The Gifters Remote Race Thread: Read OP Before Posting!

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Grinder is still going,going to do my trades after this race though,Dooble I see you there what was that band called? I'll check em out while this race finishes.:dopey: also has anyone seen op lately?
Grinder is still going,going to do my trades after this race though,Dooble I see you there what was that band called? I'll check em out while this race finishes.:dopey: also has anyone seen op lately?

Am I in this grinder? :nervous:
Okay this is a message to everyone who has RTZ on the grinder,please don't that account is dead thank's to my stupidity. I will sent the remaining cars out that is if they still exist but I am closing it down after that. New account is called Robabza-Triple0 yes that is a zero at the end.
Okay this is a message to everyone who has RTZ on the grinder,please don't that account is dead thank's to my stupidity. I will sent the remaining cars out that is if they still exist but I am closing it down after that. New account is called Robabza-Triple0 yes that is a zero at the end.

What happen?
I lost a few cars because I loaded RTZ onto my first PS3,sent a car,then reloaded it onto my new one to buy the new ocd cause you get a new set of ocd cars on the new machine...oops. I lost an F10,F2007a PD F1,one of Aces replicas(the SL700) an SLS,A cerbera speed 6 and 2 V8S's.(that's what I remember anyway).
I lost a few cars because I loaded RTZ onto my first PS3,sent a car,then reloaded it onto my new one to buy the new ocd cause you get a new set of ocd cars on the new machine...oops.

Doh! So now what? I delete that and add the other one?
I lost a few cars because I loaded RTZ onto my first PS3,sent a car,then reloaded it onto my new one to buy the new ocd cause you get a new set of ocd cars on the new machine...oops. I lost an F10,F2007a PD F1,one of Aces replicas(the SL700) an SLS,A cerbera speed 6 and 2 V8S's.(that's what I remember anyway).

Did you back up your 1st ps3 game save before loading the RTZ save?

Make sure you send an FR to gtcam00 so I can run your bobs :)
No...I think that's one of two things I did wrong,I reloaded it on the other one,thanks I'll send fr in a couple of minutes.:)
No...I think that's one of two things I did wrong,I reloaded it on the other one,thanks I'll send fr in a couple of minutes.:)

But, if you could reload it on the other one, then don't you have a copy to reload it back?
I am going to have two master PS3's though my main which is on my old one and this new one will be on my new one,I think I need an account that's just on that PS3.
I am going to have two master PS3's though my main which is on my old one and this new one will be on my new one,I think I need an account that's just on that PS3.

Okay fair enough... So I presume your ps3 name is the one you mentioned above?

Cheers dude.
Yeah,I'm doing B spec now,I only have one driver,I should have more online by the end of the day.also running the grinder on the other machine.
I am going to have two master PS3's though my main which is on my old one and this new one will be on my new one,I think I need an account that's just on that PS3.

Having two PS3 might be confusing. But it`s easy IF you keep track which and where your current savegame of each account is.

I do it that way. (There might be other/better possibilities.)

Main account that is Monatsende (which has all gears, MCs, all cars) is on my PS3 #1, also Monatsanfang, AAA-GearTooSend and AAA-Replica. Current savegame of these accounts always on my PS3 system.

Other accounts (AAA-Ticket, ReplicaTooDrive etc.) are on my PS3 system #2 incl. savegames which are up-to-date there.

If I need to send AAA-Ticket stuff from PS3 system #1 (because slot of #2 is used already) I have to transfer savegame from system #2 to system #1 (USB-drive is your friend). If item is on an old AAA-Ticket savegame on PS1 #1 I just send from the old savegame without backsaving because I always can overwrite with the savegame from #2.

You can say: Both PS3 systems are master and slave system simultaneously.
You just have to keep track. It`s half confusing as it appears after reading my explanation. :lol:

To make everything safe I have a separate USB-drive for M*ende, M*anfang and AAA-Ticket. Current savegame of these 3 accounts is ALWAYS accessable from them.
Having two PS3 might be confusing. But it`s easy IF you keep track which and where your current savegame of each account is.

I do it that way. (There might be other/better possibilities.)

Main account that is Monatsende (which has all gears, MCs, all cars) is on my PS3 #1, also Monatsanfang, AAA-GearTooSend and AAA-Replica. Current savegame of these accounts always on my PS3 system.

Other accounts (AAA-Ticket, ReplicaTooDrive etc.) are on my PS3 system #2 incl. savegames which are up-to-date there.

If I need to send AAA-Ticket stuff from PS3 system #1 (because slot of #2 is used already) I have to transfer savegame from system #2 to system #1 (USB-drive is your friend). If item is on an old AAA-Ticket savegame on PS1 #1 I just send from the old savegame without backsaving because I always can overwrite with the savegame from #2.

You can say: Both PS3 systems are master and slave system simultaneously.
You just have to keep track. It`s half confusing as it appears after reading my explanation. :lol:

To make everything safe I have a separate USB-drive for M*ende, M*anfang and AAA-Ticket. Current savegame of these 3 accounts is ALWAYS accessable from them.

I know Monat,and it would have been fine if I hadn't loaded RTZ onto both machines,It'll be fine once I've built up the new account.
Kicked off grinder for the night for my usual suspects...

But still missing Robs choice of account :)
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