The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
A correction to what I said to Cano and LLB... the BRS OVA Sequel was "planned" for, not "confirmed", this was tweeted on 11/14/2010...
and Goodsmile Company President is eager for it.....not the OVA producer! *foreshadows merchandise I hope*

... I still want an OVA, not because I want to see something worth watching, I just want the merchandise that follows... Insane BRS & WRS..
From the way I see it, you don't have to "like" it, you just have to not "dislike" it....

To relate that to Anime, I dislike older shows because the art is aged and colours are faded compared to what we see now... but I've watched all of NGE, and I lived with it...

It's not only the graphics. I'm ABSOLUTELY SURE I'll find most of the characters annoying, the overuse of typical anime expressions and stupid comedy gags annoying, the voices of the characters will absolutely drill my brians, the typical plastic pop music will make me cry... It's like the absolute contrary of what I look for in an anime.

Yeah, it may have a good story, but by golly, if I only wanted a good story I'll go read a book, which doesn't have any of the annoying elements mentioned before. If I'm gonna like an anime, it better have ALL of it's elements, or at least most of 'em, well put together.

Happened with Madoka, I know. But it was 12 episodes and the characters weren't anoying (mostly), there wasn't stupid comedy not overfeelings, the story was very good, music was by Yuki Kajiura... you get the picture. It was a very atypical anime. Haruhi seems to be all the trash I dislike, wrapped in a more or less promising story. I'll pass.

And I won't even talk about Angel Beats.
And I won't even talk about Angel Beats.

Good decision :lol: There's a bigger Angel Beats fanboy in here than me. I'm still amazed how he became such a huge huge fanboy of Gosick.....

But yeah I totally hate high-pitched baby voices..If Yui wasn't the vocalist for HTT, I'd have liked the band, but nooo Yoko only gets to shine in the EDs.

The typical comedy gags are indeed typical, but I'm lenient on that since I grew up watching anime with that stuff...
Yeah for mostly the same reasons, I don't like watching old anime. Only a select few for nostalgia purposes, but I just like the newer stuff since the quality and art style has improved.
Good decision :lol: There's a bigger Angel Beats fanboy in here than me. I'm still amazed how he became such a huge huge fanboy of Gosick.....

I'm not a Gosick fanboy! I'm a Victorique fanboy! You jerkface!

and Gosick is awesome!
The video quality of newer anime is so much better however some of those older shows just can't be beat.
Yeah for mostly the same reasons, I don't like watching old anime. Only a select few for nostalgia purposes, but I just like the newer stuff since the quality and art style has improved.

I differ. The quality of ANIMATION has changed and improved a lot, yes. But art? come on. We are still seeing the same formula after 40 years: big eyes, spiky hair, blocky robots, shiny stuff. Think about it. There are only a handful of anime productions that break this seemingly standard industry rule. It has evolved, and a lot, of course. But it's the very same. Watch Astroboy and Metropolis and tell me something about it.

fixed, unless you meant "video quality" :lol:

Video quality has improved impressively over the years too, and other areas in which anime has imrpoved a ton is in continuity and arguments, but that can also be said for TV in general. Time moves.

But I think that, stylistically, we are watching the same. And no, it's not a complaint.
Getting ready to watch Denpa Onna... Ok this show is very cute.. I like the alien thing so that's cool... Miyu Irino as a lead voice actor, very cool. Nichijō is freaking AWESOME. :D I'm watching it on that's classified. Minoru Shirashi cracks me up as Sakamoto, the kuroneko. :D
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well, that's why it's rare footage :crazy:

EDIT: 600 pages of big eyes, spiky hair, blocky robots and shiny stuff, people.
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Yeah but shiny stuff is pretty awesome.

Episode 6 of NGE was awesome 👍

Going to watch an episode of Who and then bed. Then tomorrow will(hopefully) be filled with at least ten episodes of either NGE or Blood+... Haven't watched any Blood+ since I got to my Dad's. I'm going to blame that on Dice.

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