The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent


Drew the Devil Z today. I do believe this is the legitimately the first time I've actually drawn a car, so let me know how it is so far! Yeah, I'm well aware it needs the Dark Blue. That, and I goofed the brakes.
Remember when I said I got my nephew hooked on Touhou? Well, he brought it to school. Now they have a bet in place to see who can beat it on hard difficulty by the end of the school year. Winner gets $100.

What have I done?

On a side note his favorite character surprisingly is: Flandre Scarlet.
He thinks she's cute and he likes the mental side of her. :lol:
Loool of all the games to get spread around the school...

Also Flan is an OK choice for favourite.
I don't care too much for Haruhi, but as long as she's vanishmenting in my rear view mirror I guess it's okay.
More like it's slow and peaceful. Until the action scenes. But once the action happens it sorta feels more raw, if that makes sense.
I have no idea about the recent episodes though.

So, having gone through Grimgar... it's interesting.

The premise is interesting. Definitely plays on the "trapped in an MMORPG" trope, like SAO or even "Dungeons and Dragons", but more like the film "Predators", where you're dropped into a new world without warning, and there's no Dungeon Master or auto-level-ups to bring you up to speed. And death here is very, very real.

Granted, it has some familiar tropes (guilds, skills, levels), some sections of lazy animation (they fall back on stills a lot... which is not a problem, since the art is very good... but there was one scene where they actually used moving cutouts for a walking animation... ugh), a tiny bit of fan service here and there (thankfully, very muted compared to most)... and sections where nothing at all is happening... at all... but it does capture the spirit of what war is like. The small victories, the tragedies, the times in-between where you need to mend your equipment, your body (not so much here, thanks to healers) and your soul. It's this last part in which the series justifies the slow sections, which do feel very natural and in keeping with the story. Unusually, and quite sensitively for an anime, it also shows the down-time for the "evil" goblins, and works at giving each of them a personality. A nice touch, and it makes the killing all the more impactful. This is not just a game. This is war.

One line strikes me from one of the bar-room conversations: "I'm not doing this because I want to..." a common sentiment for soldiers everywhere. And yet the characters hardly ever question the facts of their lives. They simply accept what they've been told, that being a Soldier is all that they can do. They seem to actively shy away from the thought of deserting every time the idea of alternative income comes up... these mental blocks may also be tied into the amnesia everyone in the series has... despite the suggestions, here and there, that they do remember living on Earth on some level.

One striking feature of this series: It's bloody. The shocking dissonance between the brutal battles and the quaint pastoral setting of the series really does strike home. I also like how the author of the story did not shy away from the death of characters, though the foreshadowing in the anime version seems pretty thick. It's treated as more of an event here than in something like Attack On Titan. The slower pace allows more exploration of how the characters deal with death and loss.


Definitely going to finish this one. Despite the slowness, it feels rather compelling, and more mature and well-thought out than most anime series. I hope that there is a second season, and that it won't come several years down the line. (I wonder if Attack On Titan will come out before the Tesla Model 3?) :lol:
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I have a Surface 3 coming in tomorrow, and I am hoping to produce a ton of drawings with it. All this time I've been telling myself to save up for a Cintiq too.
A cintiq? Sweet jebus those are pricey. I myself went on the frugal side and got myself a bamboo.

It seems to be a lot similar to "Kanojo no Carrera", especially with the main character being named Aika and said character driving a blue sports car (which in Carrera's Aika case is a Porsche 968). And just as I'm writing this, I realized that both mangas are written by the same man... Then it's no mere coincidence, it seems.