The GT Sport Livery Editor Competition 41 (the FORD effect) - CLOSED

  • Thread starter Cytoria
Your use of proper capital letters, or lack thereof not withstanding...(which we'll get back to ;))...You do yourself a great disservice by assuming that there is only one reason for anyone to do anything. And an even bigger disservice to others, by assuming that the reason is always based on what one can do for one's self.
Not every person on the planet is in the business of serving only their own ego :mischievous:.

But to clear the air a little. And, whilst I don't usually like to speak for others (even when I do know what they are saying). I believe it has more to do with creating a fair system, with clearly defined rules* (I'll be getting back to this too ;)) being better for competition in general. And nothing to do with wanting the competition to work the way he wants before he enters. Largely because he doesn't make liveries :P.

And no, I didn't assume anything, I asked the question in an appropriate manner after his queries about the poll last time out :D. I find you tend to get the better and more truthful answers when you go to the source and ask nicely, than you do by assuming you know how they think already 👍.

Now back to the point from the beginning (capital letters ;)), The AUP for this site is a set of clearly defined rules. Put in place so everyone knows what conduct is expected of the people posting here. And still people violate them by posting in a manner outwith those rules. (I don't care about the capitals, it just served itself up too nicely :D)
Now, imagine how many more liberties people take when there are no clearly defined rules. Do you see the point yet?

It all is about fair-play, pure and simple. It's about competing without those open interpretations so that everyone is on an even keel to begin and all follow the same rules throughout. It's a pretty old concept, surprised you haven't heard of it :sly:. And I can assure you there is nothing personal about it as far as he's concerned. It's just who he is and what he's about :D:tup:.

I can also assure you from personal experience, and you don't need to look far to find evidence. That leaving things open to interpretation leads to most people struggling to find the right way, and those who serve only their own ego finding all the ways in the world to justify how they didn't do anything "technically" wrong. We're on a forum we dedicated to racing games after all :lol:.

Now hopefully we are all clear and can get back to the regularly scheduled shenanigans :)👍.

well that was amazing. thankyou so much for helping me to feel confident in my decision from the previous comp to no longer enter the comps, i was about to post my entry for this one but then i read this post. the fun has been entirely sucked from the room thanks to the thinly veiled condescending tone of your gatekeeping rant

to everyone else who was here for fun, thankyou, i had a fantastic time creating with you all. i hope to see more of your amazing liveries over on gts
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At the risk of making myself look like a complete idiot to regulars in this forum (I've probably already done so) :dunce:, Sport Mode compatible sounds like a made up term, and it's still not clear to me what the author's intended definition is.
Liveries that are not sport mode compatible have the standard numberboard plastered on the car‘s side above any sponsor or other main stickers of the design. For example this isn‘t whereas these are. I hope this cleared up your confusion :)
I think I get it, now. You should put that number on there, then work around it with your other decals.
Thank you for the help. 👍
well that was amazing. thsnkyou so much for helping me to feel confident in my decision from the previous comp to no lomger enter the comps, i was about to post my entry for this one but then i read this post. the fun has been entirely sucked from the room thanks to the thinly veiled condescending tone of your gatekeeping rant

to everyone else who was here for fun, thankyou, i had a fantastic time creating with you all. i hooe to see more of your amazing liveris over on gts

That’s a shame, I really enjoyed your work and it’s never really a real competition without a black, white and pink livery!

I hope you’ll join us again. I’ve largely ignored many of the sillier posts in these threads because, I couldn’t give a ****. The enjoyment is from making it. I used to get frustrated with not being overly successful in the polls, but I’ve since stopped caring and actually gotten more success.

Alright I’m rambling... but I hope to see your liveries again as I really enjoyed them :cheers:
I’ve made my rules, if you don’t like it, don’t enter.

I’d rather not involve myself with the posts that seem to be stabbing at the fun, just ignore them.

As for the sport mode compatibility, whether or not the gr.b is ever going to show on a daily or not, I want the bonus ‘still’ shot to have the number board. That’s that. I set the rules, that’s how it is. I’m sorry some may not like the way it is, but that’s just how I’ve set it out. There’s nothing wrong with adjusting your entry so that the main images don’t have the sport mode board. But I just wanted the cars to play by a certain rule.
I’ve made my rules, if you don’t like it, don’t enter.

I’d rather not involve myself with the posts that seem to be stabbing at the fun, just ignore them.

As for the sport mode compatibility, whether or not the gr.b is ever going to show on a daily or not, I want the bonus ‘still’ shot to have the number board. That’s that. I set the rules, that’s how it is. I’m sorry some may not like the way it is, but that’s just how I’ve set it out. There’s nothing wrong with adjusting your entry so that the main images don’t have the sport mode board. But I just wanted the cars to play by a certain rule.

Others may disagree, but I think I do my best work, when I don't have an initial plan. I took this car into the editor a couple days ago, with no idea what I was going to do. I like using special colors, in this case Y1 Candy, and doing stripes or whatever over the top. I started out just working with the lines of the car, and actually had something different on the sides. After a couple hours of laying out most of the black, and white, Flying Tiger came to mind, since rally cars spend a decent amount of time, catching air. So made up the decals to go along with that. Tried to maintain the cat feel, using the number 9, and the driver's name of F. Line, which is obviously FeLine, and no cat driver can be without a good spotter/co driver, barking directions. Who better to spot for you, than K. Nine.

I had a lot of fun with this one, hope you enjoy it too.

Livery link.....
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well that was amazing. thankyou so much for helping me to feel confident in my decision from the previous comp to no longer enter the comps, i was about to post my entry for this one but then i read this post. the fun has been entirely sucked from the room thanks to the thinly veiled condescending tone of your gatekeeping rant

to everyone else who was here for fun, thankyou, i had a fantastic time creating with you all. i hope to see more of your amazing liveries over on gts
What the 🤬 is going on??

I haven't followed everything, my English isn't so good so when tired I don't always read long posts :D but you're not saying you stop playing with us just because of someone telling you things you didn't like?!

Please let's all just be serious...

Waiting for your entry dude! ;)

Edit : just a few words to @D-Max :
To be honest I don't understand why do you absolutely want us to put the #2 GT plate number.
To me, "Sport mode compatible" means the design won't be ruined by these plates, and I do think it is a good idea, a good rule for the comp, but as long as we all use the same car, it's easy to see if the livery is compatible or not.

But as you said, you make the rules and we accept them or not, but I still wanted to say that, so I did! :D :cheers:
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I think it's time to sit down a little. Don't forget that even if it's a competition, it's all about having fun in a friendly community!

Firstly, to clarify "what a sport mode compatible livery is", check this post and @daan 's tweet :
Sport Mode and GT League events use the Number Plate type 01 with mandatory placement. If you draw a custom number plate on your livery or place sponsors randomly, they may end up half-covered or not covered at all which will make it looks weird. We usually say « Sport mode compatible » or « Sport mode friendly » when the custom number plate and sponsors are placed where the GT plate type 01 will fit without denaturing the overall design. It’s easy on some cars but very hard on others (the 911 RSR for example has a very small type 01, or the Corvette has it in the middle of the door).

We usually set this rule when we ask for original designs. We all rant against this particular GT Sport limitation yet it exists so we tend to accept it and to build our liveries with it when possible. It ensure that, if shared and used online or in the GT League events, your liveries will always be in their best form.

Drivers names are not mandatory because they are much less visible, their size largerly depends on your ID, and the A-pillar and arches are less likely to harbor main design elements.

Secondly, as the guy who get to find the more themes yet, I have to say that it is not that easy. You need to be open enough to attract people and offer creativity, and at the same time precise enough to focus the entries on one specific and comparable standard. You'll always have people not satisfied with the car choice, the limitations. You'll always have people who tend to find the loophole in the rules. I mean, look at my "Speed Demons" theme : I set the minimum speed at 300kph to see supercars/hypercars only, yet we've seen a bunch of 290-295kph cars, and even a Hyundai officially given at 260kph yet capable of 301kph in the downhill of Route X... I won't be as harsh as @D-Max but rules are there for a reason, the goal is to challenge yourself, to have a frame. If you want more freedom, you can have your own take at the theme and post it in the general thread, like we sometimes do.

Or, this competition is only for professional designers or/and artists and not useful for the (humble) racers like me.
No offense guys. Just trying to make the things better. :gtpflag:

Well, the goal of these threads is indeed to challenge players/designers (not so professional) to a specific idea. You won't look at an architecture photo contest if you're searching for nice travel photos ;).

On a side note, good luck finding a Sport Mode race to enter with a Gr.B car. :lol:
The Gr.B daily races are quite rare, but you have the Gr.B GT League events which use the mandatory type 01 plate.

well that was amazing. thankyou so much for helping me to feel confident in my decision from the previous comp to no longer enter the comps, i was about to post my entry for this one but then i read this post. the fun has been entirely sucked from the room thanks to the thinly veiled condescending tone of your gatekeeping rant

to everyone else who was here for fun, thankyou, i had a fantastic time creating with you all. i hope to see more of your amazing liveries over on gts
If you're not having fun making liveries, it's totally fine that you can leave. But if you're not having fun because of some nitpicking posts, I'm not gonna accept it :D

It's too bad that this kind of conversation eclipse the quality of the entries so far. I'll update the OP too to clarify the rules, hopefully everything will be settle down for the rest of the round.


@teensonacid hope you do return, its a big loss if you go.

As for the other stuff may I politely suggest that we just accept the rules and get on with it, people put a lot of thought and effort into picking a theme and while others will, of course, have their own views the theme rules are not open for debate otherwise we'd spend half the time debating them, instead of creating great liveries.

Don't get me wrong I often don't agree a theme's criteria, the interpretation others make of a theme or half of what goes on with how people vote because it's about all about personal views. However, if we all shout about wanting something different every time a new theme goes up we'd never get to the fun bit of actually creating the liveries.

So please accept the theme and the wishes of its creator, get your best creative pants on and get to work :cheers:
Firstly, to clarify "what a sport mode compatible livery is", check this post and @daan 's tweet ( ... )
So it's exactly what I think "Sport Mode Compatible" is supposed to be, and as I said before, I could have understood the mandatory photo with the GT plate number if we all had different cars, but with the Mustang for everyone I feel this point isn't useful for this round.

But it's OK, it is what it is, I won't bore you anymore with this I promise! :D

Ah and thanks for your whole post, it had to be said, and you did it well!
Sorry if this does not belong here.
But when I wanted to load my livery for this week I got an error message that some decals couldn't be loaded. I also cant search for decals and liveries etc.

Is this a known problem and can it be fixed without losing any progress?
It's because either you or somebody else deleted a decal he had once uploaded and that you used on your livery. All of these decals will be "invisible" once you reload the editor and get said message. I don't know if any settings like size, position or color are being kept if you replace the gone decal with another one.
If your whole design is gone since it based heavily on some user made decals that are now deleted you're unfortunately in bad luck :indiff:
I don't know if any settings like size, position or color are being kept if you replace the gone decal with another one.
Color I don't know but size and position still "remain".

It happened to me with "my" Jugà Coursa logo which was made by someone else.
I've just had to replace the disappeared decal by the new one and it came back where the old one were supposed to be.

But it seems that his problem isn't this simple...
Well, the goal of these threads is indeed to challenge players/designers (not so professional) to a specific idea. You won't look at an architecture photo contest if you're searching for nice travel photos ;).
You're right. 👍 And I was/am too. ;) I just wanted to guide the flow of creation to a practical direction. :)

Wouldn't you all - talented creators, like, that your hard worked gems, to be taken to the racing tracks and be used, seen and enjoyed by a lot of other people too? 💡


I'm sure I'm at the right place. It's just those artists... ;) :P 👍

Michelin Mustang- Colin McRae Tribute car for the 2022 Portugal Rally

Link to livery:

This is my Michelin Mustang tribute to the late, great Colin McRae. In September 2022, the Ford Rally team (which has now run the Mustang for the past year in the WRC) wanted to mark the 15th anniversary of Colin's untimely death by creating a one-off livery for the Portugal leg of that years WRC. The car carries Colin's number and for this one event, his name (and that of co-driver Derek Ringer) on the front wing. As a long-time partner of Ford, Michelin helped design the livery with inspiration from the rally cars of Colin's era, predominantly in the 80's and 90's.

I'll be honest I really struggled with this car, I love the Mustang but the rally version just looks a bit off imo and has some tricky lines to work with. But I like a challenge and after mocking up 4 liveries with different designs (I had a K&N one, a Repsol one, another Michelin one and a Monster one) I took a step back and revised what I was looking to do. For me, rally designs, at least for most of the sport's history, are not remotely complicated or flashy. They are often simple, with block colours, simple lines and sporadic sponsor placement. So, inspired by the era when I first started watching rally (80's and 90's) I wanted to create a classic livery, striking to the eye yet not complicated or featuring the 'cool style' decals of today. I'm pretty happy with the result and hope you enjoy it too :cheers:
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