The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Well MCM in London managed to corral me and my friends into watching some Kill La Kill. Have to admit, it's tonnes of WTFun. The nekkedness = power thing is a bit fanservicey/silly, but otherwise I'm really enjoying it so far!

I finally found an anime I can watch without getting bored!
Decided to watch Madoka Magica after I noticed that we have it on Dutch Daisuki.

Started out as "meh", then episode 3 happened.
I just realized why I never got into Haruhi Suzumiya when it was really popular way back when. Still not gonna watch it. It's the position of the eyes and the mouth. It looks really weird. :odd:
I just realized why I never got into Haruhi Suzumiya when it was really popular way back when. Still not gonna watch it. It's the position of the eyes and the mouth. It looks really weird. :odd:
And you watch Neon Genesis...
She's happy. don't you like happy girls? Your girl must hate you.

"But... I don't have a girlfriend."


And I'll take that as a valid answer DK, haha ;)
Yes they are.

Haruhi is alright I suppose, better than other shows of its kind for sure. But not brilliant.

I also still haven't watched Disappearance. Goddamn me.
I watched the first season. Then they released more and then the order was different and then a movie. Screw that. I'm not going to rewatch what I've already seen and then more because they couldn't release it right the first time. And then 8 episodes are pretty much the same thing. Nope. Not for a mediocre show. I hear the movie is great. I'm sad I won't be watching it.
The Haruhi movie is incredible. I'd say it was one of my favourite films, but having to watch the rather average TV series first just to understand what's going on drags it down.
I'm obviously bias towards it but... :lol: I thought Disappearance was really good, but Endless Eight in the second season really made me dislike that part (the Sigh arc was worth watching though)