The General Anime Thread...

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Ok now I see why Shinji was afraid to pilot this....


Auto Memories Doll.

It's been quite a while since that name caused a fuss. Originally invented by Professor Orland solely for his beloved wife, Auto Memories Dolls eventually spread out into the world, and a machine that allows people to rent out the dolls was also created.

"I will run as fast as I can to wherever my customer desires. I am the Auto Memories Doll, Violet Evergarden."

A girl who almost appears to have popped out of a fairy tale with her blonde hair and blue eyes said this with her inorganic beauty and sweet voice.
Kyoani is so confident with their animation that they can afford to make 46-second PVs containing a lot of vivid lines and colours that say absolutely nothing about the story, and still manage to generate high interest and new waifus.

Good find, techy-sketch.
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And then they'd start playing 4-way UNO games on motorcycles..., I'd pay a million dollars for that. :lol:
With the complicated rule of Speed Counters.

Sorry you can't play your Draw 4 because you need 8 Speed Counters.

EDIT: As a fan of Card Game Anime, I am very surprised to find out that every modern Card Game Anime seems to love taking plot elements from Yugioh Zexal.

WHY ZEXAL???? While I do like Zexal, the popular opinion is that Zexal was the worst adaptation in the Yugioh Series. Both Buddyfight and Vanguard has the MC main rival turn to the evil forces like what Shark did in Zexal and Buddyfight even have their own version of Zexals Numbers that even do the same effect (possessing non Main Characters).
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Yeah, so I finally scored the opportunity to make the groupie watch Kabaneri.

This means we got Parasyte and Kabaneri we can circulate on our weekly meetings.

This also means AOS added one more waifu to his treasure chest.

Would guys watch an Anime based off UNO (I would :lol:):

That's motion comic. That's still a manga. BAKA BAKA SHI.

I rewatched Kara no Kyoukai but this time in chronological order instead of airing order. I still love this series so much, man.

I haven't finished doing this yet!
Get in the Miata Shinji.

Probably turns into a 4 rotor in berserk mode. Where's Asuka at I wonder.

Yeah, so I finally scored the opportunity to make the groupie watch Kabaneri.

This means we got Parasyte and Kabaneri we can circulate on our weekly meetings.

This also means AOS added one more waifu to his treasure chest.

Teach me the skills on how to do such sensei


I do not believe I can teach you such a thing. All the groupie members have had exposure to anime in the past. 3 are willing to watch anime, 2 of which already do on their own leisure. There was no ice breaking of any kind.
Yeah, so I finally scored the opportunity to make the groupie watch Kabaneri.

Adding 12-year old Mumei to your list? Sublime.

EDIT: I really like the OP and ED. Soon as I heard it, I needed it ASAP.


But is no one here watching Re:Zero? Can't be the only one here who's heard of it.
That checks out.

Mikasa Ackerman
Major Kusanagi
Tsunemori Akane
Faye Valentine
Ryogi Shiki

Honourable mentions:

Takanashi Rikka.

Edit: Oh. Cooler content, so while some of y'all are too busy looking at 2D girls, E3 2016 is just around the corner, and Attack on Titans is going to be shown off (again):

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What's to be continued? If it has to do with whatever's going on with her expression....

Didn't have to list anything, but okay. That checks out too.

Nagai Kei

That boy's gonna starting listening to his parents if he's a wimp or grow up independent and pessimistic if he's furious.

Anyway, I finally finished Owarimonogatari.

Over the span of watching this for god knows how long, I don't where where to connect the end to the beginning.
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