The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
Although I hate MTX in general in any game I've got to say the GT Sport ones aren't really doing any harm being there, it's not like it's pay to win, everything which can be bought with real world money can be bought in-game with GT credits. If people buying cars through MTX means we'll continue getting free cars and tracks regularly then fair enough, at least PD are giving something back, I think people should think about all the free updates we've had since launch (about 70 cars and 6 tracks? don't know the exact figures,) it's not exactly like they're fleecing people of their money.
It could very easily be argued that when compared to other full price racing games at release GTS was very content light and as a result PD had no real choice to but to offer a lot of free new content. It's interesting that some people see this as such an incredible positive.
GT SPORT and the Sport mode is three races a week?! I know that GTsport will never be my favorite GT because of no tuning and no classic career mode. And I'm grateful for the free dlcs. Though, I've noticed that Poly struggles to offer many events offline and online. Why not more online championships like in the first artworks?

More than cars and tracks lists, Poly should improve a lot some game design decisions. Why no car, paint, helmet reward in the Gt league? Why so few missions? I hope the next GT will have a long and fun career mode. Oh and no daily reward for expansive cars! It's cool for a cheap car but I want to win a 250 gto after a long endurance or a serie of races.
You're entitled to your opinion but what about everyone else who doesn't share it?

Can you please explain how microtransactions affect you? Does it tempt you to spend money? Does it make you jealous that others can buy cars without using in game credits? I have never spent a dime on microtransactions in any game, period. If there are people who want to put more money into a game they already purchased, so be it. Hopefully it will allow us to get more free dlc for many more months
Can you please explain how microtransactions affect you? Does it tempt you to spend money? Does it make you jealous that others can buy cars without using in game credits? I have never spent a dime on microtransactions in any game, period. If there are people who want to put more money into a game they already purchased, so be it. Hopefully it will allow us to get more free dlc for many more months
Another crusader! Can you explain how your opinion being different to other peoples opinion in anyway makes their opinion less legitimate?

I'll reiterate what I've already said a couple of times. I don't particularly have a problem with microtransactions. I'd prefer every car to be available to drive whenever I want to drive it but that's a different discussion. What I've been pointing out in the few threads discussing this is the mental gymnastics some posters are going through to counter the legitimate concerns of others. Your free to feel however you want about MT's just the same as others who don't agree with you are feel to free what they do about them. Your in the epic whining and crying thread for goodness sake. White knight all you like bit this is probably not the most sensible thread to do it in.
Another crusader! Can you explain how your opinion being different to other peoples opinion in anyway makes their opinion less legitimate?

I'll reiterate what I've already said a couple of times. I don't particularly have a problem with microtransactions. I'd prefer every car to be available to drive whenever I want to drive it but that's a different discussion. What I've been pointing out in the few threads is the mental gymnastics some posters are going through to counter the legitimate concerns of others. Your free to feel however you want about MT's just the same as others who don't agree with you are feel to free what they do about them.

Your concerns are about as legitimate as complaining that the sky is blue or grass is green. They have no affect on you at all
Another crusader! Can you explain how your opinion being different to other peoples opinion in anyway makes their opinion less legitimate?

I'll reiterate what I've already said a couple of times. I don't particularly have a problem with microtransactions. I'd prefer every car to be available to drive whenever I want to drive it but that's a different discussion. What I've been pointing out in the few threads discussing this is the mental gymnastics some posters are going through to counter the legitimate concerns of others. Your free to feel however you want about MT's just the same as others who don't agree with you are feel to free what they do about them. Your in the epic whining and crying thread for goodness sake. White knight all you like bit this is probably not the most sensible thread to do it in.

The notion that MTX in GTS is a detrimental factor to the game in its current state is simply an untenable argument. On the contrary, if said business model allows for continuous free content - everybody wins. Whilst you are entitled to be wrong, doesn't mean other people are white knights just because they point out your flaws.
The notion that MTX in GTS is a detrimental factor to the game in its current state is simply an untenable argument.
No it's not.

Here's a post from earlier which explains.

And I agree, any normal player can afford every car under 2M with credits. However, quite a few people, maybe even the majority, are going to struggle to make enough credits to buy the 20M cars. And if they use their credits to buy the under 2M cars that means they are further reducing their chances of being able to buy the 20M because they have spent all their credits on the under 2M cars,

So presently you can't buy the 20M cars with real cash but their is an incentive for those who want the 20M cars to spend real cash on the under 2M cars thereby saving their credits to eventually buy the 20M cars.

Now you may not agree with that argument but it's certainly not untenable.
See my edit.

Who cares if there is an incentive? There's an incentive to go spend a buttload of money on a credit card that you cannot afford, it doesn't make it a good idea. Maybe we should ban credit cards. PD isn't putting a gun to anyone's head to use real money. If people have that little self control that they feel they have to purchase a car with real money, than they have other issues.
Who cares if there is an incentive? There's an incentive to go spend a buttload of money on a credit card that you cannot afford, it doesn't make it a good idea. Maybe we should ban credit cards. PD isn't putting a gun to anyone's head to use real money. If people have that little self control that they feel they have to purchase a car with real money, than they have other issues.
What a brilliant riposte!
Other than you, I think most people would agree with me. You are a bit of a troll.
Name calling. The retreat of they who have no argument!

Check out the other threads on the matter, plenty of people disagree with you but that's ok no need to get your knickers in such a twist because someone doesn't agree with you. Oh and your reading comprehension is still appalling.
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I like how when you get told to not complain in other threads on the GT sub-forum (which is completely reasonable on a forum unless it's not trolling), you have to air out your mind in this very thread. Yet, when you do, you still have people attacking you when it is the thread for that... :rolleyes:
Other than you, I think most people would agree with me. You are a bit of a troll.
Name calling. The retreat of they who have no argument!

@shnooby2 - Your logical fallacy is Ad Hominem. Someone is not a troll simply because they disagree with your opinion.

Also, when a rather large community of racing game fans came together to make a racing game, the majority of them were against MT's (source). So your opinion that most people would agree with you has little to no evidence to support it. If you do in fact have some evidence for it, I'd like to see it.
Name calling. The retreat of they who have no argument!

Check out the other threads on the matter, plenty of people disagree with you but that's ok no need to get your knickers in such a twist because someone doesn't agree with you. Oh and your reading comprehension is still appalling.

I apologise for the troll comment, but I still do not agree with you
I don't believe I've ever posted in here before, but if I were to
whine and cry about something, it would have to be the decision
to not have all cars in the game available for microtransaction purchase.
It could very easily be argued that when compared to other full price racing games at release GTS was very content light and as a result PD had no real choice to but to offer a lot of free new content. It's interesting that some people see this as such an incredible positive.

You don't judge a games worth by comparing it to others, it's simple, if you don't think it's worth the money then don't buy it or do what I did and wait 2 months and I picked it up for £17. PD aren't forcing anyone to pay full price for a game, everyone knew what content was in the game at launch, if you buy it that's your choice, the developers don't owe you anything.
You don't judge a games worth by comparing it to others, it's simple, if you don't think it's worth the money then don't buy it or do what I did and wait 2 months and I picked it up for £17. PD aren't forcing anyone to pay full price for a game, everyone knew what content was in the game at launch, if you buy it that's your choice, the developers don't owe you anything.

You don't judge a games worth by comparing it to others,
Citation needed.

it's simple, if you don't think it's worth the money then don't buy it or do what I did and wait 2 months and I picked it up for £17. PD aren't forcing anyone to pay full price for a game, everyone knew what content was in the game at launch, if you buy it that's your choice, the developers don't owe you anything.
Care to point out where I said PD owed me anything or forced anyone to pay full price for the game. What I said was, PD had no real choice but to offer free DLC after the critical response the game received after release as a result of the lack of content.

You all have terrible reading comprehension!
Citation needed.

Care to point out where I said PD owed me anything or forced anyone to pay full price for the game. What I said was, PD had no real choice but to offer free DLC after the critical response the game received after release as a result of the lack of content.

You all have terrible reading comprehension!
Citation needed...

They did have a choice. They made 80% of the money they were ever going to make in the first 2 months of the games released. They could have said "screw it, on to GT7!"
Citation needed.

Care to point out where I said PD owed me anything or forced anyone to pay full price for the game. What I said was, PD had no real choice but to offer free DLC after the critical response the game received after release as a result of the lack of content.

You all have terrible reading comprehension!

You judge a game on whether you yourself think it's worth paying X amount of money for, not on whether another game has more content.

Well if they was a critical response about the lack of content there must have been a lot of people believing they were owed something more for buying the game. They released the full car and track list, they stated the game modes and they even had a beta so people could play it before launch, everyone knew what they were paying for so yes they did have a choice on whether they offered free DLC or not. There's plenty of content light games that don't offer free DLC, CoD for example which launches with a short 5 or so hour SP campaign, 10 multiplayer maps and a single map Zombie mode.
Citation needed.

Care to point out where I said PD owed me anything or forced anyone to pay full price for the game. What I said was, PD had no real choice but to offer free DLC after the critical response the game received after release as a result of the lack of content.

You all have terrible reading comprehension!

You buy the initial product as is, any additional DLCs and their fee lies at courtesy of the developers. They were not obligated in any shape or form to provide free content, especially for this long. In fact in my experience, PD is one of the gaming studios that have so far provided the best service in moral regard to their playerbase.
You judge a game on whether you yourself think it's worth paying X amount of money for, not on whether another game has more content
You judge a game like that. Others can judge it how they see fit. It’s perfectly logical to compare t to other similarly priced games and compare the content within. There’s literally nothing wrong with that. That is something you’re not allowed to dictate to others.
You judge a game like that. Others can judge it how they see fit. It’s perfectly logical to compare t to other similarly priced games and compare the content within. There’s literally nothing wrong with that. That is something you’re not allowed to dictate to others.

If anyone judges a games worth by content alone then they're going to miss out on a hell of a lot of good games, but you're right people can if they want, it's just not wise to do so. I could name a ton of games that are excellent and worth full price that have very little in the way of content and a ton of games with hours upon hours of content that are absolutely garbage.
If anyone judges a games worth by content alone then they're going to miss out on a hell of a lot of good games, but you're right people can if they want, it's just not wise to do so. I could name a ton of games that are excellent and worth full price that have very little in the way of content and a ton of games with hours upon hours of content that are absolutely garbage.
Who said alone? I said it’s fine to judge a game side by side with content in mind and come to the conclusion of which one you prefer. Like I said, you’re not allowed to dictate that. It’s perfectly wise. If I only have 60 dollars then it’s wise to compare what’s on the market given the content these games have. That’s more logical than you pretending that it’s not. Content is a range of things beyond just cars and tracks.
My only worry about microtransactions is, it takes away a bit from the idea that skill needs to be accrued before the highest power cars can be driven. IRL, unless a billionaire, no-one races an XJ13 with no experience. No-one steps into an R18 without having worked their way up the ladder. No-one sits in the cockpit of an F1 car before they have worked their way through the Formula cars.

But with microtransactions, the odds of meeting someone in a 20Mcr. car with zero skill are quite high. The 'Real' simulator needs a little more 'reality', IMO!

Admittedly, GTS (probably even more than previous GT's) makes it far easier to get into the highest power cars with zero skill - you only need complete some of the laughably easy Missions and Track School events to accrue enough for a way faster car than your experience level should allow when you first play the game. But the idea that, see someone in a 20Mcr. car and have no idea about their skill level, well, there goes the 'real'!

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