The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
First you have to change your user title in the style like mine...:P where you find a word that represents your character in your avatar... and tag a "Not a" in front... for example: I have a pic of Insane Black Rock Shooter, thus I would use "Not Insane".... it's something my wingman a.k.a nk4e started...

2nd (optional): Get Premium, preferably Lifetime :lol:

3rd: The one thing that determines whether or not you get in: I'm not saying, but if you find out what AOS stands for, that will help you a lot.
First you have to change your user title in the style like mine...:P where you find a word that represents your character in your avatar... and tag a "Not a" in front... for example: I have a pic of Insane Black Rock Shooter, thus I would use "Not Insane".... it's something my wingman a.k.a nk4e started...

2nd (optional): Get Premium, preferably Lifetime :lol:

3rd: The one thing that determines whether or not you get in: I'm not saying, but if you find out what AOS stands for, that will help you a lot.

There's no such thing as "too loli". Don't be ridiculous, Sephy.

Do you even count when it comes to this subject? :P

So from your eBaying experience, that seems legit? Personally I don't care if it is, so long as it looks 99% like the original.

That one seems legit to me, yes.

My PS3 died :grumpy:

:( :( :( I feel your pain. Is it a Fat or a Slim?
What'd you think of Angel Beats so far? I think streaming it crippled the experience... methinks you should finish that on your own. :D
Neither, it was just "fit". :lol:

^^^^ Ryou...... where are you???? Get on that^ 👍

👍 The Violin <3. Nicely composed, I should say. I have some rather great words amongst my thoughts to describe it .

In Anime related news, finally, now made it to the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya which i shall be watching soon.
Nao and Sora, eh? I would just skip straight to it, but I wanna watch it for the 'story' :lol:

Speaking of Disappearance, the DVD/Blu-ray combo is supposed to be released soon. I think next month??
What'd you think of Angel Beats so far? I think streaming it crippled the experience... methinks you should finish that on your own. :D

If you were talking to me I will be starting it over when I begin watching it. I liked what we saw though.

The best arcs in Yosuga no Sora are definitely the last two... the first two were laaaame.

How many story arcs can there be in a 12 episode show?
4 iirc...

Also.... Rocket Propelled Chairs, Sephy...
^True Haruhist.

Remember back in the day when you were in that "Kotomi is everything" phase??? Now look at you, you've aimed for someone else :lol:
60GB Phat (refurb'd from sony)

Means i have more time to watch anime now :lol:

I remember when I lost my fat PS3... I hope you didn't lose your save data :scared:.

Here's my OADR post of the day- err, night.

And an Evangelion-based bonus (to combo with Sephy's race queens)!:
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