The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
You, good sir, have watched Ghost in the Shell (the original move from the 90's)
There's a sequel called Innocence which I found to be good too đź‘Ť

I've never heard of Ichi the Killer though, but i'll have to look it up.

Also loli I fell asleep :guilty: .. sorry :(
Ichi the Killer is an ultra-violent film though, not for the faint hearted. And the anime background (separate film) is also on the same theme as well.

Its basically about a 100% sadist and a 100% masochist person... in a way. And manipulation.

Ah, I guess I will watch the GitS series and rewatch the film again to try and make more sense of it.

Just got all the way to Bleach episode number 30.... hm, there's a bit of a drag with the story at the moment..... and I did like the fuzzy lion cuddly toy, hope the series goes back to him at some point. Maybe it would be best to watch it in bits rather than power-watching instead as someone mentioned it!

Additionally, one of the characters in the series, Orihime Inoue, has a rather cute voice. Although I suspect if I heard it all the time it may be rather irritating...
That Fingernail-ripping scene, LLB.. what was that from again?

I'm not sure what you might be referring to, but that reminded me of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (When They Cry). Just got released here in Australia, gonna have to buy it :)
Tsukasa > Ryou... Just try and argue otherwise. I dare you. I double-dare you, pengiun-flipper!

^ Here's a penguin, go flip it. :lol:
Considering that I've already watched the whole of the NGE TV series, would there be any point in watching the 1st of the Rebuild movies?
^ I'm watching the 1st one now. The animation is SUPERB, and it's light-years ahead of the TV series.
You, good sir, have watched Ghost in the Shell (the original move from the 90's)
There's a sequel called Innocence which I found to be good too đź‘Ť

I've never heard of Ichi the Killer though, but i'll have to look it up.

Also loli I fell asleep :guilty: .. sorry :(

Indeed, Innocence is quite good. :)
OADY. Because this thread needs moar Yoko and more life in it.


Stream goes up in 5.



It took big-time guys like Daft Punk to give us new Leiji Matsumoto stuff. Not to mention the album is one of the best pop records ever crafted, the track is the best song they've ever made, and the entire Inter5tella universe is awesome, and undeniably Matsumoto.

Anime Song of the Day = Aerodynamic.

I don't care if anyone whines about how this is not anime. IT IS anime. And if you haven't seen Inter5tella, for God's sake drop what you are doing and watch it right now. You don't know what you're missing.