The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I've seen screencaps when I was searching EvaWiki after I finished, and, OMG.

Yeah, the Rebuild movies are epic. It's too early to determine if the story changes are for better or for worse, but the adjustments they make to the characters are (imo) very welcome. And the animation is just incredible. :)
...and Corpse Princess. :P

It clearly says Vocaloid on her leg and her eye is doing the BRS thing.

Perhaps the "Yes, it's red down there, too" member of the anime thread!:lol:

:lol: oh god!

Yeah, the Rebuild movies are epic. It's too early to determine if the story changes are for better or for worse, but the adjustments they make to the characters are (imo) very welcome. And the animation is just incredible. :)

The animation looks beautiful, especially on Blu-Ray! The adjustments to the characters are ok I just don't like the changes made to Asuka. Makes no sense to me.
What would my thread label be? The "Token Irish Guy Of The General Anime Thread"? :dopey:
Terronium, did you watch End of Eva already? That thing is quite epic as well. Or are you stuck with the "stock" episodes 25 and 26?


I just saw this:

I bet there's a perfect one out there for you, but I just keep thinking: "The Old-Schooler".... because, well, for obvious reasons....:P

...oh wait. what about "Anti-Moe"?

No! "Retro-moe"!!!! :lol:

I can get the anti-moe, but why would I be retro? O_o
Before you watch the Rebuild films though T-12, I recommend you download and watch this:

Your linky no worky. If those are the recap features I think I can do without (?).

Terronium, did you watch End of Eva already? That thing is quite epic as well. Or are you stuck with the "stock" episodes 25 and 26?

Not yet. Watching Covert Affairs (no, that's not an anime!) I'll watch it right after. Now hush, so I can do the second GotD. :P
Your linky no worky. If those are the recap features I think I can do without (?).

Not yet. Watching Covert Affairs (no, that's not an anime!) I'll watch it right after. Now hush, so I can do the second GotD. :P

Nah, Re: Death (not Death and Rebirth) is a :censored:ing hilarious NGE parody.

I'm not sure that torrent would work anyway though. I'm currently uploading it somewhere, I'll have the link in 15 or so minutes.
Your linky no worky. If those are the recap features I think I can do without (?).

No the pointless one is Death & Rebirth. Re: Death is completely different and you should definitely watch it after EoE.

Not yet. Watching Covert Affairs (no, that's not an anime!) I'll watch it right after. Now hush, so I can do the second GotD. :P

How can there be TWO?!
He mad jelly because we're apparently watching Dragon Ball Z....

Wait, WE WATCH DRAGON BALL Z?! No Way! I could have sworn I haven't! We've got a Psychic in the house!
Welcome to two for Tuesday (blame NGE for this. I just finished it and I'm about to advance to EoE and considering I can't geek out on NGE yet, I'll geek out on Gundam).



Today's second feature is the GNT-0000 00 Qan[T] ("Double-Oh Quanta"), the successor to Celestial Being's GN-0000 00 Gundam. The 00Q utilizes second generation Twin GN Drive/Solar Furnace technology but unlike the 00 Gundam which utilized the furnaces from the 0 Gundam and Exia, the 00Q has two all-new units specifically made for it (for specific reasons which shall be revealed soon enough) also unlike the 00, the 00Q is an Innovator use Gundam which basically means only Innovator's can use it properly - duh. What are you, stupid? (If that joke flies over your head, shame on you!) Moving forth, the 00Q is hands down the most competent and powerful mobile suit in CB's possession, sporting the GN Sword V, GN Bits (use your imagination; they're funnels for a different universe), GN Buster Sword, and the GN Buster Rifle. The latter two being a combination of the GN Bits and GN Sword IV. The 00Q is also capable of FTL travel via the QTS and doesn't require Trans Am active to do so (like the 00-Raiser). It's still largely unconfirmed if Innovators can control their suits without physical controls, the funny thing is Innovades can. Enough of that could argue the 00Q served one and only one true purpose: to expand the consciousness of all living things and that's exactly what it did at the end of -- whoa, spoiler. Watch this instead:

Trivia: What do you think the "00" represents? Draw two zeroes in your mind and then intersect them -- what do you get?

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