The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Yozora > Other two bitches I don't know

Anyway, I figure I should let you guys know I'm off to Canada and will stay there for 10 days. It's uncertain whether I'll have internet access, so I'll probably be gone for a while. Well, even if I do I will likely not be bored enough to want to talk to you anyway :P

Cya :)
Other M. Your opinion?

After I watched some guy fight with the WiiMote at PAX a couple of years back, and just how they made Samus into some emotional, confused girl instead of a bad ass, made me more or less give up on Nintendo.

You take a series known for its controls and awesome heroine and make it into that. Shame on you Nintendo, shame on you.
Kinkiness aside, I have a couple shows on queue...

Serial Experimental Lain
Black Lagoon + 2nd Barrage
Black Rock Shooter
Bakuman III

any more suggestions? I want to hear about shows with very good animations, or anything visually cool to look at.
After I watched some guy fight with the WiiMote at PAX a couple of years back, and just how they made Samus into some emotional, confused girl instead of a bad ass, made me more or less give up on Nintendo.

You take a series known for its controls and awesome heroine and make it into that. Shame on you Nintendo, shame on you.

More like shame on Sakamoto. He's the idiot that wanted to make Other M the way it was.

The only good bit about Other M is it's homage to the classic gameplay style. The controls are awkward, the storyline is cluttered and nonsensical, and Samus has apparently become some over eager grunt looking for vindication.


On a lighter note, they've (finally) arrived:







More like shame on Sakamoto. He's the idiot that wanted to make Other M the way it was.

The only good bit about Other M is it's homage to the classic gameplay style. The controls are awkward, the storyline is cluttered and nonsensical, and Samus has apparently become some over eager grunt looking for vindication.

The best Metroid game is, without question, Super Metroid. Prime and Corruption did a fairly good job as well; Echoes was crap (I had someone argue this was the best of the Prime series -__-) Zero Mission was okay minus the kind of wonky ending, Fusion was far to linear (same person argued this was better than Zero Mission) and the original is just that. Oh, and I never bothered with Hunters because it just felt awkward as well.

Nintendo has gotten a bit too caught up gimmicks and such and far less on actual gameplay or even presentation. 480p on 1080p panels at PAX looked embarrassingly bad compared to all the HD content being shown off.
The best Metroid game is, without question, Super Metroid. Prime and Corruption did a fairly good job as well; Echoes was crap (I had someone argue this was the best of the Prime series -__-) Zero Mission was okay minus the kind of wonky ending, Fusion was far to linear (same person argued this was better than Zero Mission) and the original is just that. Oh, and I never bothered with Hunters because it just felt awkward as well.

Nintendo has gotten a bit too caught up gimmicks and such and far less on actual gameplay or even presentation. 480p on 1080p panels at PAX looked embarrassingly bad compared to all the HD content being shown off.

Echoes, crap? Out of the three in the series, Echoes definitely comes second (which is a coincidence considering it's second in the series as well) as Corruption was just a bit too easy for my liking, especially Dark Samus - you know how much trouble I had with her in Echoes? Prime 1 definitely hit the definitive checklist of what a modern Metroid game should be like; if any developing studio should be contracted to handle the series until they're tired of it, it's Retro. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "gimmicks" but I'll assume you're referring to their focus on motion-controlled gameplay and the likes thereof - have you played Skyward Sword yet? That's a perfect example of how good the Wii could have been at launch. The only other Wii game that I have that even comes remotely close to how good SS handles is Prime 3, and that only involves moving Samus' arm cannon, Morph Ball jump, and probably something else I can't remember at the moment.

I implore them to keep finding new ways to play games. After all, how much longer can us "hardcore" (I still dislike the generalizations we have today) gamers go holding a conventional controller just mashing buttons before we want a more intuitively-involved experience?
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Is that the goldleaf paint? I saw that brush, a fatter brush for $10.. i tfind them to be a bit of a ripoff.

Do weathering on your gundams already! Flat-painted gundams are so boring.
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Unfortunately, no. Gold leaf was gone everywhere I looked, and the one place I did find some in stock... I didn't trust the site that had it. So, I ended up with some metallic gold instead.

And a ripoff of what? In terms of price, or another product?
Echoes, crap? Out of the three in the series, Echoes definitely comes second (which is a coincidence considering it's second in the series as well) as Corruption was just a bit too easy for my liking, especially Dark Samus - you know how much trouble I had with her in Echoes? Prime 1 definitely hit the definitive checklist of what a modern Metroid game should be like; if any developing studio should be contracted to handle the series until they're tired of it, it's Retro. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "gimmicks" but I'll assume you're referring to their focus on motion-controlled gameplay and the likes thereof - have you played Skyward Sword yet? That's a perfect example of how good the Wii could have been at launch. The only other Wii game that I have that even comes remotely close to how good SS handles is Prime 3, and that only involves moving Samus' arm cannon, Morph Ball jump, and probably something else I can't remember at the moment.

I implore them to keep finding new ways to play games. After all, how much longer can us "hardcore" (I still dislike the generalizations we have today) gamers go holding a conventional controller just mashing buttons before we want a more intuitively-involved experienced?

Well, I play StarCraft now so the controls are a bit different there :P That aside, it was a novel idea but they over used it in many cases, such as in Other M with the rotation of the mote for different stuff. Prime 3 did implement it well. But Nintendo has done a decent job, I feel, of alienating fans of certain franchises, while just endless rehashing them. Was a conversation a friend and I had at last year's PAX after spending time going through Nintendo's offerings - there just wasn't much that really appealed to us anymore. And this is from a guy that has his SNES still hooked up and an original Gameboy on display, from '89.

Prime 3 was kind of easy but I feel (and its a been a while) that you could up the difficulty? My problem with Echoes was a lot of very tedious back tracking that didn't flow as well as other games, and the annoying tendency to have to wait for some energy between moving around in the dark world. Which was also very boring visually. It never did it for me like Prime 1 or 3.

Super Metroid still wins, if just because of the replay value that the sequence breaking produced. Fusion was a failure because they made it so very, very hard to do just that.
They didn't have any in stock either, and I've already been holding off on the Sinanju since October.

I can't wait any longer. :lol:
Price obviously... but I will admit, I won't walk into an art store and find a brush with that narrow of a tip.
Do weathering on your gundams already! Flat-painted gundams are so boring.

Yes, sir. I'll even do a bit of damage detail... If I can remember how.

I'll do a weathering job on Shin's Zaku; I have no weathering markers (or paint) at the moment.

Well, I play StarCraft now so the controls are a bit different there :P That aside, it was a novel idea but they over used it in many cases, such as in Other M with the rotation of the mote for different stuff. Prime 3 did implement it well. But Nintendo has done a decent job, I feel, of alienating fans of certain franchises, while just endless rehashing them. Was a conversation a friend and I had at last year's PAX after spending time going through Nintendo's offerings - there just wasn't much that really appealed to us anymore. And this is from a guy that has his SNES still hooked up and an original Gameboy on display, from '89.

Prime 3 was kind of easy but I feel (and its a been a while) that you could up the difficulty? My problem with Echoes was a lot of very tedious back tracking that didn't flow as well as other games, and the annoying tendency to have to wait for some energy between moving around in the dark world. Which was also very boring visually. It never did it for me like Prime 1 or 3.

Super Metroid still wins, if just because of the replay value that the sequence breaking produced. Fusion was a failure because they made it so very, very hard to do just that.

Yeah, after you went through it the first time you could replay it in I forget the name of the difficulty, but even at the hardest difficulty during your first playthrough it amounts to no more than what would be "Normal" in Echoes. I haven't seen too many people citing the backtracking - something that I honestly didn't even really notice until it was pointed out in a "Let's Play" session I was watching - as a problem with the game, but I have heard it before. I'll definitely agree that recovering energy was a bit tedious at times, and I also felt some of the power-ups made their way into the game too late (such as the Screw Attack) and they had no real significance anymore.

Price obviously... but I will admit, I won't walk into an art store and find a brush with that narrow of a tip.

There was another one I couldn't get (sold out) that has an even thinner tip than what I have now. :odd:
Weathering markers? Don't people just airbrush some dirty colour on top? Or at least use a sponger or something with some texture and dab it on?