The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Like... a tsundere type bitch?

I actually had to look that term up. I feel like an ass for looking up NGE, most of it's spoiled for me, but I'm watching it just to see what route is taken to the end of the series.

Also, is Asuka's voice meant to be a German accent? If it is, it's crap, but I'm guessing it's not meant to be.
And this guy was all like I hate Mechas I'm never ever ever evergoing to watch NGE, ever...

What did you guys do to him?! AOS is shock
I haven't watched enough NGE to make my mind up on her. Considering that a "tsundere" is someone who is originally intolerable but becomes more loveable, I haven't seen a moment where Asuka is loveable.

Off-topic, but right now it's nearly 6am. I've been up the whole night (Subway Coke refills FTW!) and just as well, my broadband runs out at midnight tonight. I still have a whole gigabyte left.
You know who's also a tsundere?

Your face.

But I still enjoy your company.

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Wow just checking in cause I found a laptop. You guys are posting like crazy!

I planned on making a schedule for when I am going to stream things but it won't be until later on in the week when I know my school schedule.

Driftking, Asuka is awesome! :)
I'm posting like sane!

I mean WHAT?!

Still haven't gotten around to finishing the first episode of NGE

But I will

Trust me

Really, don't worry

I have everything under control

I may not like the older animation, but it's okay


Loliblade ver2
I'm not too interested in it. But I don't have much else to watch at the moment.

Ahh, I see. Never mind that then.

Speaking of interest, any anime you'd recommend me? I'm in a bit of an... anime watching slump :ill:.
Just for you guys lol.
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this place is dead cold dead. But I don't care. Here is the Anime Song of the Day, this time we have a delicious piece from the Macross Plus soundtrack, least you think all there is to it is Info High; this song is more or less forgotten because it never appeared in the full-lenght soundtracks, it came in a sort of image album with about 5 songs, which isn't easy to find, even online. Akino Arai sings "Borderline" for y'all miscreants.

All the way up to Episode 17 of NGE now. I cannot advance any further because I only have 70MB of data allowance left.

Anybody get it? The "cannot advance" bit? Yeah, I know, I suck at puns.
Nice OADA, Sephy. 👍

this place is dead cold dead. But I don't care. Here is the Anime Song of the Day, this time we have a delicious piece from the Macross Plus soundtrack, least you think all there is to it is Info High; this song is more or less forgotten because it never appeared in the full-lenght soundtracks, it came in a sort of image album with about 5 songs, which isn't easy to find, even online. Akino Arai sings "Borderline" for y'all miscreants.

Both the song and that girl are quite purdy. :drool:

It wasn't that hard to find online though... :P

All the way up to Episode 17 of NGE now. I cannot advance any further because I only have 70MB of data allowance left.

Anybody get it? The "cannot advance" bit? Yeah, I know, I suck at puns.


But ouch, 70 MB left? How much monthly allowance do you get?
I get 300 GB, but thankfully my ISP doesn't really enforce it, as I usually go 2 or 3 times over that. :crazy:
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