The General Anime Thread...

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Edit: nice both of you watch Blood+, it was my first real anime and I thought it was great, have watched two.. three? times now. Epic.
I first caught it when it was on [adult swim] for it's second run like Summer 2009. Unfortunately, they lost the airing rights before they could get anywhere really. They showed like less than 13 episodes before the rights expired.

Death Note was lucky, it had 3 full runs before they lost it. They marathoned the show in December so it's 3rd run would finish in time.

Anyway, I resumed it (Well from square one because I forgot to much, and missed a few episodes.) when Blood-C started, so I was watching it along with that, then Blood-C ended at episode 12, so it took it's slot the next week, so I'm watching two episodes on Thursdays. I'll be finished by February at my current rate, it definitely is a pretty good show that might just get better for me. It has remained an 8/10 show for me since episode 1 though.
But Bebop does have a plotline...:odd:
It was kinda hard to follow. It took me a while to realize Cowboy Bebop's greatness. Also, nice how I kept missing episode 23 (I'm not all that much of a fan of this one, "Brain Scratch".) every time [as] re-aired it until earlier this year, or was it last Summer?:lol:
Wait, why am I insane?! :lol:

10 Things Outlaw Star Has Taught Us

1. If your last name is "Starwind" you're awesome, by default.
2. Aisha is a tease, and possibly easy.
3. The Galactic Leyline is real, so suck it.
4. Harry was an egotistical, maniacal, masochistic jackass who got owned by Hazanko.
5. Hot Springs Planet Tenrei is the best episode. Ever. Of any anime.
6. We need a Planet Tenrei.
7. It doesn't matter how old or how many ailments you have, when it comes to lewd footage of a hot chick you're instantly light on your feet.
8. Gilliam II is da man, or rather, is da AI.
9. Jim will never know what happened to Hanmyo.
10. We really need a Planet Tenrei. What about this aren't you understanding?
Should I be ashamed I haven't seen Outlaw Star, and or how it doesn't interest me at all?:guilty:
Should I be ashamed I haven't seen Outlaw Star, and or how it doesn't interest me at all?:guilty:

Yes. :P

You know how Cano and jeff (mostly jeff) goes on about how awesome Cowboy Bebop is? That's how I'd be with Outlaw Star (and Gundam of course).

Have you tried watching it?
It's oldschool, about the same time as Bebop. Yet with worse animation.

But it's a great fun romp through the galaxy with lots of action and comedy. not nearly as deep as Bebop, it must be said, but not much is.
But Bebop does have a plotline...:odd: It's just rather deep and mature. Also about humanity. And syndicate conspiracies.

Atmosphere was really good, but I've heard that the actual plot doesn't get thrown into the show until episode 20. I can watch other "mature" shows without wading through 20 episodes of slice of life cowboy.

Mostly all I'm hearing is nostalgia talk.
Not for me, Cowboy Bebop is mainly nostalgic in when I first really got into this stuff 3 years ago. The nostalgia has nothing to do really with how good I think it is. I mean it took me until like last year I think to realize the show's greatness. I gotta give it a rewatch sometime, instead of having it on [as] every Saturday night, and not paying attention to the episode since I've seen it get replayed over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Want massive nostalgia, try me with my gateway anime Bleach.:P

Or you could always go with anime that was on Toonami like Rave Master, Zatch Bell!, One Piece, Naruto, and more.
Anyone going to be asking for anime for Christmas? The anime I'm going to ask for below.
Heaven's Lost Property (Sora no Otoshimono) DVD/BD Combo Pack Limited Edition
Rosario + Vampire Bundle (Limited Edition Season 1 + Season 2)
I MUST own these sets, my inner otaku needs them!

Also, with the $50 my aunt (And Godmother.) gives me every Christmas, I'll be buying this.
Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Collection Holiday Edition

Edit: Wow, the limited edition for Heaven's Lost Property is cheaper than the regular edition on Amazon.:lol:
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You thread bring so much nostalgia:

(Spanish as I like to remember it, and by far superior version)

Best series ever, now I need to find those VHS when I get back home for Christmas.
Speaking of that series, as I learned recently, it's apparently now out of print from VIZ Media unfortunately. The box sets and movie box set are disappearing fast, mainly from Rightstuf as they're part of the 12 Days of Savings sale.

First Urusei Yatsura (AnimeEigo let their license expire.), now Ranma 1/2, what Rumiko Takahashi series besides InuYasha is up next on the out of print list?:(
And now I go, because everyone in this thread is far too insane to have a conversation with.

I mean, there is certainly anime better than Ponies, but Brotherhood?

Whaaat? You pony people are crazy... Admittedly brotherhood isn't for everyone since it's for teenage boys, but it is one of the great anime out there... any otaku worth his salt will tell you that...

Also, that shouldn't be a problem for people who like a show for teenage girls :sly:

Mostly all I'm hearing is nostalgia talk.

Well it's been like, 5 years since I saw it? So no surprise there :P

Actually that got me thinking I should give it a rewatch soon. I can barely remember it after all :crazy:
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood=One of the best anime ever created

Though it's a 9/10 show for me.
Whaaat? You pony people are crazy... Admittedly brotherhood isn't for everyone since it's for teenage boys, but it is one of the great anime out there... any otaku worth his salt will tell you that...

FMA:B is definitely shounen, but not that normal crud. Edward has purpose and isn't a typical shounen character. He's actually WORTH his place as a main character.
Speaking of that series, as I learned recently, it's apparently now out of print from VIZ Media unfortunately. The box sets and movie box set are disappearing fast, mainly from Rightstuf as they're part of the 12 Days of Savings sale.

First Urusei Yatsura (AnimeEigo let their license expire.), now Ranma 1/2, what Rumiko Takahashi series besides InuYasha is up next on the out of print list?:(

Now that you mention it, I check out a DVD set that contained all seasons(but no ovas) here and its 240 USD, quite expensive if I'm honest, not to mention that is used and I need to buy Pink Floyd's Immersion set box.
Ah eBay, a horrible place to buy anime most of the time. You got to be very careful, there's tons and tons of anime bootlegs on there. There are practically more bootlegs on eBay than the number of bullets fired online in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 every day.
I loathe each and every shonen element of Brotherhood. Their lack of existence in the original is why it is superior.

I actually see your point. Though the story was better thought out in the 2nd.

Also, nk4e, I think Toronado was referring to Outlaw Star, not Gundam (Haro!)

Which reminds me. Like Haro, but says Tollie/Tori (Bridy?) what am I remembering?
FMA:B is definitely shounen, but not that normal crud. Edward has purpose and isn't a typical shounen character. He's actually WORTH his place as a main character.

You don't have to tell me that. It is a shounen but it still managed to get my attention like few seinen do... That alone is proof of how good it is. Hell, I don't even mind ignoring the annoying bits... *Cof*freaking*Cof*panda*Cof*
Can someone tell me how FMA B was more shounen than the original? It's been a long time since I've seen the original series and don't remember much.
Ah eBay, a horrible place to buy anime most of the time. You got to be very careful, there's tons and tons of anime bootlegs on there. There are practically more bootlegs on eBay than the number of bullets fired online in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 every day.

I know is the worst place, the problem is that it seems to be the only place where I can find them all, not sure about Amazon though.
Can someone tell me how FMA B was more shounen than the original? It's been a long time since I've seen the original series and don't remember much.
They seem equally as shonen to me, except how FMA:B pushes the blood and violence more.

On [adult swim], the original series had TV ratings of TVPG and TV14. The second series I don't think has had a single episode below TV14, and a few episodes have been TVMA.

Nice how I own the entire first series (Got both sets for $50, one was an early birthday present.), yet I can't really answer your question well.:lol: