I assumed that Bleach had quite a lot of fillers at some point, as you don't really get to that number of episodes (200+) without at least using some fillers to pad it out!
But I will keep an eye out for it and just sit my way through them. So long it is fairly humorous, has some good bits in it, then I will be quite happy about it.
I am not bothered much about the dubs, I am more interested in the subtitles. I will explain that I do not hear very well and have a severe hearing loss. This means that I can either
- Ram the volume control up to near maximum (not advisable!)
- Read the subtitles and follow the action
So I prefer to use the subtitles route. The weird thing with the Cowboy Bebop shows was the subtitles didn't quite follow the English speech itself and sometimes used totally different meanings from what was said, or the subs were implying something that the voices weren't. This makes me think too much... hence why I kinda prefer original voices and english subtitles.... Even if the subtitles doesn't make much sense, the original voices seems to give more feeling to the characters itself.
Ah, that seems like a long list to get into! Nice! Ah, would be nice to know what genre they are though, I assume most are Slice-of-Life stuff? Apart from Init. D (yes, I knew about it quite a lot in this site...) I will note down the suggestions and see if I can catch any of those shows at some point.
With regards to films, always best to follow Studio Ghibli works? I have some of their films as I find them quite well written. And expressed too.
Additionally, I have seen Akira. That was a bit confusing towards the end. Eventually I tracked down the manga online and read it all the way through in three days. The manga was a much better story than the film. I understand why the film was cut short to focus on the scientist greed and desire to play God, but there were also other big factors as well. Plus, the film was nice to look at, considering it was obsessively detailed for that time!