The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Like one slot for the face, the other on the chest, the other on the ass, and the last one on any other spot of your choice?

In seriousness though, it could jsut be 3 slots, getting close-ups of the character's eye-catching features... therefore it better be a character that you really like or a character that looks outstanding.
I'm still at work it seems!


Hierarchy/Priority Focus established via Triptych. Now it's definitely made clear the center image is the most significant one... though I tried to do that already wit the current ones.
Today's mobile suit of the day is another colossal, destructive POS -- the Psyco Gundam, MRX-009 formally.


The Psyco stands at 41 meters (134.51 ft) tall, and weighs a massive 388.6 metric tons. While lighter and a fair bit shorter than the Neue Ziel it's still roughly two times larger than almost any Gundam during it's time, and more than three times the size of any mobile suit/gundam after UC 0105. For those paying attention, you may have caught onto it's name and yes it is Newtype-use, piloted by Four Murasame who was the fourth artifical Newtype (cyber-newtype) trained by the MRL (Murasame Research Lab) and she was quite the dangerous one. Having episodes of rage and insanity (moreso insanity if I remember correctly) and that would drive her to just obliterate any and everyone within her field of vision. While officially a Federation mobile suit, it was operated by the Titans (once an Elite Federation Force, turned rogue). The Psyco is not a one-trick pony though, it's also capable of transforming into a mobile armor...or a "mobile fortress" (here) and could achieve high atmospheric flight with the Minvosky Craft System. As you can probably imagine already the Psyco Gundam was heavily armed, armed with a 2-barrel beam gun, centered between the v-fin, a 3-barrel scattering mega particle gun, ten beam guns, one in each of it's fingers, a shield, anti-beam coating, psycommu system, and a psycho-control chair. The absolute latter of which would permit Four more freedom in controlling the oversized Gundam, specifically controlling the beam weaponry with nothing but her thoughts. Ultimately, the Psyco was defeated but not by another Gundam or mobile suit -- it was defeated when Four sacrificed herself saving Kamille from Jerid Messa (a Titans pilot if I'm not mistaken; I need to watch Z again dammit) and would subsequently be blown up after being impaled by a beam saber intended for Kamille.

The Psyco would be succeeded in ZZ (Double Zeta) by the Mk. II, and the game-exclusive Mk. III.
Which is precisely why this thread is so blessed with livelihood.

Boy you're so not, but learn from this: Be more active in this thread so you don't miss out on opportunities! :lol:

Anyway, so how many teams do we have running?
Team Moe: Me, LLB, Randyhammer.
Team Asuka: Sephy, dice
Team Ayanami: Principalities, uMadson
Team Loli: yayman, nk4e

the rest need teams or join a team... I'm enlisting Randy under my team, for obvious reasons.

Awesome, glad to join Team Moe! :D
Great have at it at your user title, as you can see I already dropped out and got boo'd for it.

I'm darkening my post colour because it's getting more and more alike Ryou's.

And finally... This or that?
I'd definitely have to go for either the first or third one. Maybe the third one next for a while and then a design like the first one?
^ There's that. Then there's this after a brainstorming session. (There's 5 of them)




I'll take as many of those as you can make. You really outdid yourself with those. I really like the idea of the eyes. Want. I'll provide pics so today's affair won't happen again.

What's more, I'll go ahead and declare thsat the Rei with glasses picture you used in there is MINE. I'm first.
SIR, I LIKE YOUR TASTE.... :cheers:

I love focusing on eyes as well.. big selling point for me in terms of art and character design...

I got an email from that guy on ebay, I'm good to go with BB BRS.
Nice Gundam today T-12!


...and Terronium-12, you must be an editor for a Gundam wikia or something, with all of these descriptions of yours ;)!

I am not, I just know my stuff. :P

Although admittedly when I forget something or don't know enough I reference the Gundam wiki. I even reference it when I do remember enough.
I thought you already did the Psyco... someone mentioned Battle Assault...

That would be the Mk.III and I purposely mentioned it in the profile for that very reason.

I believe dice mentioned "him".
SIR, I LIKE YOUR TASTE.... :cheers:

I love focusing on eyes as well.. big selling point for me in terms of art and character design...

I'm actually almost tempted to ask you for the templates. I was just now thinking of about 10 I'd like to have with different characters while I was walking the dogs.

And remember: that glassed-Rei picture is MINE.
I am not, I just know my stuff. :P

Although admittedly when I forget something or don't know enough I reference the Gundam wiki. I even reference it when I do remember enough.

You are very knowledgeable Gundam-ologist (I couldn't think of another name :dopey:) 👍.

Since Sephy says Evangelion 2.22 is starting soon, all I'm gonna say that it's gonna be WORTH IT :P!
Rei has nice eyes, but I have about 7 other characters I'd pick over her anyway.

It sounds like there's going to be a split in the Avatrend hoard...interesting.....

Dark, I can most certainly do that for you.. and Cano, I can easily whip up something for you, just name the characters... and please make (damn) sure they have pretty eyes....

In any case, Dropped ef and Aria officially. There's a high chance I'm dropping Gunslinger Girl too.
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This Friday I will be streaming Awakening of the Trailblazer (subbed), Sekirei (dubbed), gameplay of Gran Turismo 8. :lol:

The last bit is obviously a joke; the last one might be Corpse Princess or...Yu Yu Hakusho, I don't know.

Who's game?
Rei has nice eyes, but I have about 7 other characters I'd pick over her anyway

Same here, but with glasses, everything changes.

Cano, I can easily whip up something for you, just name the characters... and please make (damn) sure they have pretty eyes....

I'm thinking almost a thematic avatar per week, or maybe two weeks, I dunno. And not just eyes. I'll let you know.
Not enough pixels for you?

Alright then. Here's a tough decision... Pick one of the three:


Umm I'll take this please. On the left will be the anime version of Reina Akikawa (obviously), and on the center would be the Rei pic I pictured a while ago (the other one, not the one with the hoodies). Still thinking of the 3rd girl but it may be Asuka. I'll PM to you the pictures if necessary.
This Friday I will be streaming Awakening of the Trailblazer (subbed), Sekirei (dubbed), gameplay of Gran Turismo 8. :lol:

The last bit is obviously a joke; the last one might be Corpse Princess or...Yu Yu Hakusho, I don't know.

Who's game?

I'm down!
I'll PM to you the pictures if necessary.

It is now necessary. Pics or it ain't happening. I'm not doing anything for the rest of the week. I'm only brainstorming still.

I'm down for friday stream, what time though? I wont be back home until like 11..
This Friday I will be streaming Awakening of the Trailblazer (subbed), Sekirei (dubbed), gameplay of Gran Turismo 8. :lol:

The last bit is obviously a joke; the last one might be Corpse Princess or...Yu Yu Hakusho, I don't know.

Who's game?

I AniDB'ed the stuff. Only thing that really calls me is Corpse Princess, and maaaaaybe.