The GT Sport Livery Editor Competition 41 (the FORD effect) - CLOSED

  • Thread starter Cytoria
I know I'm fairly new to this little corner of GTPlanet, so please hear me out :bowdown:.

Part of the challenge of this contest is that it must be Sport mode compatible. Depending on your interpretation of this, your choice of how to go about it alters. I thought the part about using the provided sticker as optional made sense. And I feel changing that changes the whole thing.
You don't change rules to suit entries, you enter things which meet the rules, otherwise what is the point of having the rule in the first place!?

I would say a custom number sticker the same size in the same places is a big YES.
A plate that adds to the sticker when applied is a big YES.
A design where the application of the stickers makes a minimal impact on the design is a YES (making use of a negative space or only really covering up the background etc. is good.)

Edit: Speaking of amendments :sly:, as for the driver name element. I see nothing wrong with the "normal" rally style double driver stickers, as well as the provided one. or instead of 👍
The sticker board you use is optional although I’ve recommended using board 2. The entries made without the sport mode sticker did not influence this decision. This has been on my mind since I came up with the competition format. Your entry must be sport mode compatible, correct, but what I’m saying is, I would like to allow a design that shows the car in its best form without the number board, as they do tend to take up a lot of space, but the livery must stick to the rules. That’s why I’m asking if we can have a livery without it in the main pictures, but the sport mode compatibility image must be provided in the bonus images.

If you have any stickers coming out around the number board, your livery is therefor not compatible.
Like @Akwaaba entry, that’s a custom made board but it fits the in-game board so is absolutely fine.

I understand your point and appreciate it. But i just want the cars to look the best they can and sometimes sport mode compatibility can ruin that! So I’ve tried to find a way around it!
The sticker board you use is optional although I’ve recommended using board 2. The entries made without the sport mode sticker did not influence this decision. This has been on my mind since I came up with the competition format. Your entry must be sport mode compatible, correct, but what I’m saying is, I would like to allow a design that shows the car in its best form without the number board, as they do tend to take up a lot of space, but the livery must stick to the rules. That’s why I’m asking if we can have a livery without it in the main pictures, but the sport mode compatibility image must be provided in the bonus images.
As long as we still have the option to use the sticker of our choice or #2 in the main pictures too, I have no issues with making it mandatory to include sticker #2 In the bonus pictures 👍. In fact I give it my full support, it shows compliance with the theme and maintains the option for those who choose not to use it :).

Any official position on the use of the in-game driver name?
As long as we still have the option to use the sticker of our choice or #2 in the main pictures too, I have no issues with making it mandatory to include sticker #2 In the bonus pictures 👍. In fact I give it my full support, it shows compliance with the theme and maintains the option for those who choose not to use it :).

Any official position on the use of the in-game driver name?
Use any driver name you please. I find the in game names ugly
I got some Dirt Rally vibes in my head from this topic so I remembered there was a Blue/Yellow Quaife liveries for some cars. I tried to pick that up but also had a go at giving it a bit more pop with the colorshift paintjob and stripes. Driver names and license plates also are things mandatory for a rally car in my opinion so those had to go on there as well. Other than that however it‘s my usual terrible attempt at coming up with an original design :( But I guess with practise comes skill so maybe one day I‘ll be competitive :D
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Hi guys!

I'll speak for myself to not offend anyone. So this is my preference and my point of view. I love liveries for:
  • making the car to look good on the track, in a race (racing numbers are necessary) and not to contemplate it in a showroom or exhibition;
  • the car and driver to be personalized in a race (racing driver name).
Or, this competition is only for professional designers or/and artists and not useful for the (humble) racers like me.
No offense guys. Just trying to make the things better. :gtpflag:

Hi guys!

I'll speak for myself to not offend anyone. So this is my preference and my point of view. I love liveries for:
  • making the car to look good on the track, in a race (racing numbers are necessary) and not to contemplate it in a showroom or exhibition;
  • the car and driver to be personalized in a race (racing driver name).
Or, this competition is only for professional designers or/and artists and not useful for the (humble) racers like me.
No offense guys. Just trying to make the things better. :gtpflag:

We all enjoy liveries for different reasons. I’m no professional. I’d never designed a livery until gtsport! My artistic creativity was limited to colouring inside the lines in a book!
We all enjoy liveries for different reasons. I’m no professional. I’d never designed a livery until gtsport! My artistic creativity was limited to colouring inside the lines in a book!
I didn’t say anything about anyone. Just my preferences.

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So I had an idea, and it wasn’t this!

I’ve been working on ideas for an MGS3 livery and it was going to go on a rally car, so this competition seemed perfect, however... I couldn’t figure out how to make it actually look good! Not only that but I’d need a lot of time to put together images in the hope someone could then convert them, which would be slim.

So after a lot of trial and error, I gave up. Work is too intense at the moment for me to be able to be creative during the week and so this weekend was my best bet.

After some thinking I came up with this livery. Originally I thought it up as an Art Car with The Speed Of Light branding, but it turned out to be a fairly conventional livery. I wanted to use SoL in the last competition but couldn’t get it’s awkward logo to fit right... but I feel starting over and approaching it from a different angle has really helped!
As always I’ve tried to keep the car as realistic as possible and to have some Ford Rally details. As I know nothing about rallying I also seemed to have accidentally picked the same Driver and Co-Driver lineup as everyone else!

I might make a few changes here and there before uploading it, though given the liveries already submitted I’ve got little worries about winning! :lol:
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Hi guys!

I'll speak for myself to not offend anyone. So this is my preference and my point of view. I love liveries for:
  • making the car to look good on the track, in a race (racing numbers are necessary) and not to contemplate it in a showroom or exhibition;
  • the car and driver to be personalized in a race (racing driver name).
Or, this competition is only for professional designers or/and artists and not useful for the (humble) racers like me.
No offense guys. Just trying to make the things better. :gtpflag:

make things better for who? since you're only speaking for yourself i'm going to assume you're trying to make things better for you.
At least this time I won’t have any issue to switch liveries for the winners pictures!


Despite having so many of them, I made only one attempt on a livery for this car...


Do you remember the old days without the decal uploader? The side logo alone took more than 100 shapes.
make things better for who? since you're only speaking for yourself i'm going to assume you're trying to make things better for you.
Your use of proper capital letters, or lack thereof not withstanding...(which we'll get back to ;))...You do yourself a great disservice by assuming that there is only one reason for anyone to do anything. And an even bigger disservice to others, by assuming that the reason is always based on what one can do for one's self.
Not every person on the planet is in the business of serving only their own ego :mischievous:.

But to clear the air a little. And, whilst I don't usually like to speak for others (even when I do know what they are saying). I believe it has more to do with creating a fair system, with clearly defined rules* (I'll be getting back to this too ;)) being better for competition in general. And nothing to do with wanting the competition to work the way he wants before he enters. Largely because he doesn't make liveries :P.

And no, I didn't assume anything, I asked the question in an appropriate manner after his queries about the poll last time out :D. I find you tend to get the better and more truthful answers when you go to the source and ask nicely, than you do by assuming you know how they think already 👍.

Now back to the point from the beginning (capital letters ;)), The AUP for this site is a set of clearly defined rules. Put in place so everyone knows what conduct is expected of the people posting here. And still people violate them by posting in a manner outwith those rules. (I don't care about the capitals, it just served itself up too nicely :D)
Now, imagine how many more liberties people take when there are no clearly defined rules. Do you see the point yet?

It all is about fair-play, pure and simple. It's about competing without those open interpretations so that everyone is on an even keel to begin and all follow the same rules throughout. It's a pretty old concept, surprised you haven't heard of it :sly:. And I can assure you there is nothing personal about it as far as he's concerned. It's just who he is and what he's about :D:tup:.

I can also assure you from personal experience, and you don't need to look far to find evidence. That leaving things open to interpretation leads to most people struggling to find the right way, and those who serve only their own ego finding all the ways in the world to justify how they didn't do anything "technically" wrong. We're on a forum dedicated to racing games after all :lol:.

Now hopefully we are all clear and can get back to the regularly scheduled shenanigans :)👍.

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Thank you

So does this mean that you have to use a number plate, but it doesn't necessarily need to be 02?

Looking back through every ones entries majority of them have used number 02 numberplate and a couple have used the wrc numberplates
As I understand it. The use of any number plate at all is optional for the main entry (including the option to not use any). But the still bonus image must now have the #2 plate added even if you used no plate or a different plate for the official pictures.
