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What is great about Bleach?
Bleach. Well, I'm probably the only one here who's seen every episode so far (though I think I missed a movie or two) so I'll go ahead and answer this one. What's great about Bleach? Nothing. I only just barely kept watching it through the first 20 episodes or so. But it's one of those shows where you always kind of want to watch the next episode.

Oh wait, nevermind. I skipped a bunch of episodes in the early-middle, where the swords came alive and started trouble.

So yeah, there's some pretty good moments. Some pretty good characters and voice acting. If it was condensed to just the Aizen/Espada arc down to like 50 episodes, it could potentially be a solid 8/10 show, pretty good concept/story there. As it is, I wouldn't recommend anybody take the time to watch the whole series to date. I keep watching it because, hey, it's just one more episode a week, why not. But at this point it's only a 6/10 program overall, just good enough to not be bad.
Agreed on both counts. I'm guessing he's just catching it on broadcast? I mean, who would do out of their way for Bleach over practically anything else?
Yeah, fun images there, but Kampfer is in the bottom 10% at ANN, so I'm guessing in every way except for fanservice it must be absolutely horrible.
Ouch, the MAL ranking, the MAL ranking!:scared:ämpfer
I'll probably find it good whenever I get it and watch it.
Bleach. Well, I'm probably the only one here who's seen every episode so far (though I think I missed a movie or two) so I'll go ahead and answer this one. What's great about Bleach? Nothing. I only just barely kept watching it through the first 20 episodes or so. But it's one of those shows where you always kind of want to watch the next episode.

Oh wait, nevermind. I skipped a bunch of episodes in the early-middle, where the swords came alive and started trouble.

So yeah, there's some pretty good moments. Some pretty good characters and voice acting. If it was condensed to just the Aizen/Espada arc down to like 50 episodes, it could potentially be a solid 8/10 show, pretty good concept/story there. As it is, I wouldn't recommend anybody take the time to watch the whole series to date. I keep watching it because, hey, it's just one more episode a week, why not. But at this point it's only a 6/10 program overall, just good enough to not be bad.
Currently a 9/10 for me, but this current Fullbringer arc probably will soon drag it down to an 8/10. Bleach has oh so many flaws, but I still find it to be a great show.
Thats basically how I'm doing it, Via Adult Swim.
Oh gawd, prepare not to see reruns for a long time.:lol:If you miss an episode, you're pretty much screwed. Your only option then to see that dubbed episode (Legally) you missed is to get it on like PSN, iTunes, or DVD in a year. The legal digital downloads get added the day after the [as] broadcast for $2 an episode.
I'm not surprised; moe characters, comedy... money-makers, not story-tellers. ;)
Then explain why Nichijou sold badly?
I don't know why it sold badly (*It not appealing to the Japanese otaku.) to be honest.
"doesn't know the answer" (*provides the answer.) to be honest.


Nichijou didn't have any real plot... at least haganai had something.
Nichijou's humour is scattered and dumb... Haganai's humour was cute and more understandable to the general audience.
Nichijou's character designs were not outstanding in the slightest... Haganai had a big-chested brat, had lolis (one of which runs around naked), and a cute smarty-pants who was extremely perverted....

I like Haganai, but I already like Nichijou a whole lot more. Haganai has Kobato and perverted humour, that's all I got from it. Nichjou's random humour is awesome.
It's awesome to us, because (IMO), it has humour similar to western humour, or at least a kind of humour we understand better than those in the Japanese culture.

Care to disagree?


[quote="TheCorvette, post: 6521923"]Yes, Haganai sold 7,500+ in it's first week!!:DI hope this will lead to good sales for the other volumes, and could lead to a season 2.[/QUOTE]

[B][color=#E42217]*Crosses fingers for a season 2*[/COLOR][/B]

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