kate hoshimiya > Izumi Sagiri
^ Although I have no idea who those two are, Minamiya Natsuki > them:
I don't think I posted mine or she is my avatar.Are we showing off our waifus now? Judging from what I've seen but I'm in.
Classy, but for God sake You it is not a goddamn ship! Or boat...
Original source : https://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63102586
yeah, its a burning phase right now for me.A deformed Pyrrha?
such an unnecesarily cruel flashback haha
There is no way you can get more 80's than this :
There is no way you can get more 80's than this :
^ Although I have no idea who those two are, Minamiya Natsuki > them:
Yeah, he's the guy wearing the backpack, getting the hell outta there.
Man, I don't think Americans Companies can do the same.