(I guess it's okay to double post since it's been a while since my last and it's a separate topic?)
I swear, it's the players that make this game bad, not the game itself

everyone, I mean,
everyone outside of GTP is talking about the new MTs like it's a bad thing. I'm pretty sure they don't even know the specifics of it. What the hell gives that makes MTs such a bad thing? The mention of MTs makes everyone so toxic I'm seriously considering tearing away all my online connections to any GTS community save for GTP because of it. The headlines and the way the media presents this news is very poor as well, GTP probably only being the only exception. This could've been done much more objectively and unbiased. I'm not gonna deny the fact that Kaz did break his no MT promise but really, are you really going to be that toxic over that? If it is enough of a reason, please, elaborate. I am very curious on your reasoning
It's not like it's only for GTS either- even Forza's getting so much flak for their prize crate system.
And you don't even have to pay for the damn thing. I'd understand if there are cars exclusive to the prize crates or that if there's a competitive advantage by doing so, but no there is absolutely none of that in prize crates. Hell, I don't play Forza but I know this stuff, why are their playerbase so ignorant (and if not, toxic) about this piece of information? Because there are some cars that used to be exclusive to prize crates? Turn 10 listened, and they took it out. Get over it already?
Thank God for GTP and its reasonable community. You guys are so rational to talk to compared to most other online communities I'm in