The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
like i said, shouldnt be called anime, sides, much of those shows aer made in the US for the US. if you must call it anything call it uber (sp?) anime for 6 year olds or something .
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
I fully agree with you, it makes me sick when people call something like pokecrap anime, so therefor all anime is like that. series like pokemon, digimon, dbz, etc.... shouldnt be called anime....

no, wait man. it IS anime. Im not meanin that these thing, as ****ty as they are, arent anime. they are anime, but just focussed and targeted to other audiences (read kids who will buy products) but it IS anime, we like it or not. tne BAD thing here is that people often think that all anime is like that and they wont give a damned chance to all of the awesome anime and stuf... that... or they will embrace the stupid things like dat and get used to these things... then they see someting thats worth it and thwy dont like it because "its complicated" and the such... it will make people this things that dont want to think about anything... no imagination, no nothing. its fine if the thing is getting into the mind of a five year old, because they cant think things so deep as the ones often refered in anime... but, aw, come on... a 19 year old dude that dont likes something like mononoke hime but loves dragon ball and digimon, because... "that movie is SO complicated!!"

I know several high school graduates who still play Pokemon cards. I refer to them as geeks.
This runs along this same arfument that pisses a lot of people off.
"All anime is Pron."....
How may times have you heard someone who doesnt watch anime say that?
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
This runs along this same arfument that pisses a lot of people off.
"All anime is Pron."....
How may times have you heard someone who doesnt watch anime say that?

"oh, you are watching yer dirty stuff again, dontcha?"
and Im watching, say, rayearth, or arujuna. or something like that. ja, someone even told me that about SAKURA!!! yeah, its RIDICULOUS!!!! and hillarious as well. showing ABSOLUTE ignorance on the matter, yet they say whoa! I just saw a H movie!!! like it was the most relevant thing in the anime world... hentai, when for me, its really pretty small and worthless. then I say, ok, now go see eva. and they say... fogget it...

so, yeah... Its just... BAD when people stereotype things. and talk without knowing... and stuff.

O_o where's everyone??? Im just bumping this... just when it was getting interesting, you are all gone!!!

umm, ok, new subject...umm...first anime?
thats sounds good.
Mine was samuri pizza cats (i swear i was messed in the head as a lil kid) :lol:
mine was mazzinger Z. it was a relligious practice in my childhood. Voltron Followed suit. then Robotech. but the anime that really got me hooked to anime as what it is and that made me want to see more and stuff was, yeah, magic knight rayearth. I think that's why I like it so much. It was my first "real" anime series. aah, I wanna see it again >.<

Gundam Wing was my first. GW was the bomb!

I watched Spirited Away on Friday. It was pretty good, it successfully blended CG with traditional animation. A good example would be the train scene. I thought a lot of the character designs were downright WTF material, like those little black puffy things that helped out in the boiler room. :lol: The ending was a little abrupt and ruff, IMO, there should have been more. The voice acting was well done, I didn't notice any misplaced words, but I thought the main character's voice was over done compared to the soft, innocent Japanese voice. The extras disc was good, a lot of trailers and documentaries.
I loved GW, i was like the biggest fanatic, lets eee, right now i have: 6 vids, about 10 action figures, 4 gundam model kits, posters, a hd full of stuff, most of the eps on cd, GBA2, about 5-6 books, & the trading card game. unfortunatly i don't get thrill out of these anymore, that whole every 6 year old watches it so it is lame thing kinda ruined it. you know what i mean? I loved it because of its story, no 6 year old could understand it, *sigh* oh well, not much youc an do...
I have Operations 4, 5, and Endless Waltz on DVD. Operation 1, episodes 47, 48, and 49 on VHS. Wing Zero Custom 1/100 model imported from Japan. 6" Wing Zero action figure. 2001 wall callender, and countless GW t-shirts.

I too, have lost the thrill. I think they showed GW too much and because Cartoon Network started showing the UC Gundam series, I lost interest in Gundam Wing. Not many 6 year olds watch GW, they liked DBZ more.
Yeah, I loved Gundam Wing to death also. I never bought the music CD's however. I do have Endless Waltz. Check my username. Duo Maxwell was my favorite.

gawd! you are all young to anime, arent you?? I assume you watched gundam wing when it was aired not too long ago, when it took USa on a gundam rage... or any of you watched it before it was aired??

Originally posted by Cano
gawd! you are all young to anime, arent you?? I assume you watched gundam wing when it was aired not too long ago, when it took USa on a gundam rage... or any of you watched it before it was aired??


I watched the Japanese tapes around 1995 I think. Gundam Wing wasn't aired till later on Cartoon Network.

i rem, gw was aired here about 99' 00', i rem watching sevreal other series before then. i rem watching ninja scroll when i was about 10 :P boobies! :lol:
When I was about 4 or 5 I used to watch this really good anime with samurai in it (not really helpful huh?). The name just escapes me! I remember the main character was like Ry or Ryu of the Wild Fire and he had a pet white tiger. Can someone help?


Edit: I figured it out. It was Ronin Warriors! His name was Ryo or something.

ah, Duo did watch gundam before the airing, wich is quite good. 'sides, you cant tell me, after waching it on japanese, that the dubbing is good. it stinks. that is the problem with aired anime. its dubbed. and dubbing always = BAAAD!!

The dub for Gundam Wing is pretty good. The dubs for the original Gundam series suck.

Dubs aren't always bad. Look at Cowboy Bebop and Metal Gear Solid (I know, it's not an anime.), the English dubs are better than the original Japanese voice acting.
dubbing can be good if:

censorship doesnt change a thing

translation of the words is almost word for word (closest match possilble

re-animating the mouths to fit the new words

getting voice actors with a near identical voice.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Dubs aren't always bad. Look at Cowboy Bebop(...) the English dubs are better than the original Japanese voice acting.

sorry to say this, but you are sick man. have you seen it in japanese??? hell their voices fit. in english I must say it stinks.


I wont even talk about the spanish dubbing... wich is like "I wanna kill those guys..."
The reason you hate the dubs so much is probably because you saw the original Japanese version first. That probably ended up ruining it for you when you watched the dubbed version. That kind of stuff usually doesn't bother me very much.

yup, I watched it all subtitled in english, with original japanese sound. VERY good. the voices couldnt be others. then in come the english and spanish dubs. and I wanted to kill dem all!!!

THe very first anime series i watched was *shudder* DBZ *shudder* Dragon Ball was soooo much better. The first anime movie that really got me hooked was Akira. After Akira, i started to watch Gundam Wing. My friend borrowed a book from a friend that everything you wanted to know about GW in it. It was really cool. I sometimes watch Ruroni Kenshin and YuYu Hakusho on Cartoon Network, although I prefer the manga version that I read in Shonen Jump.
aaah, dragon ball z. a good start, I know many people that started in this whole thing watching that thing. and yeah, dragon ball was so much better... it was FUNFUNFUNFUN... even more so, because here in mexico it wasnt edited at all, so you could see everything. it was hilarious. from dbz on, it was like... powerfull monster appears. goku gets to be the most powerful dude in universe. goku beats the crap out of the monster. monster dies. then another powerful monster appears. goku goes supersaiyan level 54567856 and again and again... it was BOOOOORINGGGGG... entretaining, maybe, but as storyline... well... what storyline?? :odd:

I wont even talk about the spanish dubbing... wich is like "I wanna kill those guys..."

I gotta stand up for the spanish dubbing, next to english, spanish dubing kills. I haven't seen much of the recent stuff dubbed in english, but from what I have seen, the acting put in (if any) sucked. No ofense to anybody, but 2 ouf of 5 animes in english actually sound good, while in Spanish it's more like 4 out of 5.
I speak for the latin dubs, the Spain dubs... oh dear :rolleyes: you are right on there then.
well, I must say that the dubbing produced here in mexico, specially by a company called intertrack, are VERY VERY good. they did Sakura, all the dragon ball series, and some more, and they have all been VERY good. I atcually like more the spanish dubbing in sakura than the actual japanese. then there is some thers like the simpsons, for example. they made it, and I HAVE to say that the spanish voices and acting are way better (thanks to the same staff doing the voices for the 14-plus years of the simpsons airing in mexico) than the english version. and, on the contrary, for example, the dubbing on magic knight rayearth was made in colombia... and it was pretty bad -___- that actually was the only drawback of the entire series. same for gundam wing. it was dubbed in some south american country, and it stinks. Even the dubbing that locomotion itself did for evangelion (the one that can be seen on the DVDs) wasnt made by intertrack, so it was no good. and that leads us to cowboy bebop, wich was, then again, done by locomotion, not intertrack. and again. its no good.

The animes I like the most are..............

Initial D (this is a must see, very very good anime)

Ex Driver (another good one, but it's only 6 episodes)

Hajime no Ippo (a good boxing anime)

Cowboy Bebop

Rurouni Kenshin

Gundam Wing

Vampire Hunter D

Ninja Scroll

Street Fighter 2


Ghost in the Shell

Fist of the north star

Project A-KO

Bubblegum Crisis

and I still have more but it's late and i'm goin to sleep....
i watched a video regarding ex driver, cept it was the one w/ the two girls in one car, interesting, some characters are very weird, and the animation for the car was amazing. is there anymore of that series? oh and how is that other ex series?