They were alright, but I'm getting the feeling you're making me look like I judge how good the entire show is based solely on what it looks like... in which case I'm going "Where the heck are you even going with this?"
C'mon, let's hear more than three words on what you thought of them
I don't really have any direction or anything, I'm just engaging in a bit of discussion about stuff, and for some reason some of the previous statements got me a bit fired up. I guess you could say I'm a firm believer in "just because something's old, doesn't mean it doesn't have as much value" "looks not being everything/form follows function" so I jumped on some of a couple of people's posts. Better to have a lively discussion than nothing at all, right?
Although, let me say this, please don't mistake these as any kind of "put-downs" or "attacks", I just... I dunno, I have this feeling of wanting to expand people's thinking, of showing them possibilities they may not have considered or something...
And I guess anime could be considered art, as all forms of expression could be argued as such. Animated drawings, etc. Though there are a few different schools of thought of anime, or even art in the broader sense: As a merely aesthetically appealing thing, as a thought-provoking piece, or as a purely business-minded money making tool. And then there are combinations of all three, Eva being a decent example here. It's made Gainax a ton of money with merchandise, has some visually impressive and fantastic scenes, and also provokes the mind into areas of thought seldom travelled. Even after all these years, it's maintained an admirable fanbase. It just won't die!
Cano, I totally hear you man, I totally hear you
*nods in a sagely and understanding manner*
I'd write more on my aforementioned discussion points posted by AOS, but I was gaming a bit too much, and now it's almost 5am here

And, to compensate for my wall(s) of text, here's some stuff:
Lain: is how I would do moe. I'm weird like that, but her brown jumpsuit with the ears is damn cute. Plus she is amazing with computers
Mushishi: It's a really chilled, relaxing show, and all I've heard from people who've seen it were good things.
Spice & Wolf: I've said it before, but this is a great show. Fantastic character inter-relations and development, you get to know them and they get to know each other really well, as they get into all sorts of trouble along their journeys. And Horo really loves apples, almost as much as she likes to drink

Haruhi was my first "real anime" so to speak, so I guess I can only really look back on it with nostalgia-glasses. Despite it's flaws or cliches I can only see now, it was great at the time. Just really fun. The Haruhi-chan and Nyoro~n Tsuruya-san shorts were great as well, playing off the characters in wacky and hilarious ways. I've also heard a lot of good things about the movie, but be sure to stay away from the second season (Endless 8)