The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Well, the figure 10 was just a random number. I didn't actually have 10 particular songs in mine. Komm Susser Todd is definitely one of 'em. Not Fly Me To The Moon though... took me a while to build a tolerance to that one. :P

Ah, intense. While most of those are truly outstanding, I’m still missing someone who sings. And I’ll be the first to admit that the new choral work performed for 1.11 and 2.22 is impressive, and the new arrangements of the classic BGM tunes for the series gives them a much needed twist, much like the movies themselves twist the classic series and blow our heads away. I still have to delve deeper into the movies soundtracks, but they are indeed awesome.

Did you notice that, with the exception of the first and second tracks you posted, all others were from the movies? The vocal work for the movies has lacked a lot in comparison of the orchestral stuff. Yes’, I’m complaining. But not, at the same time.

What I really can’t believe is that you don’t like Fly me. I think Claire’s version, the original ending of the series, is the best version ever performed of this song. And you know there have been quite a few made over the years. The song SO fits a voice like that.


For today’s Anime Song of the Day we have a track that is mostly unknown even for the fans of the series -which I don’t think there are many in here, I’ve never seen it mentioned since I lurk this thread-, but it is a true masterpiece of electronica. I’m talking about “You’re in the battlefield” from Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. Sip it.

For today’s Anime Song of the Day we have a track that is mostly unknown even for the fans of the series -which I don’t think there are many in here, I’ve never seen it mentioned since I lurk this thread-

Just two days ago quoth I:
But if you're very experienced and comfortable with more modern anime, (no offence intended, but) you may be too lazy and spoiled to appreciate Ghost in the Shell. I watched it when it first came out and it was maybe my 5th-10th anime, series or movie, after Ninja Scroll, Fist of the North Star, Akira, maybe Bubblegum Crisis and Patlabor (hard to remember my early chronology), and some **** early Macross stuff.

So, is 2040 similar to/as good as the original?
Glah, ok, first time I see it mentioned. and I don't know if it's any good, it's been on my watch list forever.

At least since Jan 2004?

Just did a thread search for Bubblegum. I mentioned it previously this past May in a discussion about anime roots, nk4e recommended it back in 2008 to somebody wanting to catch up on the classics, then you in 2004 recommending the same song for a drift video soundtrack, and finally some guy in 2003 in his list of favorite animes. But no, never any discussion, just the name thrown out there.
At least since Jan 2004?

Just did a thread search for Bubblegum. I mentioned it previously this past May in a discussion about anime roots, nk4e recommended it back in 2008 to somebody wanting to catch up on the classics, then you in 2004 recommending the same song for a drift video soundtrack, and finally some guy in 2003 in his list of favorite animes. But no, never any discussion, just the name thrown out there.

Hence why you are the Index of The General Anime Thread.

Heh, I wonder what I’ll end up bein’ in/of this thread.

I’ve known the song for a lot more time than that. It just popped.
I bet there's a perfect one out there for you, but I just keep thinking: "The Old-Schooler".... because, well, for obvious reasons....:P

...oh wait. what about "Anti-Moe"?

No! "Retro-moe"!!!! :lol:

Today's mobile suit is the RX-121 Gundam TR-1 Hazel from the precursor to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans. Right away you may have noticed my lack of designating it a Gundam and why shouldn't I it's called the Gundam TR-1 Hazel, isn't it? WRONG. It may in fact be referred to as a "Gundam" but in all actuality it's nothing more than a heavily-customized GM Quel (RGM-79Q) with a Gundam-esque head. Why 'Gundam-esque' you ask? Because even it's head isn't a true RX-type, it's also (heavily) customized from a pre-existing Quel's head unit. The TR-1 (namely this one as the TR-1 designation extends all the way to the RX-121-3C) was used as psychological assessment of sorts to test the effect it had on Zeon remnants. That isn't to suggest the TR-1 was all show and no go because that would be quite the fallacy -- it was in fact developed for combat scenarios, and as such many of the parts were substantially upgraded/enhanced or are entirely new. The name 'Hazel' was adopted from a fictional rabbit from the novel "Watership Down", as are the rest of suits featured in AOZ.

At the end of the day, the TR-1's rival those of true RX-type mobile suits and it is theorized that this TR-1 is on par with the Unit 01 Zephyranthes (from 0083).
Does Mobile suits really matter? I think I saw some pilots were defeated by Balls.

Typically, you're only stuck in a Ball to be utilized as a decoy...because let's face it, Balls suck and are only any good at long range. Up close one could breath on one and it'd fall apart from terror. :lol:

And, yes, I had fun writing that (so much innuendo!)
On the Bubblegum Crisis topic: I can not comment on the original or how 2040 stands up against it, but I first saw 2040 many years ago on TV and I was hooked on it. It might not be the most highly regarded anime and it's not exactly modern anymore, but if you like tech heavy shows with power suits and a very female centric cast then it's worth a watch. It was the first series I ever watched, so it's got some nostalgia for me and I'm not the most discerning anime fan as I'll watch just about anything so I might be making it out to be better than it really is, but you'll have to watch it to form your own opinion really.

Now, I'm finishing up Index II then moving on to NGE. Should I watch all the stuff related to the original NGE...Death and Rebirth, End of Eva, whatever else before moving on? Then, after I finish NGE I'm going to go with a Gundam. Oh mighty Gundam guru, which should I watch? I have seen SEED and Destiny, 08th MS Team, and 00. I'm thinking Turn A but maybe you have a better choice.

I knew someone would reference the 08th MS Team.

A Ball Custom, no less. RB-79K I think (I don't like Balls), but yeah, Shiroh isn't exactly a slouch of a pilot (he took out Packard, granted with a crap load of luck and even then Packard still won). I wouldn't class it any higher than the original GM though. Both of them suck and are ugly to boot. :P

Now, I'm finishing up Index II then moving on to NGE. Should I watch all the stuff related to the original NGE...Death and Rebirth, End of Eva, whatever else before moving on? Then, after I finish NGE I'm going to go with a Gundam. Oh mighty Gundam guru, which should I watch? I have seen SEED and Destiny, 08th MS Team, and 00. I'm thinking Turn A but maybe you have a better choice.

Before moving onto Gundam, you must worship Misato and thrive in her sexiness..but you mustn't touch her. She's mine. :lol: can watch Turn A you don't need any prior knowledge going into it, but I don't know...Turn A is (as I've said many times before) weird. It's so different than anything else that the designs may put you off on first impression alone. I should know, I hated the Turn A until I stumbled upon a conversation on the 'net people were having about it.
Now, I'm finishing up Index II then moving on to NGE. Should I watch all the stuff related to the original NGE...Death and Rebirth, End of Eva, whatever else before moving on? Then, after I finish NGE I'm going to go with a Gundam. Oh mighty Gundam guru, which should I watch? I have seen SEED and Destiny, 08th MS Team, and 00. I'm thinking Turn A but maybe you have a better choice.

Don't bother with Death and Rebirth. It's essentially just a very rushed recap of the TV series. It won't make a lot of sense if you haven't watched it, and it won't be very entertaining if you have. :P

Watch the TV series up to episode 24, then watch End of Evangelion in place of episodes 25 and 26. That's all you need to watch to get the whole Evangelion story. Then, if you liked it, you can watch Evangelion 1.11 and 2.22, the first two Rebuild of Evangelion films, which are a remake of the original series. And there's two more that are gonna come out... eventually.

Oh, and don't listen to Terronium-12. Misato is mine, and I will soon have the evidence to prove it. :sly:

Speaking of... why haven't you finished NGE yet, T-12? :grumpy:
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nk, I'm going to ask that you stop showing me Balls now. :lol:

Although I do need to watch Evolve.

I'm finishing it, walter, I'm finishing it!