The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Never looked into any, but i'm not up for Yu Yu or Sekirei. So Corspe Princess or Trailblazer, probably the former.
-> ...
Today's mobile suit of the day is another colossal, destructive POS -- the Psyco Gundam, MRX-009 formally.


The Psyco stands at 41 meters (134.51 ft) tall, and weighs a massive 388.6 metric tons. While lighter and a fair bit shorter than the Neue Ziel it's still roughly two times larger than almost any Gundam during it's time, and more than three times the size of any mobile suit/gundam after UC 0105. For those paying attention, you may have caught onto it's name and yes it is Newtype-use, piloted by Four Murasame who was the fourth artifical Newtype (cyber-newtype) trained by the MRL (Murasame Research Lab) and she was quite the dangerous one. Having episodes of rage and insanity (moreso insanity if I remember correctly) and that would drive her to just obliterate any and everyone within her field of vision. While officially a Federation mobile suit, it was operated by the Titans (once an Elite Federation Force, turned rogue). The Psyco is not a one-trick pony though, it's also capable of transforming into a mobile armor...or a "mobile fortress" (here) and could achieve high atmospheric flight with the Minvosky Craft System. As you can probably imagine already the Psyco Gundam was heavily armed, armed with a 2-barrel beam gun, centered between the v-fin, a 3-barrel scattering mega particle gun, ten beam guns, one in each of it's fingers, a shield, anti-beam coating, psycommu system, and a psycho-control chair. The absolute latter of which would permit Four more freedom in controlling the oversized Gundam, specifically controlling the beam weaponry with nothing but her thoughts. Ultimately, the Psyco was defeated but not by another Gundam or mobile suit -- it was defeated when Four sacrificed herself saving Kamille from Jerid Messa (a Titans pilot if I'm not mistaken; I need to watch Z again dammit) and would subsequently be blown up after being impaled by a beam saber intended for Kamille.

The Psyco would be succeeded in ZZ (Double Zeta) by the Mk. II, and the game-exclusive Mk. III.
^ Ahh, I just love on how menacing the Psyco really is! Since I've played the JDM-spec ZZ Gundam action-RPG game and Battle Master 1 & 2! :sly:

BT -> Hmph:











^ Thats it for now, even if its off-Eva/Gundam/etc. :indiff:
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^ Oh, thats Nanase Matsuura of Macross F. She is the best friend of one of the main chicks Ranka Lee. And one of the girls that had tiny roles in MacF. ;)


-> Heres more detailed stuff about this hot chick in disguise:




Cano -> I just changed my Avatar (since I got left out). And take note MacF is a great series, not just an Ecchi and boobie-fest of a series... :indiff:
Some interesting avatar designs, AOS.

Not enough pixels for you?

Alright then. Here's a tough decision... Pick one of the three:


I like all 3 of these ones. I personally don't care too much for the other ones that show mostly just the eyes. Yes, eyes are probably one of the more important features of a character, but... having nothing but a bunch of eyes in a bunch of people's avatars is kinda boring. :P

Edit: I did a quick job removing the drop shadow of my avatar and going over the lines after resizing it to 120px. The result is... jaggy. I'll fix that tomorrow though, it's time for bed. :lol:
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Loliblade ver2
I posted a nice gif of Anemone licking her fingers a little while back. I like that gif :3

I finally saw her for the first time after some Eureka Seven watching. How is Anemone, in your opinion? Shall I, expect anything from her?
The stream seems offline as of this post...

EDIT: Either the iPod Touch (no computer at the moment) can't do this properly, or my Internet is iffy right now :(.
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Hello everyone.

Just to introduce myself into the Thread. I have been reading quite a bit of all of your conversations and decided to watch some episodes of Anime. I do have NGE with their films as well, but have not watched any of that yet, as its on the other computer... and its not been transferred to my current one...

Anyway, started to watch Bleach, from episode 1 to episode 20 now. I have a total of 229 episodes to watch...... and three movies. So far, the first 20 episodes are actually rather good, with quite a lot of humour, cuteness and sadness. Also it does grapple with the subject of death which can always be difficult to write well in a show. I have found that this show does express it better than most other shows due to it being in animation form.

Are there any other recommendations or things to watch out for in Bleach itself? And what recommended shows after that to watch?

Just remembered, I did attempt to watch Cowboy Bebop, but due to the subtitles not being correct with the English dubs, it kinda ruined the immersion effect for me. Personally, I prefer japanese/native language voices and English subtitles that way. Largely because I don't hear that well anyway and secondly, I prefer to listen to the voices of the original characters and just read the subtitles that way. Although this may be slightly tricky to find shows that does English subtitles...... and still keeps the original voices.