The General Anime Thread...

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Haruhi 3:

That's classified information. ;D

Well, apart from one thing. Lol. Koizumi seems a lot more interesting than I made him out to be. Seems like he actually knows his stuff...
Haruhi 4:

Ryoko is EVIL O: Kyon is correct! (: Yuki looks cuter without glasses. Mikuru looks better when younger actually...she reminds me much of Misato with her looks.

Also, finding videos that give the easiest to follow order, with all 29 episodes, is so hard. I had one before but the sound lag on it is unbelievable :dunce: The one I'm using now does have the original 14 which is OK for now but I'll have to find Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, Endless Eight (not like I think I'll need to see that enough :lol:) and the Sighs elsewhere.

Noooo...I'm right! Mind you, there isn't much difference anyway but Yuki still looks better without them.

Also, why is it I can never stop thinking of Mikuru's surname as 'Asinina'? A surname like that would certainly be better fitting on Hawuhi :3

Please, no 'classified information' answers. :lol:
CZETA, you are no longer my friend... Glasses > No glasses, son.

Also, finished Nichijou 11... Same senseless stuff happening...
CZETA, you are no longer my friend... Glasses > No glasses, son.

Whaaat...that's not fair. One divided opinion does not equal friendship split D: Although I imagine Cano will be especially annoyed with my opinion no matter what. :sly:
Whaaat...that's not fair. One divided opinion does not equal friendship split D: Although I imagine Cano will be especially annoyed with my opinion no matter what. :sly:

Yuki with glasses > Yuki without glasses.

This has been scientifically proven as fact.
Yuki with glasses > Yuki without glasses.

This has been scientifically proven as fact.

I'm not one to fight, so as I have said a decent number of times on these forums, have your say. ;) All I know is that I like Kyon's thinking. :)
Writing for a blog, and to some extent, managing a forum is both awesome and dreadful at the same time. :lol:

What? Am I off-topic?

Here, have some Gogeta:
Are you a mechanic now, Sly?

Dude's got good taste :sly: I'd kill for a giant redjuice print like his.
That anime collection. Those artboxes.:drool:

BTW, speaking of collection's, do you guys look at the pics on ANN's Shelf Life column?
Some notable collections (At the bottom.) linked below.
Rightstuf package, arrive, arrive, arrive, arrive, arrive, arrive, arrive!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Arghh! You guys are too chatty! But don't mind me, keep going on as you were, nice to know folks are doing their part to keep us ahead of the Brony thread.

Sooo.... I totally stole Yaywalter's to watch list jpg he posted a while back and have started first with Monster. Saw a long time ago that it was highly regarded but the image ANN chose for the banner turned me off and the plot sounded lame. Glad I took Yay's opinion into consideration because I'm 20-some eps in now and just can't get enough.

Great format, very SoL episodic with a dark background to keep you anxious in most episodes, and then violently in-your-face in other episodes to make sure you don't get too comfortable. Also have noticed and appreciate the attention paid to car badging. Just caught the Opel most recently with the English couple who picked Tenma and kid up as hitchhikers. But also caught what the science editor overlooked... gas gauge goes from empty to full with a single 5 gallon emergency refill??? Yeah...
Up to Ep. 11 of Bebop now. The fact that Rei's seiyu is also Faye's had me thinking...
Eva does Bebop
"You're under arrest, Asuka."
"For what, doll?!"
"Being sexy."
Up to Ep. 11 of Bebop now. The fact that Rei's seiyu is also Faye's had me thinking...

Nice! Bebop rules![/thread]

Also, I love recognizing seiyus, too! In Monster there's a bit scene in an earlier episode where Onizuka and Hasegawa are playing a game of chess as minor-character detectives. That's how I always think of those two voices anyways, though they've both played hundreds of characters through the years in the business.
I was pretending to be stupid Dravonic.:P

Also, it's almost 5 PM here, and the mail still hasn't arrived. Argh!!!:mad: