The General Anime Thread...

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How about no? They're still faster than the fansubbers. They put the episode up hours after the Japanese airing.

The problem was when they put the episode up, the subtitles (Which they had ready beforehand.) which weren't burned on didn't get put on Hulu's closed captioning. It took them until like 1 AM Monday morning to fix the issue, so it took them only a couple hours to acknowledge the issue, and contact Hulu to fix it.

haha this guy is fun. Really.
haha this guy is fun. Really.
THANK YOU ALL for making me watch the Evangelion!

Fixed, and you're welcome. Pretty freaking awesome isn't it?

Nise ep 2: Bring on Twister! Also no more Mayoi sexual harassment? Pretty much no reason to watch this anymore lol.
Starting that now 👍. (So dumb... I would've hit it 👍) Must do research on the manga next.

The NGE manga is ****ing nuts. Definitely check it out. :lol:

Make sure it's the actual Neon Genesis Evangelion manga and not Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse, which is entirely different.
Fixed, and you're welcome. Pretty freaking awesome isn't it?

VERY awesome :dopey:. Wish the series can continue like gundam. Or even tell the story of some other EVA units in another country (eliminating the 16 angel limit). I wish that they would've created some equipment for space use. Hope the new film makes it.
Speaking of manga, I need to get more manga! I have nearly 60 manga volumes in my room, but that's not enough. I need hundreds upon hundreds!:mad:
The only time I check out manga is for [Sephy]research.[/Sephy]


If you like ****ed up stuff, which I know you do, you really should check out the manga 17-sai. Even more ****ed up is that it's based on a true story: Eek!

Also since you're a sucker for sap, you should check out the ****ed up and very sad manga Bitter Virgin.

...Y'know, for "research". :lol: 👍
If you like ****ed up stuff, which I know you do, you really should check out the manga 17-sai. (Even more ****ed up is that it's based on a true story... eek!) Also since you're a sucker for sap, you should check out the ****ed up and very sad manga Bitter Virgin. Y'know... for "research". :lol: 👍

How long are they and what are they about?

How long are they and what are they about?

They're both relatively short. They aren't millions of volumes like Bleach or One Piece. :lol:

You can see what 17-sai is about in my edited post above, and here's a short copypasta on Bitter Virgin from Wikipedia:

Bitter Virgin is the story of high school student Daisuke Suwa and his classmate, a girl named Hinako Aikawa, and the relationship that develops between them soon after Daisuke discovers a tragic - and very personal - secret that Hinako has been forced to bear on her own.
On November 25, 1988, four boys, including a 17-year-old whose personal name was Jō and would be later given the surname Kamisaku, abducted and held Furuta, a third-year high school (12th grade) student from Misato, Saitama Prefecture, for 44 days. They kept her captive in the house owned by the parents of Kamisaku, in the Ayase district of Adachi, Tokyo.[2]

Misato, Saitama

hurr durrr

Yeah, it's pretty damn ****ed up.

I think I might check out Bitter Virgin tonight or tomorrow.

Sweetness. It's probably better to start off with Bitter Virgin than 17-sai... it's pretty messed up, but not nearly as messed up as 17-sai. And unlike 17-sai, it's not completely bleak... :(

hurr durrr

I wouldn't mind being kept inside Misato for 44 days. :sly:
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Just finished End Of Evangelion. Very weird ending. Almost time for bed, and I dont want any of my dreams to be about Evangelion lol. Better watch something else.
EoE is so :censored:ed up. And that's why it's the best thing with Evangelion on the title 👍


^ needed to be posted again.
Oh, does this mean I shouldn't violate his mind too much? I may break him :3

Please leave him intact.

The only time I check out manga is for [Sephy]research.[/Sephy]


VERY awesome :dopey:. Wish the series can continue like gundam. Or even tell the story of some other EVA units in another country (eliminating the 16 angel limit). I wish that they would've created some equipment for space use. Hope the new film makes it.

I take it you finished EoE? SO AWESOME! Now watch the Rebuild movies that are out.

Speaking of manga, I just finished making my manga queue:[/QUOTE]

[B][color=#E42217]I see you have Re-Take on there. I actually have read that, though it's been a long time. It's quite awesome.[/COLOR][/B]

[quote="MHPALA, post: 6505575"]Just finished End Of Evangelion. Great ending. Almost time for bed, and I dont want any of my dreams to be about Evangelion lol. Better watch something else.[/QUOTE]

[B][color=#E42217]Well this answered my question lol.

Loli stop with that picture.[/COLOR][/B]
Speaking of manga, I just finished making my manga queue:
Ah Fruits Basket, I sometime need to read the manga (The anime didn't cover everything as the manga was still on-going, and there were differences between the two.). Shame that its out of print, and surprisingly hasn't been picked up by someone else after Tokyopop's downfall last year. It was a top-seller, it'll be a seller for anyone who picks it up.

And Ichigo 100%, shame VIZ Media cancelled it. I'll have to learn Japanese and import the Japanese volumes (Thank gawd manga is super cheap there, cheaper than here. Here: $10 a volume There: $5 a volume). Though then again, I still haven't started it.:lol:

Also, YuYu Hakusho? I'm surprised someone like you would be reading a manga from 1990 that came from Weekly Shonen Jump (Since there's WSJ hate here. Ex: The Big 3), but then again, you have Ichigo 100% on that thing.:lol:
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Hi everyone! how's it goi- eHEHHHHHHH?! Review wa?! Wa nani mo arimasen! nani o shlte iru no? :mad:
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Please leave him intact.
But like any good toy I must play with it until it breaks. Twisting and turning it until it cracks at the seams and screams for mercy. Listening to its futile cries while giggling with pleasure.. mmm, I can feel the ecstasy already. Digging my fingers into its sternum, the sound of its hollow chest breaking coursing through my mind... And finally its limp body plopping into the garbage. The next toy waiting for its turn to be played with and broken like the last one..

Errr.. what was I saying?