The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I just think P4 has characters targeted towards the youth demographic... so 13 y.o's and 40 y.o's won't like it as much as we do. Everyone so far seems pretty mature, but it also doesn't really come off as a Seinen to me.

Pics? Google it! Look at TC's avatar! Open your eyes!


^cool outfit.

And I'm getting a better understanding why people like Shiro so much as a Yandere... it's because she wasn't insane in the anime.
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Meh, too much demographic talk. It doesn't really matter if the story and characters are good while the anime is enjoyable.

Persona 4 is awesome. That's all that matters.
*makes note not to make a single rise avatar*


In that case, I'd just stick with Misato. Which is fine by me. :3

And in all actuality, I'll probably be going with a Lain avatar in the near future anyways, along with doing a Lain profile page. So it really doesn't matter.
In that case, I'd just stick with Misato. Which is fine by me. :3

And in all actuality, I'll probably be going with a Lain avatar in the near future anyways, along with doing a Lain profile page. So it really doesn't matter.

I just won by a landslide!
I just won by a landslide!

If he does make some Rise avatars, I'll still be using one. It just won't be for too long. ;)

Oh yeah, I just got my itinerary for my flight to Singapore...

44 minute flight from here to Los Angeles
12 hr 15 min flight from LA to Tokyo
7 hr 35 min flight from Tokyo to Singapore

And in all actuality, I'll probably be going with a Lain avatar in the near future anyways, along with doing a Lain profile page. So it really doesn't matter.
Given how detailed Lain artwork is(environment-wise), it would be a ballin' profile 👍

My DVD case looked effin' cool.

44 minute flight from here to Los Angeles
12 hr 15 min flight from LA to Tokyo
7 hr 35 min flight from Tokyo to Singapore

That sure is a lot of opportunities flights.
Some even come with surprises!

What kind of surprises? Balloons? :3

On a side-note, my Monster's too damn warm.
*sets AC to 40 degress Fahrenheit, puts on jacket and puts Monster in the air vent*
I had an Assault earlier. Pretty good.

Eh, I don't really care for all the wacky varieties of Monster. Hell, I'm not even much of a fan of the original Monster anymore either...

The one variety of Monster I like is Rehab, since it's just lemonade and tea. It's loaded up with buttloads of caffiene and other "energy blend" crap, but still... it's not nearly as funky a concoction as the other variants of Monster tend to be. :lol:

The ship's store was out of them though, and they don't carry Red Bull for some crazy reason, so I went with a normal Monster. :P

keep in mind this video was made in 2009...

Some of the characters seen in the video I will agree with, like that Yoma in Claymore, Alucard, Lucy... I'm glad Dante was in his 10th spot, because compared to the other characters, he's more of a stylist than a straight-up murderer.

I personally would put Shiro (manga version) in there, Unit01 (dummy plug mode), and Shion :drool:
Eh, I don't really care for all the wacky varieties of Monster. Hell, I'm not even much of a fan of the original Monster anymore either...

The one variety of Monster I like is Rehab, since it's just lemonade and tea. It's loaded up with buttloads of caffiene and other "energy blend" crap, but still... it's not nearly as funky a concoction as the other variants of Monster tend to be. :lol:

The ship's store was out of them though, and they don't carry Red Bull for some crazy reason, so I went with a normal Monster. :P

I'ma fan of Assault and regular monster, not all that other stuff though. I could have green and be content, it's really good. And I've never tried Rehab.

I don't like Red Bull.
Haha damn that was some pretty brutal stuff.

It's early but I am le tired. Goodnight everyone.
commuting back from work :embarrassed:

Tamiya makes a very nice weathering set. 3 different kinds.

Walter, you're going to fly right past Hawaii :P
Requesting Higurashi be streamed in April Friday Nights..

Why April? Gotta get Nichijou and DW out of the way, right, Canoholic?
I'ma fan of Assault and regular monster, not all that other stuff though. I could have green and be content, it's really good. And I've never tried Rehab.

I don't like Red Bull.

Rehab's really good. The biggest problem I have with energy drinks is that most of 'em have have pretty strong flavor that can get downright sickening after a while. But Rehab, like I said, is a mix of tea and lemonade... so it's pretty mellow.

Red Bull > Monster
^ all of the above < Morning Rescue

commuting back from work :embarrassed:

Tamiya makes a very nice weathering set. 3 different kinds.

Walter, you're going to fly right past Hawaii :P

Don't you worry, I'll be coming to Hawaii in the not-so-distant future. :3