The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
same here, watching ranma is like getting ready to start a term paper, it will take a cosmic era to get it done. i thought it was great! (ranma vol1 vhs)
yeah, but I watched some very few episodes on a Chinese chanel back in the Philippines, too bad I can't understand Chinese. :(
I don't really condone watching anime in Chinese. Not that I don't like the Chinese or anything, it's just that I had a very bad experience watching some Initial D eps in Chinese... *shudders*
guess what? ranma was aired here for years, so I got to see the complete series. it was absolutely funny indeed, maybe one of the funiest anime with that kind of humor I have seen. also, the graphics and image effects are ABSOLUTE, traditional anime, wich makes it even funnier. it was pretty good XD

tenchi absolutely ****ing rules.


yeah, right... :rolleyes: it is the biggest piece of **** to ever come out of japan.
I find ranma and tenchi to be like those first series that everyone seems to watch as their first series. All it is is too many episodes of stupid little jokes and annoying characters, there is very little if not no general plot that makes trhe series worth watching. I watched about 5 eps of ranma at my friends house and it was horribly stupid, some guy who had a memory span of about 10 seconds, and they used the same joke about 15 times in one ep where he kept falling into his own traps because he cannot remember about them.... :banghead: is what i lfeel like doing after listening to people say how they are like the greatest series in the world
I dont think they are any great, I even said that WITH THAT HUMOR, ranma is one of the best. I hate those kinda comedies, but ranma has a little comething that I find amusing.

I'm in with the quality of the anime, thats why I keep on watching, for illustration purposes.

I like to practice my own manga y'know
its been a faithfull two days with the wacom but the lain pic is finialy done :)
hope you like it.



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well. the lain discussion was like 5 pages <------that way, wish i could say moer about the series, only saw about 3 random eps. but the general storyline wold be a great topic. isnt it about alternate personalities on the internet (wired) and how they takeover your real self, there is some "omega theory and the human soul" stuff in there, anybody know more about it?
its like installing new camshafts, umm bad analogy, but it does take some time/trial/error. the best part is making other people happy :)
That ****ing rules kirkis, maybe you can answer this, what is the technique you used for the hair, i'm still a beginner and just painging multiple colors into it and smudging them.
thats pretty much what happened here, with the dark shades down, then a 3px airbrush does the individual folicles with a a lighter shade abuot 3.4gabigallion times >___> too much time was put inot that ^^^^^^^^^^, and its not rewarding to draw depressed people. ref. B*

the effectiveness of the pic is 90% reliant on the quality of the original drawing, this is always the hardest part. with this one, there was an endless amount of time layering and erasing to get the dynamic composition of the hair. almost like sectioning parts of strands together into larger groups and placing them in a strict radial symetrical array (ALL POINTING TO THE TOP OF THE HEAD)

umm, anybody know the lain story? still a bit confused.

*loser left hand


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I was in one o the hardest of hardcore (not that hardcore you perv :) ) lain msg boards, they basically all agreed wih my first impressions on the series.
There is no true ending to the series, it is open for what anyone wishes it to be, my personal belief s the reference to the bible and jesus, that in mind the series has tons of hidden things in it. But like i said, there isnt one true ending, thats what makes it so incredibly great.
ill order it tonight then. youd think some of the topics could expand into what really goes on here at gtp..... if there is truly a coexistant self living within the internet fully capable of mimicing your every move . ..interesting :embarrassed:
Originally posted by kirkis9
ill order it tonight then. youd think some of the topics could expand into what really goes on here at gtp..... if there is truly a coexistant self living within the internet fully capable of mimicing your every move . ..interesting :embarrassed:
i think its about some science ( i have only seen three ep and it freaked me out)
ah, dang. it looks awesome kirkis. you have developed quite a cool style man. I just started doing photoshop coloring (my vanessa is around) and would like you to give me some tips about yer coloring. I want to develop it some more (given I have any time). So, kirkis, could you check your private msgs man? thanks (:
I also agree with you that the hair is a hell. wehn I made vanessa, I spent hours on the danged hair, but I think it looks ok, tough. it was interesting to see what I could pull off the first time. great picture, man, erm, peculiar style of drawing lain, indeed. and, I think that her eyes are a little crooky, but that may be just me.


as for the series, well, I have it, and I think its pretty cool, and freaky too, is a very strange combination of mistery and your very own mind that just lets you decide. very cool.
Originally posted by kirkis9
thats pretty much what happened here, with the dark shades down, then a 3px airbrush does the individual folicles with a a lighter shade abuot 3.4gabigallion times >___> too much time was put inot that ^^^^^^^^^^, and its not rewarding to draw depressed people. ref. B*

the effectiveness of the pic is 90% reliant on the quality of the original drawing, this is always the hardest part. with this one, there was an endless amount of time layering and erasing to get the dynamic composition of the hair. almost like sectioning parts of strands together into larger groups and placing them in a strict radial symetrical array (ALL POINTING TO THE TOP OF THE HEAD)

umm, anybody know the lain story? still a bit confused.

*loser left hand
btw how long did it take for u to learn how to CG and stuff
yeah i just noticed it too, face symetry is way off, bad ju juice. the amount of time people put into drawing anime is enourmous, this time is spent to look like they spent no time at all (quick drawing!). for instance: the smooth lines or the elimination of sketch drawing marks.This is to give the impression that a cheek line was drawn with one single stroke, but in fact it contained many!
but quick drawing is actualy making lines 1 after another, at a high level this is HARD, but one fellow artisan has mastered it completely, saka.
about every week she has some new stuff, not cg but an amazing example of how the original line drawing sometimes is best as is.

didnt feel ok with a content or cheerful lain so it had to be a suicidal or manic depressive lain. end of lain drawing phase, looks like i wont be reliving that expereince again.

ive been cg'ing nonstop for the past 2 years, at first couldn't draw people at all (just batman) learning quickly....
OH ****!!!!
kirkis, the link you gave has AWESOME artwork. dang, it is so cool. I will browse it completely, Idont care if it kills my modem. I guess I can learn quite a bit with that.
also, I'm wandering trough bakayama rite now. changed a danged much since I was there last time. cool page man.


and did you check the PM?
Originally posted by kirkis9
yeah i just noticed it too, face symetry is way off, bad ju juice. the amount of time people put into drawing anime is enourmous, this time is spent to look like they spent no time at all (quick drawing!). for instance: the smooth lines or the elimination of sketch drawing marks.This is to give the impression that a cheek line was drawn with one single stroke, but in fact it contained many!
but quick drawing is actualy making lines 1 after another, at a high level this is HARD, but one fellow artisan has mastered it completely, saka.
about every week she has some new stuff, not cg but an amazing example of how the original line drawing sometimes is best as is.

didnt feel ok with a content or cheerful lain so it had to be a suicidal or manic depressive lain. end of lain drawing phase, looks like i wont be reliving that expereince again.

ive been cg'ing nonstop for the past 2 years, at first couldn't draw people at all (just batman) learning quickly....
i would check out the site but im busy right now sorri man

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