Thanks Terronium. At first, I wasn't sure if I really liked it or not, but it grew on me pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I got as little heavy handed with the saturation on the pics, and now when I look at them, instead of looking color enhanced, they look color-ized. But darn it, the Forza site drains out half the color for some stupid reason. For a fairly old software company, MS really is quite sucky at almost everything.
Yep, Die Hard.
And here we go with the 360 issues with a Forza game again. Last time, it was shifting liveries, a garage which could crash your 360, and an Auction House that could get you banned from Live if you happen to loose your connection while in it. I really dig Forza, and I wouldn't sell my 360 even though I couldn't care less about the 360 library otherwise, but this rushed, buggy stuff from T10 is getting a little old. Maybe "definitive" covers game issues too, because these are definitively lame. My various folders are about 90 seconds to load now.
It does seem that it scrolls a little faster by about a second if you push through one at a time and let them load, rather than holding the pad down. I hope they get something resolved, because I'm just getting started, and I intend to have a ton of decals, liveries, replays, photos, cars... everything.
Oh, and about the USB stuff. They blame it on security issues, not being able to plug USB drives or other things in, but it seems they don't want a repeat of what happened with the XBox. People found out you could crack it easily, and tens of thousands of them got purchased to use as cheap servers and other computing tasks. MS just about had kittens when they found out, because they make their money with game and peripheral sales, and Live. And they're determined the same thing won't happen with the 360. So far so good, but we, the honest consumer, are screwed because of it.