The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I could tell you, Sephy, but I haven't watched 2.22. Is there a snippet clip on youtube?

Maybe it isn't the same song but in K-ON! when the keyboard picks up reminds me of the chorus in this song, most noticeable at around 2:26 and on. Though maybe I am just crazy lol. The tempo of the song in the video isn't quite as fast though.

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Halfway through Fate/Stay Night and just watched the first episode of K-ON!. The song they play, is that the same song that's towards the end of 2.22?

Shinji diving to save ayanami followed by the "third impact" song?

If it's that one, then

**Sad face edit**
Oh you guys... getting it before i can reply.. 👎
lol dice.

I prefer the version in K-ON! that doesn't have the kids singing. I don't think that song or the other one with kids singing fit in 2.22 at all. Just an instrumental version of each would have been much better IMO.
When I hear Tsubasa I think of this:

Not that video but I think of Tsubasa Chronicles and that epic song.

EDIT: Gonna have to watch Bakemonogatari. DO LIKE that girl.
I've been wanting to watch it, but i keep forgetting to lol

I really need to watch this so xxxHolic makes sense to me :lol:

Also need to watch Cardcaptor Sakura (same universe)

*edit* Tsubasa: Reservoir chronicle is what i need to watch
I prefer the version in K-ON! that doesn't have the kids singing. I don't think that song or the other one with kids singing fit in 2.22 at all. Just an instrumental version of each would have been much better IMO.

I disagree. But then again, I kinda have a thing for kids. :lol:
Walter wins a facepalm!

I'd tag a facepalm pic in there too because I have a facepalm pic as well, but I'd rather break the combo instead. :P

When I hear Tsubasa, I think Ninja Girl from Soul Eater.

edjit: I actually didn't know the boring cover the 3 played in the first episode was Tsubasa no Kudasai at all :lol: All I knew, was that it was boring to listen to. Simply put, HTT sucks without Yui, and sucks even more without Azusa.
edjit: I actually didn't know the boring cover the 3 played in the first episode was Tsubasa no Kudasai at all :lol: All I knew, was that it was boring to listen to. Simply put, HTT sucks without Yui, and sucks even more without Azusa.

I didn't think it was boring. I thought it was pleasant.

I watched the second episode. When does Azusa come in? How come my favorite characters always come into their respective shows late?!

lol Dice I think you posted Walter's dream!
You won't be mad if I told you? because you can easily google it

you know with spoilers and all...

How can K-ON! be spoiled? It's just high school girls (yum!) playing instruments. Oh well I'll just keep watching lol. This show is strangely appealing.
Episode 9. There I said it.

9?! But there's only 14 episodes :(

That won't be nearly enough. Why does this always happen to me? :(

EDIT: Yeah I guess looking at the episode titles gives that away...
I've started watching NGE out of curiosity, and one thing stood out to me: one of the generals in the subbed version of Episode 1 sounds a lot like Yuichi (a.k.a. the petrol station boss) from Initial D.
Bayonetta can't be made into a proper anime. :(


That's why.

Oh and when is the stream gonna be up? :lol:
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I'd like a Bayonetta anime.

I wouldn't want her to be drawn in either of these styles but they are cute:



Give me about 30 minutes on the stream. Finishing up this episode of Carnivàle.