The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
lolol. When I went on a roadtrip to edmonton, we had ramen cups for dinner(and sometimes hot dogs) while we were camping. Anyway, for the first two nights we put beans into the noodles. It made an awesome combination, especially with the beef flavour. Good times.

Can opener broke after that so we spent the next few days without beans in our ramen :(

Those were rough times.
8 songs, a hair cut and cavity filling later, I walk into that anime local store downtown.... Saw that Sora 1/6 figure... looks meh.

And usually when you buy things, the brand's logo is printed on the face of the packaging. The 3 BRS Nendos didn't have a Good Smile logo on it, but the Miku and Saber ones beside it did.. I've got a sharp eye...

Dead thread = me @ work :lol:
A pack of ramen + canned sausages = PERFECT MEAL 👍

Cup Noodle, Vienne Sausage, and a bit of shoyu 👍


Commence dump!



Someone name a show most of us have watched and liked (majority)...

There's Evangelion, and then there's ___________. (fill in the blank)
Menma, Kurisu and Kuroneko <3

Someone name a show most of us have watched and liked (majority)...

There's Evangelion, and then there's ___________. (fill in the blank)
Errrm. Puella Magi? Clannad? I don't really know....
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Errrm. Puella Magi? Clannad? I don't really know....

You wouldn't, you're too new here still...

I wanted to fire up a debate (possibly heated too, but no flames)...

To compare 2 really good shows a lot of us have watched...Eva being one of them. Name another one and I'll start you guys off.

Ghost in the Shell?

Hellsing isn't comparable with NGE, is it?
I'd say Cowboy Bebop, something Ghibli like Spirited away, Gurren Lagann, and maybe Lucky Starr.

and, @ Cano, I totally feel you. Us old folks are very uncomfortable around such in your face loli panty shots, cut it out guys, or start a new thread titled loli anime panty shots ftw or something like that...
@ Or just keep it SFW...

TTGL it is!

Okay guys, Evaluate these shows (NGE and TTGL). How well do you feel each show performed in terms of:
-How well it told its story, how well you feel it was paced.
-How well the theme/message was presented.
-How well it did at what it was meant to do.

Take those points and put it up against each other. I can' give a fair call since I haven't finished TTGL.

A lot of us seen Madoka, but it's so not comparable to NGE... you're welcome to argue otherwise.
I guess TTGL wasn't the best choice...

Okay what about: Angel Beats vs. Haruhi Suzumiya (both Melancholy & Disappearance).
How well do you feel each show performed in terms of:
-How well it told its story, how well you feel it was paced.
-How well the theme/message was presented.
-How well it did at what it was meant to do.

And from this, which do you feel performed better overall? and if you're going to spoil anything, obviously spoiler tag it, please.

Processing AOS' Thoughts....
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I haven't watched any of those and wouldn't even look at them if my life depended on it.

If we Clockwork Orange'd you into watching Haruhi, I 90% guarantee that afterwards you'd come out saying it was not bad or better. Can't speak for Angel Beats. Haruhi clothes itself in a moe slice of life exterior, but once you get inside, you see it's much smarter and more subtle than that (though Haruhi herself, like AOS-, is anything but subtle!:lol:)
Yeah, I know, I've read the exact same thing in a lot of places. I don't know if I can stand it if it looks like that, for such a long run.
"...Those who are able to adapt to change and can deal with it are called Divine"

-Sun Tzu (modified by AOS)...

Well, it seems to be stylistically 180 degrees away from what you go for, so I can understand that. There are some things I just can't stand for what to others may seem to be incomprehensible reasons (like AC/DC music, hate it), but that's just how tastes work. Still don't like AC/DC.
From the way I see it, you don't have to "like" it, you just have to not "dislike" it....

I still dislike modern pop, but after hearing it on the radio enough times, I don't dislike it as much, but I still will pick other things to listen to given the option.

To relate that to Anime, I dislike older shows because the art is aged and colours are faded compared to what we see now... but I've watched all of NGE, and I lived with it...
I'm probably going to watch some NGE now. A little drunk and I don't feel like going back outside and hanging out lol. Fires are fun.

Anyway, how's everyone's night? /makingthisachatthread