The General Anime Thread...

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^That's good to know.

@TerryfulTwelve, It's not a surprise. I think they deliberately named them the same...

Are you guys on stream or something? I should put a link to it in my sig since I don't have it bookmarked on my desktop.

Jubei Yagyu? Dude from Onimusha 2? :P

And, yes, I am interested. Samurai girls? SOLD.

Or probably the legendary Yagyu Jubei.. or Jubei-chan lol
I will be back within a hour or so..going to play AE or T6..
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^ Has Konata's dad been hanging out with yaywalter? :lol:
:lol: I forget about Lucky Star, post more funny clips from this show!

"Pedo of the General Anime Thread"

I think I know why Yay took off his user title :lol::lol:
Found another laptop to post with. 2 more pages already!?

Either way speaking of lolis have I posted that picture I took a few cons back? So HI-larious.

Anyway AOS- I hope your transaction works out ok. I haven't run into any fakes yet but if you do Paypal will refund you. Only advice I can give then (since it hasn't happened to me) is to take your fake and resell it and buy a real one for the same price.

I am truly sorry to have let you down. I didn't do as much research as I should have. I only glanced and went with what I thought was right without looking as closely as I should have. :( Again I am sorry. Please don't listen to me anymore. I finally ran into a fake.
Tsukasa > Ryou... Just try and argue otherwise. I dare you. I double-dare you, pengiun-flipper!

Wait, so that person IS a fake?

I don't care if it's bootleg product. As long as everything LOOKS like the original, let alone be scammed entirely, I'm content.
Sellers can't erase feedback ratings, if they were a scammer, they'd have received plenty of negative feedbacks, wouldn't they? I don't care too much for positives.. the first thing I always look for is the amount of negatives... and seller has very little.
@AOS- I also agree Tsukasa is better. I suppose Ryou popped into my mind when I was trying to remember Tsukasa, therefore, I typed Ryou.

OMG guys, 24 hours away and I get to spend 45 minutes browsing like 6 or 7 new pages here!:lol:

Hmm, doesn't look like he's been back recently, but here's the first thing I thought to respond to:

Hello everyone.

Anyway, started to watch Bleach, from episode 1 to episode 20 now...

Are there any other recommendations or things to watch out for in Bleach itself? And what recommended shows after that to watch?

Bleach is pretty good, best as a series you watch weekly over the years. If you want to power watch it, yes, it will drag on occasion. Sometimes the humor disappears for tens of episodes at a time. Maybe 3 or 5 of the 220 so far are just brilliant, exciting, perfect examples of anime at its best, but most of the series is just... watchable. I keep at it because I caught up a while ago and now it's just an episode a week.

Also, recommendations: movie, Ghost in the Shell. Series: Moribito, Samurai Champloo, Twelve Kingdoms. Look them up at (when it's back online...)

With regards to films, always best to follow Studio Ghibli works? I have some of their films as I find them quite well written. And expressed too.

and all Ghibli

So here is my current viewing schedule, mostly ongoing stuff. Been thinking of picking up a couple more series, maybe buying Darker Than Black.

C'mon guys, recommend me something :)

Check my list here for stuff I've already seen

Monday: Yuru Yuri
Tuesday: Steins;Gate, Nekogami Yaoyorozu
Thursday: Usagi Drop, Mayo Chiki!, Yosuga no Sora
Saturday: Nichijou

same recommendations for you, plus, finish Azumanga Daioh! also try Bamboo Blade

You haven't even seen Blood+ and Baccano.

yeah, but I always recommend them, so they must be good!:lol:

I've recalled Index speaking about both shows so they must be good.

Edit: treed!
@ AOS-: I don't know. I've never ran into that problem.

In the end if you don't care if it is a fake even though it looks correct then that is still a failure to me. You entrusted me to help you and if you get a fake then that is me failing you. You said their feedback has been boosted. If so then I fell for it. I am sorry.

I've never seen someone who had boosted ratings. I didn't know they could do that. Doesn't seem possible to me.
I'm absent for one day and I have to browse ten pages. wtF.

But I just noticed something. last month, for instance, when I entered GTPlanet I went straight to the Cars in General section, or to the Rumble Strip.

Now I come here.

What have you all done to me? O_o
It's getting a bit annoying with the whole "I leave for X and there's X pages. WTF"

Like geez, is it that much of a surprise anymore?

And accept the change Cano, you know you want it :3
Premos, yes, but it's still the same amount of content to read through. Loving the activity, so don't take this too much to heart, but there is something to the notion of quality over quantity. And again, there's just a few more people here recently, so of course there's going to be a lot more to read through, and I welcome everybody here!
Oh man, you guys have to sift through pages in 20s... that sucks :P
I'll try to limit my posting in that case.

Beside the "It'll get better" defense, why should I continue watching Gunslinger Girl, LLB? Anyone? I'm on ep5 btw.
I hate it when time eats me like this, almost didn't make it but here is today's Anime Song of the Day. Someone asked for MOAR Samurai Champloo a few days ago. So here we go. No, not the op, one of the coolest instrumental pieces in the entire soundtrack, but also entirely in Nujabe's tradition. Trascendence.

Today's mobile suit of the day is yet another mobile armor, this time in the later years of the Universal Century right during the time when mobile suit sizes were progressively being scaled down. We focus on yet another destructive POS, yet this time it isn't as massive as you might be familiar with, the Rafflesia (XMA-01 to be formal) is, as you'd come to expect from a mobile armor, extremely powerful and destructive -- let's get on with it shall we?


Standing at 37.5 meters (123.03 ft) tall and weighing in at 263.7 metric tons, the Rafflesia is by no means a small nor even a light fry. While it lacks the overwhelming size advantage of it's mobile armored brethren of UC's past, it does not lack maneuverability, speed, nor firepower (especially the latter), piloted by cyber-newtype Crrozzo Ronah, Iron Mask if you prefer, the Rafflesia was a tremendous threat as all mobile armors are...especially when they're being piloted by Newtypes, cyber or not, and being a heavy attack use armor makes the situation look even more dim when one considers what a mobile armor is meant for - annihilation. To destroy any and everything with practical ease. Capable of (if I recall properly) 4.93 G *double checks* 4.00 G, the Rafflesia is no slouch and being primarily controlled by nothing but Carozzo's thoughts is something to fear indeed. Beginning initial construction in UC 0119, the Rafflesia would see the battlefield March of UC 0123, the setting for F91. Rafflesia is capable of wiping out multiple Federation-class cruisers with ease.

Rafflessia is armed to the brim with four beam cannons, five mega particle guns, five petal mega beam cannons, eight scattering beam guns, one-hundred and twenty-five tentacle rods (twenty-five in each of the five petal binders), and one-hundred and twenty-five superheated chainsaw tips (on the ends of each of the tentacle rods). The latter of which basically combines the superheated blade technology used by Zeon throughout the OYW and onwards, and of course a chainsaw. While not as effective as a beam saber, 25 or for that matter...125 beats one any day of the week, month, or year. It is also equipped with a neo-psycommu system which allows Iron Mask to control Rafflesia via wires and receptors linked to the helmet he wears, and an anti-beam barrier generator which provides 360-degree protection from beam-based projectile fire. Ultimately defeated (and thus destroyed) through confusion because of the F91's ability to dispense after-images that have mass (a purposeful design feature meant to keep the F91 cool; the after-images themselves have mass because they're pure heat), the chainsaw tips would ultimately sear through the armor of the Rafflesia (and consequently, Iron Mask) like butter...ending the rather short and dramatic battle.

For those paying attention, dost thou notice a trend amongst the defeat of the mobile armors?
Beside the "It'll get better" defense, why should I continue watching Gunslinger Girl, LLB? Anyone? I'm on ep5 btw.

Because the characters have great backstories and there's not many episodes? Last I checked, you said you were on episode 6. I think you would like the show more if you didn't watch it backwards ;)

If you really don't like it, at least give Il Teatrino a chance.

I didn't really get into GG until episode 8..
@Cano, nice!!! I sooo wish Watanabe would get involved in more projects. Going to have to get back and rewatch Macross Plus, saw it maybe 20 years ago. Bebop and Champloo are two of the epicest animes ever.