it years from now. But yes, EVA, Bebop, maybe Clannads, some GitS, some Gundam, Haruhi if only to be able to appreciate Disappearance, definitely a few Miyazakis, either of Hasoda's features (Girl who Leapt and Summer Wars), one of Makoto Shinkai's (Place Promised, 5 cm/s, Voices of a Distant Star)... these are true anime must sees. Moe is a dime a dozen, though I love many of them, Lucky Star, Nichijou, but they're just for watching now, once, and then on to the next, not quite classics. Admittedly, I've yet much to see, K-ON, GC and other currents. Honestly, GL was great but... not forever great. CG was about the same, great but will be forgotten. Eden of the East at the same level. Then again, I said Beck and Smashing Pumpkins would be short-lived phenomenon... oh wait, I was wrong for about 4 years, and then I was right. Huh.

Edit: Holy ****, just starting Bokurano, and haven't even finished the OP and it looks epic!!! Report back after I've actually seen a few eps.

Edit 2: and the first guy I hear is Gintama's Shinpachi, boding even better (note my avy.) Reminding me a bit of Lord of the Flies. Also Ender's Game (seriously, if any of you who are at all into sci fi haven't yet read it, do so. A. Maze. Ing.)
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Madoka is a must-watch for anyone who joins TGAT, period.

We ain't talking about best shows of all time, we're only talking about what people should watch if they're in here. Don't mix the two up, you silly geese.
Haven't seen Akira or Madoka, either. But, sounds like Madoka's being voted out and I'm not THAT hardcore for Akira.

Watch Madoka. I somewhat agree about it's lack of lasting appeal, but that in no way is a reason not to watch it. Show is solid through and through, great story, you'll be doing yourself a favor. Not exactly a must watch but it's pretty close to being one.

Yeah... the thing about Monster is that it's got a deliberate pace. It doesn't try to wow anybody in just a couple episodes. If you're patient with the slow unfolding of the story though, you'll be greatly rewarded.

Sounds interesting. And I can be patient with a story, as long as it's really good and constantly developing.
Madoka is a must-watch for anyone who joins TGAT, period.

We ain't talking about best shows of all time, we're only talking about what people should watch if they're in here. Don't mix the two up, you silly geese.

I demand you to watch said anime I posted above.
This is the first I'm hearing about Serial Experiments Lain being a must watch over here, by the way. It's not like I asked for recommendations before and nobody mentioned it... :rolleyes:
Watch Madoka. I somewhat agree about it's lack of lasting appeal, but that in no way is a reason not to watch it. Show is solid through and through, great story, you'll be doing yourself a favor. Not exactly a must watch but it's pretty close to being one.

Sounds interesting. And I can be patient with a story, as long as it's really good and constantly developing.

So...........Modaka isn't mandatory.........but I should still watch it.


Am I too late to join the glasses pic dump party?

Didn't realize we had a traitor in our midst. I will have to update my sig.
Tell me about it. Asuka's already gone through a tub of Haagen-Dazs.
Somebody use Thunder or Giga Drain right now.[/Pokénerd]

Here, let me fix that for you.


Great, my childhood memories have become a lot less innocent. Don't stop, though. :drool:
Slip in some tongue, NAO!!!
Brings a whole new meaning to the words "Robot Rock". :D
And it took me a while to notice that Team Asuka is against the Moe Squad right now... I'm not going to join this civil war :lol:
Join it...
"...and satisfy Chris Hansen."

Hmm... so I was about to PM Jordan to request a small change to my username (yaywalter -> Yaywalter), but then I decided that since it can only be done once a year, I might as well go nuts and change it to something else entirely.

Any ideas, TGAT? :P
If you hadn't made up your mind yet, I would have suggested Chris Hansen. :lol:
Negative. It's a common topic because it's popular. Popular =/= mandatory viewing, otherwise we'd have to put Bleach and Naruto on there as well. :lol:
Lots of 'team talk' overnight.

...It's my fault, isn't it? :guilty:
And so is the massive amount of ice cream that Asuka has comfort-eaten. :mad:

Yes, I know I haven't watched Disappearance yet but I haven't found a whole 2 hours and 30 minutes in my working diary :lol: Seriously that is an epic length, but really I've sort of gone off Haruhi now.
You have commitment issues. As is evident in what I have used to replace your username.