i think its about some science ( i have only seen three ep and it freaked me out)Originally posted by kirkis9
ill order it tonight then. youd think some of the topics could expand into what really goes on here at gtp..... if there is truly a coexistant self living within the internet fully capable of mimicing your every move . ..interesting
btw how long did it take for u to learn how to CG and stuffOriginally posted by kirkis9
thats pretty much what happened here, with the dark shades down, then a 3px airbrush does the individual folicles with a a lighter shade abuot 3.4gabigallion times >___> too much time was put inot that ^^^^^^^^^^, and its not rewarding to draw depressed people. ref. B*
the effectiveness of the pic is 90% reliant on the quality of the original drawing, this is always the hardest part. with this one, there was an endless amount of time layering and erasing to get the dynamic composition of the hair. almost like sectioning parts of strands together into larger groups and placing them in a strict radial symetrical array (ALL POINTING TO THE TOP OF THE HEAD)
umm, anybody know the lain story? still a bit confused.
*loser left hand
i would check out the site but im busy right now sorri manOriginally posted by kirkis9
yeah i just noticed it too, face symetry is way off, bad ju juice. the amount of time people put into drawing anime is enourmous, this time is spent to look like they spent no time at all (quick drawing!). for instance: the smooth lines or the elimination of sketch drawing marks.This is to give the impression that a cheek line was drawn with one single stroke, but in fact it contained many!
but quick drawing is actualy making lines 1 after another, at a high level this is HARD, but one fellow artisan has mastered it completely, saka.
about every week she has some new stuff, not cg but an amazing example of how the original line drawing sometimes is best as is.
didnt feel ok with a content or cheerful lain so it had to be a suicidal or manic depressive lain. end of lain drawing phase, looks like i wont be reliving that expereince again.
ive been cg'ing nonstop for the past 2 years, at first couldn't draw people at all (just batman) learning quickly....