The Great Project Cars Glitches, Bugs and Errors Thread

  • Thread starter Johnnypenso
I've encountered yet another bug, the game crashed on my Xbox One last night at the start of the race in quick race weekend..
Worrying number of bugs so far and pretty diverse ones to.
Anyone else having the bug where the game appears to go into slow motion and then fast forward straight after? Makes the game unplayable for me, i'm playing on Steam.
I think I had that to in one of the 125 kart races at the dubai kart track in career mode (PS4).
Worrying number of bugs so far and pretty diverse ones to.

I think I had that to in one of the 125 kart races at the dubai kart track in career mode (PS4).
Im getting it every race, annoying as im loving the game but it makes it almost impossible to play.
Do you remember which car, layout, time and weather? Can you repro it?

Again @ all: Please be as precise as possible with your reports. I know it takes a bit of extra effort but it makes finding the bugs more likely, so it is very much appreciated if you take the extra time.
no. I ran a few races there and it only happened once. IIRC it was Sakitto GP, 13:00, 4 weather slots (clear/light cloud/heavy cloud/clear) and I believe I was running the Radical SR8
Thanks for replying. I'm not not, i'm just using an Xbox One controller.

Ok, try seeing if there is a firmware update for the controller that you havent installed yet, I ve read that this helped some people with their XBone controller issues.
On pc there is...helps with the framerate, especially if you're using the virtual mirror anyway.

There is! Turn it back on.

Even with virtual mirror on I can't stand the blank mirrors. Always on for atmosphere.

Are the mirrors blank for you all of the time or only in the P1? Try turning virtual mirrors on/off in options -> gameplay to see if that helps.
Wow, I must be blind as a bat because I didn't see it. Thanks!
I just tried to start practice session for round 3 of Clio Cup and as soon as it loads me in the pits my T300 suddenly spins to one side and starts vibrating a lot. rebooted the wheel, tried same event again and it did the exact same thing. PS4. I hope it's just a bug in the game...
Had exactly the same only fix option like yourself was a reboot. So I assume it's a bug I was in a Clio also incidentally. I was also briefly losing sound at the top end of the rev bar through every gear same with an SLS. I've a feeling that was down to the track I was on as it was fine around Monza and Spa.:boggled:
Superkarts single race weekend, glencairn (full I think).

There is a lower detail model that has the cowl over the steering column offset to the drivers left, floating over the sidepod.

As it gets closer it switches back to correct location.

Livery was yellow / red highlights if that helps.

XB1 version.
I have noticed a few but the standout one for me so far is I did two QRW where I qualified 3rd and 4th respectively. I watched the replays of qualifying and the whole time there was an alert that said something like "AI Car times are not recorded" and when I went to the race start both times I was dead last on the grid.

I'm on PS4.

I had this also - quick race weekend, cadwell, ruf rgt - AI same class.

10mins qual, got pole.

In replay of qualifying "AI laptimes not recorded" on screen display.

Start race, placed me at back of grid.

XB1 version.
Free practice, california coast full / normal direction, 1M.

Car smashes at full speed into wall after finish (after control taken from player).

XB1 version.
Plugged in earphones last night and it completely killed the sound in-game, had to reset PS4.
PS4 Version: Trackside camera replays are very glitchy on occasions. Anyone else noticed (or are bothered by) this? Not a priority but I do love my replays - something the GT series does very, very well. Hoping it's something that can be patched at a later date.
I've noticed. The replays seem to stutter at certain parts of tracks. Would be nice to have really smooth replays for those of us that enjoy watching them.
I've also noticed the wheels on some cars seeming to chop between appearing 3d to 2d and back again. I.e. McLaren GT3 & Merc SLS GT3.
Anybody got the eastbound and down trophy?

Mine never 'popped'

Not sure if posted already but...

With rolling starts enabled
When you watch replay at the end of a race
Then close replay and hit restart race
The cars don't move and sometimes the camera glitches
It fixes itself if you hit restart race again from the pause menu

This happens maybe 10% of the big deal really
Reported in the WMD trophy thread. Will try myself later (I suck big time at Cali Highway though, so not sure whether I ll be able to set a valid laptime under 9 mins without smooching a guard rail :D ).

Hopefully they can fix it and it pops retrospectively as it is hard doin a clean lap, only doing by 0.5 was lucky as it was!
@Fryto : Which career races? Can you tell me the series (and the exact race ideally, if it only happens during one of the races within a series).

@ all: The slider issues are known and already looked into.

Clio Cup. I've only done the Donington and Snetterton races, but it happened in both.
In the race with the mandatory pit stop, I wanted to hit the pit request button to make sure my teammate wasn't occupying the box. But you don't get any confirmation message or anything... My pit request is mapped to my DS4 touch pad button (if that makes any difference) :))
Confirmed. Hit a 7:38 with the Trans Am Mustang, didnt get the trophy neither. The good news is that some people won it already (0,3% as of now). Will report and investigate.
Clio Cup. I've only done the Donington and Snetterton races, but it happened in both.
In the race with the mandatory pit stop, I wanted to hit the pit request button to make sure my teammate wasn't occupying the box. But you don't get any confirmation message or anything... My pit request is mapped to my DS4 touch pad button (if that makes any difference) :))
You should get feedback. Try mapping to another button
Clio Cup. I've only done the Donington and Snetterton races, but it happened in both.
In the race with the mandatory pit stop, I wanted to hit the pit request button to make sure my teammate wasn't occupying the box. But you don't get any confirmation message or anything... My pit request is mapped to my DS4 touch pad button (if that makes any difference) :))
perhaps the button press isn't being registered? I set my reset car to R3 on the wheel and mostly it wouldn't do anything. sometimes ok, but I ended up mapping something else there instead as it was pretty useless.
Ok so some odd things spotted already.

My config:

Thustmaster T300RS

1. Track - Leguna Seca / Car - Ginetta G40 Junior // Driving into the pits after 2 laps and as soon as the AI took control of the car it smashes the front end into the pit lane wall.

2. Replays - Leguna Seca / Cars - Ginetta G40 & Renault Megan // car keeps jumping from place to place like the game it's trying to keep the car in the correct place. It's a similar effect to Ping lag with online racers. Not sure if this is the same for all cars and track combos.

3. Menus - Quick Vehical Selection in Free Practice // selected the RUF RGT-8 GT3 and pressed square to view the Vehical info, once done exited out back to car selection expecting to be still on the RUF but instead the selection had jumped to my previously raced car, the Ginetta.

Hope this helps.