Wait not having upgrades, is somehow authentic and a realistic approach? Why is that? You're speaking from a PC slant, console gamers interests aren't exactly in line with PC gamers. DriveClub was given flak for small car count, lack of any kind of tuning/upgrades whatsoever. While Project Cars has tune settings, lacking upgrades in a game filled to the rafters with mainly race cars and heavily favoring British autos, I don't see console reviews being rather favorable for this game when the competition on both systems have pretty much everything this game does minus the excellent racing rules and setup and user set customization. I am getting this game simply because I have all systems and I can't pass up a nice first outing on console that looks to being real racing to my main game system. Console racing gamer players have become accustomed to having upgrades, large car counts and livery support as part of their game. There are a myriad of types playing, so the game can cater to those focused on getting the best time, those who like to just grab a car and drive, those who love to tinker and build out. You ever played Forza 3 and 4, the tuning community was huge with crazy builds of cars many were absolute nuts but it still represented a sector of gamers.
Having the option is better than not having it, this is also head scratching moment but no livery editor on either console...it's like they are sabotaging themselves before giving themselves a chance. PC supports livery editor, but not the consoles?
I am on board for this game, but the console outing is going to leave many a bruised ego.