On that same note, but lately there have been a lot of articles about the “herbivore” male, or “passive youth”. I was reminded of this sort of personality when I saw the hero in the show. I wanted to ask you personally, do you think of this hero as a “herbivore male”?
(A comparison to Evangelion's Shinji Ikari came up when this question was being interpreted)
Ohyama: Shu is one of the main characters, but there's also one more main character – Gai - and they're completely opposite types of people. As for Ikari Shinji, that's a show from 1995, and Shinji is more passive. They're both in their own world and they don't come out from that world. So Shu is kind of a 2011 version of Shinji: he has more of a--
[the group breaks into laughter]
He has friends, but he doesn't have connections with them yet. The relationships are skin-deep. That's more of a 2011 type, nowadays, of a 17-year-old boy. So that's the difference between Shu and Shinji.