The General Anime Thread...

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I want to be bad with Bad Girl :3

Cool, I'll take Sylvia.

I thought so too, which is why I was rooting for Yukki to just accept her already, but then she went ahead and proved me wrong.

It's clear there's more to find out about Yuno, but I don't think she can become normal, nor do I want her to :3

I don't want her to either.

Alright kiddies, Sephy is going to bed. Night!
No More Heroes is some game... never played it myself. Saw the cover art for the ps3 title, came home and started googling.

Cloe Walsh

Alice Twilight

Kimmy Howell

Margaret Moonlight

Bad Girl

Sylvia Christel

Dr. Naomi

Support the artist by favouriting on dA; ILuVKDyEr.
I hotlinked each image.
Yummy. :drool:

In that bunch of pics, Cloe Walsh, Alice Twilight, Kimmy Howell and Margaret Moonlight are the best.

I never played No More Heroes either, but I've heard of it.
Usually, the endings to the stories I conceptualize are quite dark/sad, as a lot of them are Silent Hill inspired. :lol:

I like Silent Hill's way of doing "It was all just a dream/in my imagination!"..... because the reality is usually far more 🤬'd up :lol:
I like Silent Hill's way of doing "It was all just a dream/in my imagination!"..... because the reality is usually far more 🤬'd up :lol:


Watch the movie Jacob's Ladder, if you haven't seen it. It's one of the inspirations for Silent Hill's aesthetic. It's quite good too, if I do say so myself. 👍
That sounds kind of silly.

In Silent Hill, it's not really so much of "it was all a dream!", it's more like "what the 🤬 is real and what isn't?!?!"

Get the Silent Hill HD collection when it comes out and play Silent Hill 2. You'll understand. 👍

In fact, I think Silent Hill 2 may have been my first mind****. Playing it at age 12, it was a truly traumatizing experience. :lol:

Watch the movie Jacob's Ladder, if you haven't seen it. It's one of the inspirations for Silent Hill's aesthetic. It's quite good too, if I do say so myself. 👍
I've seen it and really liked it. Of course I saw it as soon as I heard that it inspired Silent Hill :lol:
In Silent Hill, it's not really so much of "it was all a dream!", it's more like "what the 🤬 is real and what isn't?!?!"
Plenty of symbolism as well. For anyone who likes disturbing things with an actual connection to the human psyche, Silent Hill 2 and 3 are MUST plays. 4 is really good as well, but the gameplay and environments are a drag.

I wasn't traumatized by 2, but it did have a massive influence on my mind. 👍
4 is really good as well, but the gameplay and environments are a drag.

I really liked the environments of 4, it's just that going through all of them again a 2nd time while babysitting Eileen and fending off Yaywalter is a royal pain in the ass. :lol:
They had atmosphere, but I didn't like going through 'em for the most part. Then there was the babysitting, uggghhh..

The story and soundtrack were of course awesome, however.
I don't know nothin bout Silent Hill, but Jacob's Ladder was ****ed up. But more than that, what's the connection to anime agian?
I don't know nothin bout Silent Hill, but Jacob's Ladder was ****ed up. But more than that, what's the connection to anime agian?

Silent Hill = awesome
Anime = awesome

Therefore, Silent Hill = Anime. :lol:

Okay, okay... we'll quit blabbering on about Silent Hill, for now. You guys have been officially given the assignment to go play Silent Hill 2 at the very least. (Seriously, it can be beaten in less than an hour and a half... if you know what you're doing. :sly:) And once you do and become huge SH fanboys like me and loli, we shall resume the discussion. :P
They're Japanese games? :P


But anyway Jeff, get yoself the HD collection when it comes out. Or just order the games online :dopey: Silent Hill 2 and 3 are godly.

Okay, okay... we'll quit blabbering on about Silent Hill, for now. You guys have been officially given the assignment to go play Silent Hill 2 at the very least. And once you do and become huge SH fanboys like me and loli, we shall resume the discussion. :P
I approve of this 👍 Need moar SH fanboys. And none of you watch the movie, that 🤬 is lame.
No More Heroes is some game... never played it myself. Saw the cover art for the ps3 title, came home and started googling.

Dr. Naomi

Support the artist by favouriting on dA; ILuVKDyEr.
I hotlinked each image.

:drool: Dat soldering iron ...

She can fix my beam magnum anytime :dopey:
Mirai Nikki was crazy! And I guess I was right about the whole "One meh episode and then a great follow-up" thing. Show could still be much better though.
I lol'd when Yuki slapped Yuno. Goddamn crazy lady needs to know her place! Yukki seems to be 25% more man though, that's always a good thing.

WTF DIARY APPRENTICES?! That's wonky, man. I didn't know something like that was possible! But it does add to the show's length and this diary owner won't be easy to take care of. I hope her weird deformed body ends up being something along the lines of the mascot suit in the Dead Rising 2. I want to see this lady go crazy too :dopey:
^ Wtf?

I sincerely hope you know what the Soldering Iron figuratively represents.

Yes I do .... Who doesn't :dopey:...

Unless it means something else.

BTW by beam magnum I mean this. 6 beam cartridges
Man, Yuno just stopped entirely after Yuki pulled the crossbow from her... When Yuno was getting all desperate, if I was Yuki, I'd have lied to her straight up and said: "Kousaka is hurt, I want to take him to a hospital. I'll come back right after I drop him off, promise." Then I'd leave and come back with a ton of cops. WINNER.

I must admit though, Kousaka was so naive with the keys deal.... your opponent won't let you "win" for free, and they certainly are up to something if they don't throw the key to your feet. To make matters worse, he doesn't keep an eye on Yuno while unlocking the door. Stupid boy turning his back on a murderer.
His "diary" is the brilliant diary where his great triumphs(such as finding a stick) are posted. Do you really think he's smart enough to realize an obvious trap?
His "diary" is the brilliant diary where his great triumphs(such as finding a stick) are posted. Do you really think he's smart enough to realize an obvious trap?

Nope, but I was smart enough to know it was a trap, an I didn't have a phone. *wink*

But seriously though, I'm okay with that "exception" of making him a diary holder being made, because Deus can do that....

What crud Gai pulled in GC was dumb.

I'll continue discussion tomorrow, I need sleep.
*Plot hole in Mirai Nikki*


I find it interesting that Deus would give a diary holder such a strong ability.