The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Okay, just remember not to give them to non-premos :P [/evil business-like]

I wouldn't dream of doing that. The layout really just wouldn't work with only 100px to play with.

The "Triptych" layout on the other hand might. :P
You know what? Think of it this way.

Take what I have already, and let's shrink this to 100px. Any non-premos take these... Premos on the other hand will get an extra boost of pixels for the center scroll and thus, making the premo status that much more cooler :lol:

And do you guys really not know what a Triptych is? I didn't make it up... it's a real thing
I wasn't gone for long and two pages already?!

Anyway someone said Shuffle. Isn't that the one with elf chicks? I think that's the reason I got it :3

I want this figure.

See, to me, a Kuroneko figure must be a Nendo...she's meant to be a cute character thus, going Nendo makes a ton of sense.
Figma Kuroneko? That's pretty cool. There's a few other Figma/Revoltech stuff I'd rather get first but that one is nice.
The Vanishing Boy
-> At first I thought it was Luna from Moonphase:



Hmm... would you care to tell me if Moonphase is any good to watch?

Meanwhile, got through episodes 10 to 14 in Eureka Seven, and so far, it's great. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes some action with romance, with some drama and comedy 👍 (as Loliblade had said way before).

Oh, my OADR (bonus Asuka, I'm starting to like Asuka, too ;)). I like heels.
Meanwhile, got through episodes 10 to 14 in Eureka Seven, and so far, it's great. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes some action with romance, with some drama and comedy 👍 (as Loliblade had said way before).

Awwuh yeah bro!

Good show, it gets really good(a little bit of a piss off at times though). The last 10 episodes are GREAT.
At least with Rei you don't have to be careful. "Oops I broke her! Oh well I'll just get another one!" XD


In fact, Rei is especially marketed to repressed psychopathic rapist serial killers for that very reason.